Sunday, September 10, 2023

Sometimes we may not realize our innate abilities are at play


In my last post Growing old in Grace , the store employee responded to my thought, and might not have realized that I had not verbally said the words. 

Some years ago, a similar incident happened while I was a volunteer for a charity organization.  One day, we went to visit seniors living in a tall apartment building.   The residents knew our two team leaders well.  A woman began to talk about her health problems particularly about her eyes.  She might have surgery before, and was very worried about the upcoming surgery.  She and her friends sat closely with our team leaders by a table.  I was at a distance behind her back getting things ready.  Hearing what the woman said, I mentally sent her my blessings such as 'everything would be alright and the angels would watch over you'.  She turned her head back toward me and said "thank you".  Then she continued her talk.  I saw the puzzling looks on my friends' faces.  I smiled, and did not explain.  I believed the woman, like the store employee, had not realized that I had not voiced my thought.

In the case of the mother in the fruit market, I believed she was intuitive, and was aware of her innate abilities.    (Re Is our thought a secret known only to ourselves )

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When I joined the Thursday Circle in May 2005, I regarded myself as a novice on my spiritual journey because -
  • I did not meditate for I could not get into a meditative state.  
  • When I was small, I could easily form an image in my mind eye.  I did not know this was called visualization (in English) until I began to borrow spiritual books from the library in 2000.  It was then I realized I could no longer visualize.  
  • I did not know much about spiritual stuff such as spiritual terms, practices, and universal laws.  I had read many books, but was only interested in reading other people's stories on their spiritual journey. 
In retrospect, my view of self at the time had much to do with my human nature.  I found my friends' abilities or gifts amazing.  While I was having so much fun and joy sitting among them, I automatically thought 'I was the only one among them that was not psychic'.  Besides, I might have watched a little bit too much TV shows ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Šof famous mediums such as Sylvia Browne, John Edward, and Rosemary Altea.  I ended up forming a wrong view that being psychic must be as they were.  

Of course, I eventually understood my friends were right that everybody was psychic because intuition was our innate ability.  Some people might be more opened to their innate abilities than others.  Some people might not even have heard such words as clairvoyance, clairaudience and etc.  Nevertheless, their innate abilities might sometimes be at play except they did not recognize that.  

Recently my son came to me and talked about showing off / getting attention again.  I did not want to get into the same old talk which could go on for an hour or two.  Instead of answering his question, I asked if he still wanted a fancy car or fancy clothes.  (Many years ago, my son saw a man drove a fancy car into a gas station to get gas.  Everyone looked at the man and his car.  Some women surrounded the car and tried to talk to the man.)  My son said, "No, I do not need those anymore."  I smiled and said, "I know.  It is because you are already getting the attention."  (He is into bodybuilding.)  All of a sudden, two incidents came to my mind.

During the restaurant years, a customer walked in to pick up an order.  She was a chiropractor who ordered from us every now and then.  She owned an office in the same mall.  As I handed her the order, I was surprised to see the look on her face.  She looked at me with disgust!  She did not leave right away.  Finally, she said, "You work in a restaurant!  Why do you wear such a fancy shirt?"  My eyes opened wide.  In great disbelief, I answered, "It is only $8!  It is on sale in XXXXXX (a local store that sold grocery and other household items).  The original price is $16.  There are a few more left if you want to buy one."  Her face changed.  She was so embarrassed that she rushed out of the restaurant.  She did not order from us again.  (The shirt I wore was pale apple green.)  

The next incident happened in 2004.  For a short while, I worked in a restaurant whose owner was a friend of my husband.  (Re There is extra money in the cash register drawer )  One of the waitresses was a young Chinese woman in her early 30 s.  She called me auntie because I was the older generation.  She worked nights.  Every time she saw me she asked where I bought my white shirt and black pants.  I had wore them for years.  The color of the black pants was somewhat fading, and the white shirt was not that white anymore.  Of course, the shirt and pants were ordinary and inexpensive.  However, this young woman would not believe what I said.  Her shirts and pants were more expensive than mine.  The light in that restaurant was very dim.  On several occasions, she walked to me and said my shirt look bright and white that she really wanted one like mine.  At the time, I thought she was just getting used to what she said, or it had something to do with her personality.

I said to my son, "You know I do not have fancy clothes, don't you?"  He said, "Yes, I know."  I told him the two incidents.  I said, "Could it be both of them were kind of clairvoyant?  They saw the light around me and aligned it to what I wore."  My son knew the word clairvoyant.  He said it was possible.

Earlier this year, I went to a spiritual temple.  The energy there was exceptional.  Many people were there.  Most had been on their spiritual path for decades.  While sitting there, I noticed a woman from the other end of the temple kept looking at me.  When the service was over, she walked over to me and said, "The color of your blouse is very beautiful!"  I said, "Thank you."  I knew the woman in the temple was clairvoyant.  

It was a good thing that the two incidents came to my mind while my son and I were talking.   I had wondered why others judged what I wore particularly the chiropractor.  The puzzle was solved.  Both the chiropractor (American) and the waitress (Chinese)  were probably not into spirituality.  They did not realize their innate ability was at play.

In writing this post, I looked up the definition of spirituality online.

Spirituality involves the recognition of a feeling or sense or belief that there is something greater than myself, something more to being human than sensory experience, and that the greater whole of which we are part is cosmic or divine in nature.

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Many people around the world had awakened to their innate abilities.  There were so many webinars and online workshops.  I had signed up for the 2-day series of The Many Faces of Mary Magdalene.  In the midst of watching the series, I decided to stop, and finished the post.  

I am glad I did.

Many Blessings,
Q of D    

P. S.
My sons had been bullied while in middle schools.  Chinese normally started puberty a few years later than the Americans.  My older son grew some inches during the summer before the start of high school, and it helped.  Both of my sons took body building class while in high school.  My older son said he sometimes visited the city we used to live.  In stores, he had come across a few of his old classmates that had bullied him.  He said they were all out of shape.  They recognized him.  Seeing how he was now, they looked down at the floor.  As a boy, my older son was friendly.  He was like a magnet, and other children came to play with him wherever he was.  His experience in school had an effect on him.  If we paid attention, we often formed a view or made choices because of our experiences in life. 

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