Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Who Smiles? Who Sees?


In the challenging restaurant years, I learned how stress and worries could age people.

I had toothache all the time.  I went to a dental office a couple of times, but dental care was more expensive than I could afford.  When I came out of the restaurant years, I had lost some teeth.  One of my front teeth was broken and the remaining portion was black / badly discolored.

Standing in front of a mirror one morning, I was shocked to see my eyelashes were almost gone or sparsely visible.  The hair on my eyebrows was thin and sparse.  I thought about my sons.  Oh, I loved them!  I wanted to be there for them.  I knew I must change in order to regain my health.

With the love of the Divine, my angels and guides, I survived.  Despite of all the challenges, I came out of the experience feeling grateful and jubilant.

                                            ~        ~        ~        ~        ~

In May 2005, I stepped outside of my family to mix with people as my spirit guide said in a reading.  When I was with the circle, I allowed myself to break into laughter on a few occasions.  Laughing was contagious.  My friends had a good laugh too.  When I attended public gatherings such as church services, part of me was conscious of my front tooth.  I smiled, but I would call it a contained smile.

In 2011, I had a few strange experiences about my smile within a short period.

One day, I was with a small group.  We meditated.  Right when the meditation was over, the minister said, "Q of D, I happen to open my eyes during the meditation. You are like a smiling Buddha!  There is light all around you!  It is so beautiful!"  I could only smile for I did not know what to say.

One Sunday after service, a woman walked all the way across the chapel to where I stood.  She said, "You have the most wonderful smile!  Thank you for sharing with us your smile."  I was surprised.  I was sure I was not smiling (physically) during the closing circle.

A couple of weeks later, I attended service in another church.  (Other than the small church that I called my spiritual home, I went to this church every few weeks.)  When the service was over, a woman pointed at me.  She said to the others that I had always walked in with a smile full of joy and peace.

One day, the speaker at church was one who had a few near-death experiences. After his near-death experiences, he was very intuitive and open to the Divine.  From his talk, I could feel his genuine love for all things.  Soon after the service was over, I was surprised to find him standing next to me!  We hugged.  I bought a book written by him.  On it, he wrote -

                     (My name)
                     What a beautiful and giving smile you bring to this world!

I found these incidents about my smile puzzling.  What did people see?  I was sure sometimes I walked into the church just liked everybody else.  I did not think I was smiling.  One night, I held this question in my mind before I went to sleep.  When I woke up, I suddenly remembered in 2006 a stone reader*** had said something about my smile.  I could not recall what he said.  Two days later, I decided to find the tape of the reading.  I listened to the tape again.  I realized I forgot what was said of my smile because I was not ready to take in those words at the time of the reading.
"The archangels want you to be aware that you have the ability within yourself, just by being yourself, to help people to heal very old emotional wounds by just listening, by just encouraging, by being who you are, by being the person that you are; just being in a room with people, your wonderful smile can help people to heal very dramatically."
As I listened to the tape, I realized these incidents occurred to remind me of my life purpose.  Looking back at what happened since the reading, I found it to be true that many times people healed as I listened or talked to them.

In the above incidents, the human I might be peaceful, but I knew sometimes I had not smiled.  However, it was obvious the few people that talked to me had seen a wonderful smile on my face.

                                            Who smiles?  Who sees?

I now realize the human I may not be smiling, but my true / higher self is.  The same applies to the few who see me smiling.  It is his or her intuitive higher self that sees.

With my personality, I originally do not want to share with you the story about my smile especially the words of the archangels.  However, as Oprah and Deepak said "we all come in with a purpose or a gift for the world."  My gift may be my smile, and your gift may be your talent in art / music.  We are all expressions of the Source / Creator, and each one of us is unique in our own ways.  I choose to share with you my experiences to show that we are far more than the human beings that we appear to be.  (Please click to view Oprah and Deepak's words of wisdom on Our Life Purpose )

Are you ready to unleash the magnificent YOU?*  Set your intention now.  Let all of us BE who we truly are.  (*Re my post Mark Romero and his healing music about the magnificent you.)

Q of D

***In 2006, a channel / psychic from another state came to the Center.  He was originally an engineer.  After a near-death experience, he came back to life liked a different person.  Suddenly, he could hear and talk to angels.  Later, he left his old life behind, and began fulfilling his life purpose.  When he came to the Center, he was known as "The Stone Reader".

About 25 people attended his talk at the Center.  He placed lots of crystals (or stones) on a table.  After sharing with us his story, he told us to pick two or three pieces of crystals from the table.  He then walked to a person and related the guidance from the angels.  I was the third person he talked to.  Most people left after he gave them the guidance.  The event was supposed to last for an hour and a half or two hours.  He had no obligation to read all the people there.  In settings like this, most psychics only read a portion of the group.  However, when the time was up, he continued to give people the information that came to him.  There was never a moment he tried to rush. His intention of service touched me.  I chose to stay because I wanted to thank and honor him for his spirit of service.

When he read the last person, three and a half hour had gone by.  I talked to the owner of the center that the stone reader was a wonderful being.  The owner who always treated me with love and respect said people had booked readings with the stone reader on the following day.  She said she had added my name and would pay for the reading!  I did not expect that.  I said I could not accept.  She insisted.  Finally, I said I would only come for a reading if she allowed me to pay for it by myselfShe said she would pay for the reading, and would go to my apartment If I did not come.

Oh, Sister, I cannot thank you enough for the love and support you have bestowed upon me.  

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