Monday, May 13, 2019

He said, "Go to work now!"


I began to  borrow many spiritual books from the library in 2000 because I wanted to find some answers to my strange / mystical experiences.  Among the books I read in those early days were Seth Speaks and a few books by Madame Helena Blavatsky.  As I had mentioned, I liked to read stories.  I found Blavatsky's books hard to read / absorb.  Frankly, my human mind remembered very little of what I read except the story part about her.  I read the books because I loved and respected her for how she conducted herself in life.  She did not concern herself with how others judged her and totally focused on her mission.         

A while back, I learned online about a lecture on Vedic and western astrology by a couple that was well-known in this field.  I had read about them in spiritual magazines many years ago or long before I subscribed for the Internet.  The lecture would be held in a Theosophical Society center, a society that Helena Blavatsky and others founded over a hundred years ago.  I wanted to visit the center and hear the lecture.  However, the center was in a city that I had not been to, and it was an event at night.  I set aside my desire of going there for I had not driven at night by myself since last December.  (In Gateway to Heaven I had mentioned Helena Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society.)

I did not tell my son about the lecture because he usually had something to do on that particular night of the week.  If I told him, he might feel obligated to drive me there.  About two weeks before the lecture, my son said he would be free for some weeks on that particular night.  He said he could drive if I wanted to go somewhere.  I took it as a blessing from the divine, and signed up for the event.

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Upon entering, I saw a picture of Helena Blavatsky on the wall.  Mentally, I greeted her.  It was a small center crowded with people.  After we sat down, the couple gave tickets with numbers to all that came.  I realized they might give short readings near the end of the lecture.

I enjoyed the lecture.  The couple had been giving workshops, readings and talks for forty years.  Many of us laughed and felt joy in their harmonious, joyful presence.

About half an hour before the gathering was over, the man said they were going to give readings.  They would asked people to randomly pick a ticket from a hat, and whosoever got a matching number might choose to have a long or short reading.  Earlier, my son had shown me his ticket number and asked to see mine.  I thought our tickets had consecutive numbers because he received his right before me.  It was not the case.  Did I want to be read?  There were things I wanted answers, but I did not want a reading in public.  Therefore, I intentionally put the ticket in the left pocket of my trousers.  (On the occasions that I wish to be read, I usually held the ticket in my hand.)

The first person chose to have a short reading.  The facilitator threw some colorful crystals or beads (not sure what they were) onto a chart and began giving his interpretation / reading.  To me, it was somewhat like divination.  Later, six or seven more people that got matching tickets also chose to have short readings.  I looked at the time.  The gathering was almost over.  I looked at Helena Blavatsky's picture.  I thought, "Okay, I change my mindIf my number is drawn, let me hear what I need to hearLet me have some answers to the thing that is troubling me."  Despite of my change of mind, I did not really think it was going to happen.   (Yes, I observed how conflicting my human mind was.)

Soon I heard they said a number.  I did not respond for I had to get the ticket out of my left pocket to make sure that was my number.  It was.  The man asked, "Are you working?"  I answered, "No, I am not."  He said, "Go to work nowIt is important . . ."  His wife added, "You may even get a little bit of fame because of your work . . ."

They talked about the problem of the place we lived in.  This was quite interesting.  In their readings, they had told others that the place they lived in was good or had good energy.  When they read me, they urged us to make the necessary repairs and clear the space.  They were a 100% correct.  They talked about my relationship.  I could not say they were right or wrong.  Or, if what they told me was what I needed to hear.

It was a good thing that my son had gone there with me.  Since there was no place to park, he had to park a distance away.  It was quite a walk in the dark to get to the car after the gathering was over.  I would not have been comfortable if I had to walk by myself.

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He said, "Go to work now!"  It reminded me of an incident that happened while I was with the small church.  It was the quarterly healing service, and I was one of the healers.  When the service was over, a woman stopped me while I was walking back to my seat.  She said, "You are a healer!  Why are you working in a cafeteria?"  I was shocked.  How did she know I worked in a cafeteria?  Who was she?  Hearing no response from me, she walked away.  On another Sunday after a healing service, a man stood before me.  He bowed his head three times, and said, "I see the Christ in you.  I bow to the Christ in you."  Not knowing what to do, I said, "I greet the Christ in you too."  Looking back, I realized I should have talked to them and asked for their advice.

I asked to hear what I needed to hear.  I heard "go to work now".  For days, I thought "but, I don't know what to do!"  I let go of the thought now.

It is time to go to work!  I affirm I know what to do and where to go.  I have all the love and support from the loving Divine.  And, I am grateful.

Q of D

P.S.  The husband and wife are vedic astrology scholars.  I learned online the wife is also a long time spiritualist minister and a medium that has the gifts of clairvoyance and clairaudience.  I believe her husband has the gifts too.

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