Tuesday, June 25, 2019

The Rocky Road


In  On the first day of summer 2019 , positive thoughts (or affirmations) came one after another at the very instant I got out of my dream.  The continuous wholesome thoughts totally replaced the emotions that I felt in the dream.  It was a good new experience.

I had another dream about two hours before the dream in the morning.  I did not mention it in my last post because I was captivated by the experience of the latter dream.  The earlier dream was interesting too.

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This was the last part of the earlier dream.     

Rosie and I were inside a huge building structure.  I was not familiar with that place, but Rosie was.  It seemed that was where Rosie had been.

Later, we got out of the building structure.  Rosie, knowing the place well, walked a short distance ahead of me to show me the way to get out of there.  She led me to a wide rocky road.  The whole road was filled with rocks in irregular sizes and shapes.  Some rocks were big, some were small, and some were pointed that could cut into people's feet.  Some people (not a lot) were walking on the road.  They walked quietly and slowly watching their every step.  There was dread or heaviness in the air.

At one point, Rosie led me to a narrow rocky path by the side of the cliff.  When Rosie got back onto the wide rocky road, I remained where I was, i.e. right by the cliff.

Rosie called out to me, "Come on, get back on the rocky road."

I asked, "Is the rocky road the only way to get down to the paved ground?"

Rosie replied, "Yes!  The rocky road is the only way to get back down on the paved ground."

I said, "It is no way that there is only one way.  There must be other ways."

Rosie said, "Come back here!  Don't you see others on the rocky road?  This is the only way to get down to the paved ground!  Everybody walks on the rocky road, and you can make it too."

I looked at her.  I totally believed the rocky road was not the only way, and it was not necessary to walk through it.  I stepped into the space / air by the cliff.  When the paved ground was in sight, I used my feet to lightly touch the cliff to slow down the speed I was falling.  Like a feather in the air, I landed on the ground with ease.

The last scene -  In great disbelief, Rosie asked, "How did you do that?" I smiled and said, "I always believe there is not just one way to do this or that.  There are many different ways.  I have faith that the loving divine never meant for us to suffer.  The rocky road is a hard one, and it is one's choice which road to take.  There is no right or wrong whichever road we take.  However, any time you choose to go on another route, please know that it is quite alright."

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In the dream, I was totally at ease and at peace as I floated down the cliff.  There was not a bit of fear.  I landed on the ground with my feet lightly touched the ground as if I was weightless.  I smiled recalling the feeling of that moment.  Then I thought of Rosie.  (Re Gateway to Heaven and He who dances on wood )  When Rosie turned to religion, she completely believed in what she heard at church that only Christians could go to heaven.  Since then she had been living in pain and fear worrying that her loved ones would go to hell.  I wondered if this dream did happen in another dimension, and if it had any effect on Rosie.  I knew Rosie had been going through another hard situation in recent months.  I prayed that she would choose to live in peace instead of pain and fear.

Love and Peace,
Q of D

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