Tuesday, December 1, 2020

We can be the love and support to one another


In Is our thought a secret known only to ourselves? , I shared a few incidents where thought was received and acknowledged.  Below was another incident that happened not long ago.

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Due to Covid-19, most events have gone online instead of in person.   The last time I went to a gathering was over two months ago.  That day I stayed there for six and a half hours because there were three different events.  Some people came for one or two events.  When the last event began, it was late afternoon.  I saw some new faces as well as those that had chosen to stay for all the events like me.

The last event was facilitated by a young woman.  I had not met her before.  I could feel her purity and truthfulness.  It was no wonder the Ascended Master(s) and other divine beings worked with her or through her to assist humanity at this time.  Of course, what happened in her life was divinely planned.  Her amazing life changing story captivated us.  We listened with joy as if we were part of her experience.  During activations, I could feel the powerful energy of the ascended masters and beings that came through her.

When the gathering was over, some people surrounded her to talk to her.  It was a wonderful session.  I had heard she flew in from another state to host the event, but was not sure if that was the case.  I wanted to thank her before I left because we might not meet again.  At that moment, she happened to look in my direction.  I smiled and softly said 'thank you'.  Unexpectedly, she pointed at me and said, "It was her!  I was so nervous.  It was because of her that I could continue my talk.  Every time I looked in her direction, she smiled.  She kept sending me love and encouragement.  I could feel her love.  Thank you!"  Everybody looked back at where I was.  I said, "You did great!  Thank you for sharing with us your story.  Thank you for the activations."

Indeed, she did great.  She was a little nervous in the beginning, and might not have noticed we were listening to her story with excitement.  I sent her love, and mentally let her know that she was doing great.  I believed some that were present sent her love and support too.  Unlike in Who Smiles? Who Sees? in which I doubted if I had smiled, I was really smiling on that day.  We all laughed when she related the funny incident of how the Ascended Master made his presence known.

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As I was writing this post, I thought of a sister.  She moved on in Oct. 2017.  There was a time she and a brother held monthly meetings in the basement of an office building.  During one meeting, the brother said the sister would facilitate the next meeting alone because he had to attend to something.  The sister said she would talk about how to self-publish a book.

There were about 15 to 20 people that came regularly to the meeting.  In view of the subject of the talk, I thought it was likely some people might not come.  I decided to go to the meeting even though I had not thought of publishing a book.  I loved and respected the sister.  I went there to show my support.  

As expected, only a few came to the meeting.  They wanted to learn more as how to self-publish a book.  One young woman wanted to publish picture books for children.  She showed us some of her drawings.  She was quite gifted in drawing.  When it was my turn, I said I did not think I could / would publish a book.  The sister looked into my eyes.  She said, "Oh!  You are here to show your love and support."  This sister was very intuitive.  With her giving nature, she was loved by many.  (Please view The master healer had stepped out of the physical world )

In the last couple of months, I attended online events with the same intention of love and support.  Oftentimes, I felt a surge of energy when I joined an online meeting.  Sometimes powerful energy poured from above into my crown chakra and vibrated through my entire being just as I sat among people in person.

The powerful love is in you and in me.  We can send love and receive love.  We can all be the love and support to one another.

Many blessings,
Q of D                                             

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