Monday, April 25, 2022

Part 5 - The background of my husband's problem


In January 2003, my husband decided to follow the step by step instructions on a Chinese newspaper to learn a practice.  According to the newspaper, many people were imprisoned again and again because they would not stop practicing.  We had talked about it, and felt that there might be something amiss about this practice.    Therefore, I was surprised of his decision.  He had always been headstrong, and would not listen to what others had to say.  He said he would stop if he felt there was something wrong with the practice.        

Please click to view the following posts about what happened in 2003.  These posts were published in Jan. and Feb. of 2016. 

           Fall only into the Divine Emotion of Love, the Creative Force 

           In time of darkness, light always shines through 

           The Broken Alarm Clock and Past / Present / Future 

           More 1111 incidents, and the Wondrous Light in the Sky     

These experiences were intense and personal.  Like most of you, I went through the life situations with tears and pain too.  I kept most of them to myself, and had not shared with my loved ones.  Partly, I did not want to disturb their peace; partly, mystical happenings could only be experienced, and others might see them as merely coincidence.  

In my Dec. 2001 reading, my guides and angels said I was supposed to teach, write and share my wisdom.  In May 2005, I finally stepped outside of my family to join a spiritual circle.  For years, I wondered What wisdom do I have .  It took me a long time to understand that it was through sharing my experiences that I taught.  When my younger son urged me to write, I had not thought of sharing these very personal experiences.  Looking back, it was not a coincidence that I chose Loveshines as the title of my blog.  Under the title I wrote -

In faith, I share with you my experiences.  My experiences are not just mine and your experiences are not just yours for in truth We Are One.  Let LOVE shine through this blog as the title has intended.

There was much more to my husband's / our story.  It was with hope that the lessons I learned from my experiences might in some ways help others to look at their own relationships from a new perspective.

Love and Peace,
Q of D


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