Monday, October 28, 2019

Last Post on Attributes


In my post The Word Attribute , I shared that this word came through to replace the word 'personality' while I was writing my journal.  Other than an interesting dream on attribute on April 11, 2019, I also recalled two incidents that had something to do with attributes.  They happened while I was living in the other state.

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One day in 2010 or 2011, my friends invited me to go with them to visit their friend who was not feeling well.  They said this friend talked to angels and was quite an artist.  In her house, I saw many beautiful pictures hanging on the walls.  Later, we sat down to talk and have some tea.  As my friends were talking, this friend suddenly turned to me and said, "Oh! Courage and strength are your attributes!"  As if she had not said anything out of the ordinary, she joined in the talk with my friends.  My friends might not have paid attention or heard what she said, but I was stunned.
In Dec. 2001, I had a phone reading by a known angel channel that lived in another state.  When I inquired about my connection with a being, I was told the being and I had similar life experiences - we were rejected / denied by groups / families saying we did not belong / qualify, and we had to fight to prove that we were; the being had taken me under her arm as her personal child for we had the same courage and strength.
As I always had been, I did not ask this new friend why she said what she said on that day.

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After My Big Moment of Embarrassment , I was more at ease at church.  I made a few friends.  Looking back, the events that happened in the following months (Nov. and Dec. 2007) were like a movie.  If you are new to my blog, please click to view the following posts that were published some years ago.

I said 'No' three times on this Sunday
Archangel Metatron and the healing session
It is in the not knowing that makes life intriguing

On April 13, 2008, Sunday, powerful energy surged me and moved me to get out of my seat to work on a woman that sat on the last pew.  The human I was somewhat relieved that she did not seem to notice I was working on her.  Her attention was on the Sunday service.  Afterward, I went back to my seat.  When the Sunday service was over, I left right away.

Two Sundays later, I participated in the quarterly healing service for the second time.  The following Sunday (May 4, 2008) I had planned to go to Unity Church, but I 'got' it I should go to the small church.  After the service, the woman that I was guided to work on in April came to me.  She said she talked to a pastor about her health problems, and the pastor (** see note at the bottom of the post) suggested for her to have a healing session with me.  She said she had been with the Christ Consciousness study group on Sundays before service since Oct. 2007.  She asked if I could come early next Sunday to join the class, and worked on her afterward.

It turned out the Christ Consciousness class was almost over.  The pastor kindly printed out the notes for the entire course (44 pages) for me to read at home.  The course was based on the book 'The Christ Is Born in You' by Kim Michaels.  From the notes, I learned the teachings in the book came through Kim from Jesus Christ.  Jesus and Kim had worked closely in other lifetimes.  Kim was a good messenger because he did not have a need for self-aggrandizement, power and control.  Below were some excerpts from the last two pages of the notes.
Obviously, some people could not serve as messengers, because their personalities and beliefs would distort the message. 
He (Kim) and I (Jesus) form a unique soul-polarity whereby we complement and balance each other.  I am direct, and he is gentle.
Every soul is created from a spiritual flame.  My flame (Jesus) has the qualities of power and truth, and I expressed those qualities during my mission.  That is why the New Testament records that I "taught with authority." 
Kim's flame has the qualities of love and truth.  When I speak through him, his love balances my power and we achieve something that none of us could achieve alone.
As I read the notes, I understood why 'attributes' came through to replace 'personality' when I was writing my journal.  Attributes might not be the same as human traits / personal characters.  When we talked about personality, we used words such as introvert, extrovert, strong, weak, courageous, kind, mean, jealous, self-centered, materialistic, uncaring or compassionate to describe other's personal character.  Most of us had lived numerous lifetimes.  In my dream experience, I had some past-life dreams (or other lifetime dreams).  Sometimes the dreams helped me to understand my past connection with this or that person that appeared in my current life.  I had observed myself with similar personality as I was now in some of the dreams, and had seen myself with very different personality in a few of the past life dreams too.

In writing this post, I looked up the definition of attributes online.  There were many definitions, and I found this definition interesting -

An attribute is a quality or characteristic given to a person, group, or some other thing.

We were not just the human beings we appeared to be.  We were souls / spirits in bodies living a life on earth.  We came from the same Source / Creator.  We were equal by nature, yet were unique in our own ways.  Each one of us carried certain aspects / divine qualities / divine energetic attributes, abilities, and talents to show in this world.  As human beings, we did not remember who we truly are / were.  We often faltered and created chaos in life.  We had to remember earth was a school.  We were actors or actresses in A Play on the Stage of Life .  (I had this dream years ago.  It helped me a lot in letting go and looking at life differently.)

It might be hard for us to perceive our own divinity or others' divinity.  Sometimes we wish bad people would burn in hell or would never born on earth again.  I had heard such a story.  A man was a priest at a big church.  There were many priests at the church.  He was the most popular priest because the congregation loved to hear his talks.  However, he felt something was amiss.  He felt the church was too strict and intolerant of some that came.  Most of all, he felt 'god is love' while the church always stressed on fearing god.  After some soul searching, he chose to leave the church.  One day in his meditation, he saw himself as a minister in his previous / other lifetime.  In that lifetime, his teaching was dogmatic and focused mainly in spreading fear of god; many people ended up living in fear and pain because of him.  He 'got'' that he came into this lifetime to make amends, speak the truth, and deliver the message of love.  Since then, he had been a well loved spiritual teacher and speaker at many interfaith churches.  He was also a professional counselor who had helped many on their journey of life.

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October is almost over. I have gone to some interesting events by myself.  It may not be a big deal to most, but it is to me.

The fire in California is still raging.  Let us pray for California and people that live there.

Love and peace,
Q of D

** It was the same pastor I mentioned in It is in the not knowing that makes life intriguing .  He was also the one that gave me the healing service DVD in A Beautiful Pink Fish on the back of a White Dove . 

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