Thursday, November 14, 2019

What Is Love?


In a gathering, a woman raised her hand and asked the workshop facilitator, "What is love?"  Hearing the question, some laughed under their breath wondering how the young facilitator would respond to such a question.  Lightheartedly, the facilitator sang the title of a song (that was about love).  We all laughed.

                                                   "What is love?"

It was a big question.  There was probably no one answer that might satisfy the one who asked.  The facilitator shared with us his wisdom.  As expected, the woman asked some more questions.  At one point, I raised my hand to share my view.  It was not that I thought my words could explain what love was.  I said it because the woman might be open to another point of view.  Later, the facilitator said, "to me, love is in the air we breath; love is in the clouds in the sky . . . . .", and moved on with the workshop.  Personally, I liked his poetic words of love.

I did not write this post to explain 'what is love' for I could not.  Many spiritual seekers accepted we were love, but no words could convey fully all that were of love.  In my view, love must be experienced or recognized.  Since we experienced love / life from different levels of awareness, one's words on love might be perceived as vague or meaningless by another.

I wrote this post because I remembered a message about love channeled through Natalie Glasson.  In the message, the being wanted us to ask ourselves a question.

"What is the difference between the love of your being and the love of my being?"

On that day, I closed my eyes and contemplated on the question before I continued reading the message.  I would share with you the message in my next post. 

The above-mentioned workshop was one of the most interesting workshops I had been to.  The facilitator was a healer, psychic and author.  In his workshop, he talked about a 14-chakra system.  He could see a lot in one's energy field such as past lives and experiences that affected that person.  He said if a particular chakra was dominant or out of balance, it had a great impact on one's way of functioning in life.  For example, one that was functioning from the heart chakra might have very different views from one that had a dominant sacral chakra.  He demonstrated his point by casually talking to a few in the audience.  He was quite accurate.  His words were assuring and aiming toward healing.  From his workshop, we learned some people might seemed self-centered, but it was their way of handling life.

"What is love?"  "What is the difference between the love of your being and others?"  If you have time, please think about theses questions.  Please know that there is no right or wrong answers. 

Q of D  (Please click Happy 2020 to view the channeled message of love.)

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