Sunday, May 1, 2022

Taking a break from writing the seriousness of life


It is May 1, 2022!  I want to begin with some joyful laughs.

I opened a bag of potato chips.  With his back toward me, my son was on his computer sitting about 15 feet from where I was.

I asked my son, "Would you like some chips?"

He said, "No.  I don't eat chips."

In a jokeful mood, I said, "You don't want any chips!  Without chips, what are you going to do in a casino?"

He answered, "Mom, I don't want any."

I said, "You probably do not hear me clearly.  I said 'without chips, what are you going to do in a casino'.  I have hoped you would go with the flow and say something humorous."

After a pause, he said, "I don't need any more chips.  I have more than enough chips on my shoulder!"

That was a good one.  We both ðŸ˜„ 😄 😄.  

May your May be full of fun and joy!

Many blessings,
Q of D                                              

P. S.  We don't have any interest in gambling. 

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