Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Sukiyaki on Christmas Morning


Merry Christmas to all!

This morning I woke up hearing Sukiyaki in the air.  I was surprised.  Sukiyaki on the morning of Christmas?  Later in the morning, I could not hum a tune of the music.  This was the third time I woke up hearing this piece of music.  (Re my post  Why did I wake up hearing a song about Japanese food? published in June, 2018) 

In Divine Inspiration and Co-creation , I felt inspired to use my own words as I listened to the music O Come, O Come, Emmanuel played by the Piano Guys.  As if making a song of my own, I could now easily and joyfully sing the song at will.  A few months ago, I woke up hearing 500 Miles (Peter, Paul and Mary version).  I only knew it was 500 miles, and did not know the lyrics.  I listened to it online. 

If you miss the train I'm on
You will know that I am gone
You can hear the whistle blow
A hundred miles
A hundred miles
A hundred miles
A hundred miles
A hundred miles
You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles

Immediately, I felt the beginning of the song was sad.  I decided to change it.

I'll get on the train you are on
And join the lightworkers gathered there
We go anywhere as guided
to anchor light
We go east
We go south
We go west
We go north
Where there is a need of us, we'll be there

I called this song A Train of Lightworkers

As with the O Come, O Come, Emmanuel song, I had since sung my version of 500 Miles (A Train of Lightworkers) when I was in the mood to sing.  As for Sukiyaki , I still had a hard time recalling the tune when the music was not on.  I did not feel the need to do anything as I did with the other two songs.  Why did I hear Sukiyaki this Christmas morning?  I did not understand.  Would I ever know why?  Time would tell.

                                            ~       ~       ~       ~       ~       ~

I have recently edited my posts on the 2006 Camp Chesterfield trip.  Here are the links to the posts.

A Man's Face on the Moon Card Saved My Day
We are all much more than who we appear to be
Don't be too critical of ourselves and others

It is a nice Christmas.  The weather is calm, and there is no snow.  It is a joy to see my loved ones. 

Peace and blessings,
Q of D 

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