Monday, July 15, 2019

A Remarkable Coincidence


I had gone to a few gatherings in recent weeks.

It is good to have a reliable car for which I am very grateful.  I feel the freedom of going places especially now that I have a GPS device.  I have not yet gone to any event at night.  For now, I only drive to cities that are close to where I live.  (In my experience, the GPS device is not a 100% reliable.  It had given me wrong directions.  Luckily, I knew my way home.)

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A couple of weeks ago, I went to a church.  Before I went there, I made a promise to myself that I would try to talk a little with anyone.  When I was in a new environment, I often (not as much now) left without saying a word.  I wanted to break the pattern.

The church was much bigger than the small church that I called my spiritual home.  Not many people were there that Sunday.  When the service was over, I looked at those near me with a smile.  They smiled back.  However, some got ready to leave and some turned to talk with their friends / family.  The pastor and the speaker looked in my direction.  They knew I was new.  They did not stay by the entrance to shake hands with the congregation as some churches did.  Since those near me were walking out of the chapel, I did too.

I stood in the lobby thinking about the promise I made.  A few were talking among themselves.  I decided to let go and leave.  At that very moment, a kind, gentle looking woman appeared before me.  She introduced herself and asked if it was my first time there.  We talked for a short while.  For her kindness, I decided to give her a hug before I left.  We actually stayed in the embrace for quite a while.  Afterward, she said, "Oh, you have very, very good energy!  I am a Reiki master . . . . ."  She said the church served drinks and light breakfast.  She invited me to stay and talk.

We had quite a conversation.  It turned out her son and my son worked in a similar field.  During our conversation, she said, "You are a natural healer.  You don't have to learn healing as we do . . .I was shocked because another friend also said similar words about 13 years ago.
In my other posts, I had mentioned the teacher of the Thursday circle said in July 2005 that my guide had been urging her to tell me to learn a healing art.  At the time I was not ready to follow the guidance.  A year and a half later, I finally asked my guides to bring me a teacher.  (Re More on my journey as a channel of spiritual energy healing and My experience)  With so many different healing modalities, I did not know what to choose.  
In October, 2006, I went to a body, mind and spirit festival.  I stopped at a friend's booth to ask for her advice.  She was a Reiki Master and was very intuitive.  She only came to the circle once in a while because she lived in another county.  I believed she was a registered nurse (retired).  She had said she visited patients in the hospital and gave them Reiki.  When I asked for her advice about healing modality, she paused for a while as if she was listening.  Then she said, "Oh, you don't have to learn healing like us.  You are a natural healer . . . "  I did not know what to make of what she said for my guide had told me to learn a healing art.  I eventually understood going to the March 2007 2-day healing workshop was a process to uncover what was within
It was a remarkable coincidence because they were both Reiki masters and had the same first name!  The kind woman that I just met seemed to be very intuitive too.  Later in a group discussion, I saw the wonderful spiritual teacher that she was.

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After He said, "Go to work now!" , I felt I did not know what to do or how to make it happen.
In a gathering, a woman said she paid quite some money learning different levels of a healing art.  She spent eight years practicing healing among her family and friends before she took the master class.  She was now a certified healing master but not yet a professional healer.  She found it upsetting that some people claimed themselves as healers after taking part in a healing workshop that lasted for a few hours or a day or two. 
She was not alone in her opinion.  Many people saw experiences and earthly qualifications as proof of one's capability.  Her view might be off, but to some extent, I understood or accepted that would be the view of some people toward healers. 
For weeks, I examined my attitude.  Did I feel I was qualified as a healer?  Or more accurately, did I want to work as a healer?

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Was it a coincidence that I met this sister at church who happened to say similar words as another sister did thirteen years ago?

In truth and love, I share with you my experience, and will continue to do so.

Many blessings,
Q of D

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