Friday, July 31, 2020

Caterpillars and A White BMW


Two days after seeing four BMW s, we went shopping again.  On our way to a store, I did not think about BMW cars at all.  To me, what happened that day was simply a coincidence or one of those strange days.

We arrived at the store.  My husband pulled into a parking space.  I got out of the car.  Immediately, I noticed a BMW was parked next to the car opposite to ours!  I thought, "What!  Are there that many people that drive BMW s?"  I did not say anything to my husband for he would not see it as a coincidence.  As we walked toward the entrance of the store, I could not help but looked at some of the cars that I walked past.  I did not see anymore BMW.

We finished shopping.  Before we got into our car, I saw a BMW moved into a parking space across (not opposite) from where we parked!  If we came out of the store a minute or two early, we could have left the parking lot before that BMW arrived.  

In the weeks (or months?) that followed, I would see BMW s in such a way that really drew my attention.  The following incident is another example.

We stopped at a red light.  Our car was the third car behind the red light.  While waiting for the traffic light to turn green, the car in front of us (i.e. the second car behind the red light) suddenly moved over to the next lane / right lane.  Right away, I saw the first car was a BMW.  I let out a joyful laugh.  I said to my husband, "The second car moved to the other lane so that I can see the first car is a BMW!"  My husband said, "No, that car moves to the right lane because it is about to make a right turn."  When the light turned green, the BMW stayed in front of us for only a short while.  Soon it turned left to get into a shop on the other side of the road.  Meanwhile, the second car remained on the right lane for some more miles and did not turn right as my husband had assumed.  When we made a left turn into a shopping center, the car was still in the right lane.

Did I see BMW s all the time?  No.  Most of the days I did not see any BMW.  I also did not hold the intention of seeing a BMW.

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In early July, I got an email from the assistant of the lecturer.  A woman who attended the 8-week lecture series wanted to get in contact with me.  After hearing what the lecturer said of me, the woman wanted me to give her a healing session.  (Re my post Sometimes I never know how a day is going to be )

After a few email exchange, we decided to meet in a park, a park that both of us had not been to.  I arrived early.  I parked my car in the middle of the parking lot.  I saw two cars at the farther end of the parking lot, and no one seemed to be inside.  My phone rang.  She said she had arrived and asked where I parked.  To put a long story short, I almost did not believe my ears when she said, "I drive a white BMW."

She had brought two chairs for us to sit in the center of some trees.  We wore masks and sat some feet apart as per the governor's order.  Soon more and more people came to play in the park.

While we were talking, she saw a big caterpillar fell on my shirt.  She picked up a leaf and gently used it to remove the caterpillar from my shirt.  Later, a couple of caterpillars climbed onto my pants and another one (or two) fell on my shirt.  Other than giving her a healing session, we talked for almost two hours.  When we were about to leave, I saw a small caterpillar fell on her.  She was happy because caterpillar symbolized transformation.  

During the June online lecture, I wrote I did not like attention.  She took it as I was shy.  She said she had helped a friend to get rid of her shyness.  She volunteered to help me too.  Personally, I did not regard myself as shy, but many of my American friends thought that I was.  I thanked her for wanting to help me because I always appreciated other's good intention.

Before we parted ways, both of us hoped to meet again when the pandemic was over.

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The weather has been nice.  Most mornings I go out for a walk.  I hope you are enjoying the summer too.

Love and Peace,
Q of D

Thursday, July 30, 2020

What have BMW cars got to do with me! ! ! ! !


I did not know much about cars such as car models or makes.  Of course, when I saw a Jeep, I know it was a Chrysler; it was the same with some of the GM / Ford cars and trucks.

One day a couple of years ago, we were on our way to an Oriental store.  My husband suddenly said, "The car in front of us is a Cadillac."  I asked, "How do you know?"  He said, "Don't you see the logo at the back (of the car)?"  Since that day, my husband had pointed out to me a few other logos such as Buick, Toyota and Lexus.  There were car logos that we did not know.  I simply let it go.  I did not feel the need to look them up online. 
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While I was living in another state, I worked for a nice, young couple.  One day, the wife talked to me about her last trip back to China.  She said some of her old college classmates came to see her.  They wore brand name / expensive clothing, handbags, shoes and jewelries.  They 'wondered' aloud why she did not dress as they did.  My boss told me it was not about money; she was just not into fancy clothes or brand name handbags.  However, her classmates did not seem to understand.  I said we should not be concerned with people's materialistic comments for there would always be people that judged others based on the clothes they wore or the cars they drove.  My boss said it was true.  Her husband loved cars and knew a lot about cars.  His favorite car was a BMW.  She observed people treated them differently whenever they went anywhere in the BMW.  That day we talked for quite a while about life and how easily we judged one another.  

I usually parked my car in the small parking lot to the side of the business.  Most of the time, my bosses parked their vans right outside of the business.  The unobservant I had not paid attention to the colors or the brand of the vans they drove.  Of course, I did not know the BMW she talked about.   

One day after work, I could not start my old car.  So I went back inside to ask for help.  The couple asked me not to worry.  Later, the husband came to have a look at my car.  He took a tool box out of a car that parked a space or two next to my car.  That was when I noticed the BMW logo.  He found out what was wrong with my car, and made the necessary adjustment.  I was able to drive home without any problem.  The young couple had treated me with kindness and respect.  I was (am) grateful.  

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Some weeks ago, we drove to a grocery store about 3 miles away (i.e. 7 to 8 minutes away).  As soon as we got on the main road, I saw a BMW in front of us.  I said, "Oh, that is a BMW!"  This time it was my husband's turn of not having a clue of what I meant.  He asked, "What is a BMW?"  I said, "The car in front of us is a BMW.  Do you see the letters B M W in the logo?"  He said, "How do you learn about it?"  I said, "The young couple that I worked for in another state had a BMW."  The BMW made a right turn while we continued to drive forward.  I did not think much of seeing a BMW.

We stopped at a red light.  In a short distance ahead, I saw a car came out of a side street.  The traffic light turned green.  We soon caught up with the car that came out of a side road.  It was another BMW!  I said, "This BMW is different from the first one.  It is kind of strange to see two BMW s within a couple of minutes!"  

On our way back to our apartment, I saw a car with an interesting license plate.  I exclaimed, "Oh, the license plate is XXX!**" Cars with license plates such as 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 777, and etc. always got my attention.  Adding to my amazement, I realized it was a BMW!  I did not realize it was a BMW because the license plate caught my attention first, and it was different from the other two.

While I was still in awe of what happened, out of nowhere, a van in the next lane 'flew' past us and cut into our lane.  My husband said, "What is the driver doing?  I am driving at 45 mph.  He must be driving way past the speed limit!"  (The speed limit on the road was 40 mph.)  I said, "He probably want to outrun the traffic light.  Uh, he did not make it!  He had to stop before the traffic light for it had turned red."  Soon we were right behind the van that flew past us.  It was a big BMW van with an out of state license plate!  I smiled and said, "Oh, the van rushes past us so that I can see that it is a BMW!"  I told my husband the driver would drive at normal speed after the light turned green.  From my husband's expression, I knew he did not really believe me.  The driver did drive at or below speed limit in the front before we made a turn into our apartment complex.  

Most of the families in the city / county we lived in were the average working class.  However, no matter where we lived, there must be some families that could afford expensive cars.  I did not know much about cars.  I had no idea about the actual prices of Cadillac, Buick or BMW.  At home, I thought it might not be that special to see four BMW s.  People in the neighborhood must be driving BMW s, but I had not paid attention.  However, it was certainly strange how everything that had unfolded during our short drive back and forth from a store!

** As I looked through my journal, I realized I had not taken the time to write down what happened that day.  Therefore, no record of the number on the license plate.  It might be I could not understand why I saw four BMW s that day.  I certainly found how everything that unfolded amazing, but "What have BMW cars got to do with me!"

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I am a simple person.  I enjoy the simple joy of life, and appreciate the beauty of nature.  Yes, I see beautiful people quite often.  Their smiles and kindness make my day.  When it comes to cars, I know very little.  I have no interest in luxurious carsTherefore, I cannot see any possible significance of seeing the four BMW s.  However, since that day, I continue to see BMW s in a way that really draws my attention.  I cannot help but ask -

                                  What have BMW s got to do with me?

In love, light and truth, I share with you my story.

Many blessings,
Q of D

Sunday, July 26, 2020



Have you ever thought what you heard (or thought you had heard) might not be true?

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It was late afternoon.  A man sat on the couch.  His face looked gloomy.  From his expression, his wife knew he was upset about something.  However, she also understood he would not open up or admit something was bothering him except he was ready to do so.  After all, they had been married for a long time.

The television was on.

She said, "(the name of their son) will be home soon."

Immediately, he grumbled, "Son only respects you.  He does not respect me!"

In disbelief of what she heard, she asked, "Why do you say that?"

He said, "Every time he comes home from work, he only says 'Mama, I am home!'.  He never says 'Papa'.  He walks past me as if I do not exist!  In his heart, he only loves and respects you."

With her eyes opened wide, she said, "No!  You are wrong!  He always says 'Papa, Mama, I am home!"

He said, "No, all these years he only says 'Mama, I am home'.  I hear it clearly!"

For a while, his wife looked at him.  Then she said, "Well, our son will be home soon.  Would you please listen carefully if he says 'Papa' before 'Mama'?"

After a pause, she added, "You know, when our son was a baby, he learned to say 'Papa' first before he said 'Mama'.  Do you know why?  It was because I always talked to him about you such as 'Papa loves you' while you were at work.  Every night, he excitedly waited for you to come home because I said 'Papa will be home soon'.  Did you remember he always insisted on sharing his soup or food with you after you came home?"

The man was quiet for a while.  Afterward, he said, "When sons* were young, many times they saw me and did not say 'good morning, Papa'.  They kept on playing with their toys or games.  As grown ups, they seldom talk to me.  They do not love or respect me."  (*The younger son was married and lived with his family.)

Before the wife could say anything, their son opened the door and walked in.

He said, "Papa, Mama, I am home."

The man was surprised that his son had indeed said 'Papa' before 'Mama'. 

The wife smiled.  She said to her son, "How is your day?"

He said, "Busy."  He went into his room to change his clothes.  Afterward, he left for the gym.

The wife continued with their talk.  She said, "Yes, I remembered you complained about sons' manner when they were young.  I had taught them manners.  I told them to say 'good morning' to you and other people, e.g. their teachers and the school bus drivers.  You thought they should greet you first because you were the father.  To you, that meant respect.  But, children are children.  They loved playing with their toys and games.  Many times I said 'good morning' to them first, and they in turn said 'good morning' to me.  To me, it really doesn't matter who say 'good morning' first."

The husband interjected, "Did you remember XXXX **?  (**The owner of a business where he had worked for a few months.)  I said 'good morning' to him on the first day I worked there.  He walked by as if he did not hear me.  On the second day, I greeted him again.  Since he did not respond, I never said 'good morning' to him again during the few months I worked there.  When he learned I had found another job, he begged me to stay and promised to give me a raise.  Of course, I would not work for someone who showed me no respect."

The wife was silent for a while.  In the years that he worked, she had gone through many of his experiences with him.  He was only happy when his employers showed him much respect.  He worked hard, but at times he was too critical of some that worked with him.  Many times she had to help him to look at life situations from another perspective.  (Indeed, one's experiences are not just one's experiences.  His experiences affected those around him too.)  The wife decided not to talk about his past working experiences.    

She said, "So all these years you thought Son did not acknowledge you when he came home from work!  Why didn't you speak up?  Anyway, I am glad you finally get to hear what Son truly says when he comes home.  Sometimes what we thought we heard might not be accurate.  Son does love you."

His face softened.  The gloominess on his face was gone.  

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In life, many times we suffer mentally or emotionally because of misunderstanding and conflicts.  Sometimes we do not realize our suffering is self-inflicted as in 'What do you hear'.

Love and Peace,
Q of D