Monday, April 12, 2021



Last Friday (Apr. 9) I woke up from a dream about ordering or buying a new car.

I dreamt that I saw a car in display.  I loved the design and its color (gold).  I went inside to buy it or order one.  Someone seemed to be with me, but there was no clear idea who was with me.  (The place was not like a car dealership on earth.  I saw a car and went inside was only a matter of speech. I did not see other car or the ground.)

As we sat there waiting, I looked for my credit card.  In my hand was an envelope, the kind of big, yellow envelope for documents.  Earlier, we had gone to another place to buy something.  I thought I might have left my credit card in the envelope.  Inside the envelope was a stack of documents about one and a half inches thick.  As I shifted through the documents, a woman came to let me know that the document for the car was ready.  I told her I would go to the counter when I found my credit card.  The woman walked back to the counter.  A man was there working with her.  After quite a while, I still could not find my credit card.  I took out the stack of documents, and the card fell out.

I went to the counter.  The man took my credit card.  Within seconds, the whole transaction was done.  The man gave me back my card and a set of documents.  I looked at my credit card.  It was issued a while back to replace the old one.  The old card was in dull red while the new card was in bright red with some pleasant designs.  I felt happy looking at my new credit card.  When I read the documents, I was nicely surprised that I got the car at a good price.  Meanwhile, I wondered, "My car is still good.  Why do I buy a new one?  Do I need two cars?"  I looked at the man and said, "The new car has many functions that I do not know.  After a few days, can I return it if I want to?"  The man and woman at the counter did not say anything or react to what I said.  They just looked at me with understanding.

Then I woke up.  I realized I began to react with my human reasoning near the end of the dream.  The man and woman at the counter understood that.  They knew I would understand that the car was already mine or I had chosen the car.  Most of the times, my dreams were symbolic.  For examples, many years ago I dreamt of losing my handbag from time to time.  I often found my handbag at the end of those dreams.  However, it did not feel good to go through the stress and anxiety.  I finally asked for my guide's advice, and understood that a handbag was symbolic to our earthly identity and / or the role we played.  (Re Do you have dreams looking for your handbag?  and The dream of a new handbag and a new role )  As for a car, it was a vehicle or the body that our soul / source of being resided in.  During the years when my husband was not well, I had quite a few dreams that he was driving his car with his eyes closed.  With his blind belief, he believed he was healthy, but he was not.  A car might be symbolic to one's state of being and had other spiritual meanings.  It also had different meanings if one was the driver of his own car or a passenger in another person's car.  In my experience, the feeling in a dream might be an indicator as how to interpret it.  (If you are interested in dreams, please read my post What do we do when we have dreams of fear ) 

Though I could not fully understand the meaning, I loved my dream on last Friday.  It was a good dream.       

It was interesting to reread The dream of a new handbag and a new role .  I had that dream in Nov. 2006 after I told my guides and angels that I would follow their guidance to learn a healing art.  In that dream, the original owner of the holistic center told me to write a thank-you letter to all my friends.  Looking back, it was a step to thank the old (i.e. the friends of the circle and experiences of the past) before stepping into the new (i.e. what were to come).  Meanwhile, the owner herself was busy cleaning up the center.  She, too, was cleaning the old before a new beginning.  A few months later, she left the center and the teacher of the Thursday Circle became the new owner.  It was also interesting that I did not write the thank-you letter after the dream.  In fact, it happened after I went to the 2-day healing workshop on March 24 and 25 of 2007.  Upon hearing that I had learned a healing art, the new owner of the center asked me to be the on-site healer on Wednesdays, and my new role as a healer (the green handbag) began.  (Re More on my journey as a channel of healing energy )

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Dreams were of significant importance in my journey on earth.  I am glad I take the time to record some of my experiences, otherwise I may have forgotten about them.  When I read my journal, it helps me to look at life from a new light.  

Please know that it  is never too late to start writing down you thought and experiences.

Have FUN on the journey of life!

Q of D   


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