Friday, October 20, 2023

May the Peace within guide us through this turbulent time


Due to the pandemic, I began to join spiritual meetings online.  Most of the groups I joined were in other states of U.S.A.  If not for the pandemic, I probably would have continued to go to spiritual gatherings that met locally in person.  Some people had said joining spiritual meeting online was something new to them too.  

Most of the hosts welcomed others to share their stories and views.  I had heard some incredible transformational and awakening personal stories.    Some participants were wonderful speakers and teachers.  They spoke gracefully.  They conveyed their messages or stories with ease.   I enjoyed listening, and seldom felt the need to say anything.  On the occasions that I did, I felt anxious.  I felt more comfortable talking to the others face to face than on zoom.     

Though I seldom said anything during online meetings, I got unexpected messages about me from others every now and then.  On second thought, it was not that unexpected.  The facilitators / guest speakers were spiritual teachers or professional psychics / mediums / channels / healers as well as some of the participants.  

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One day, I was in a zoom gathering during which an exceptional channel was to deliver short messages for some participants.  I was opened to receive whatever message that came through.  In other words, I did not hold any thought or question in my mind.

My name was called.  The channel said 'Even those that were awakened, some still had shadows.  Light and shadow were illusions, but it was true that some awakened ones still had shadows."  She went on to say that the guides were telling her that I had the ability to heal the awakened ones or bring healing to the awakened ones.  Of course, I was very surprised to hear that.  I wondered why I received such a message.  Right then, the facilitator joined in to talk about my aura.  I had joined this group for quite some time, and did not know the clairvoyants had been observing my aura.  The human I felt a little embarrassed.  As this was going on, it suddenly dawned on me why I received this message.     

Two days earlier, I thought of a spiritual teacher / master.  I went online to look up the latest video about him.  As I watched, I sighed.  I chose to leave the group because I could not accept one of his view / belief.  I never meant any disrespect.  I understood why he formed this view because this was instilled in him since young.  Then I thought "Who am I to say that he is wrong?  He is widely known as the awakened one."  

A sister, whom I loved and respected, had shared with me this personal experience.  She was always open to embrace or hug others.  One day, she forgot the expected manner toward the teacher, i.e. women should not hug the teacher.  She was shocked that her hands passed through energy instead of a solid back as that of a regular person. 
There was no doubt that the spiritual teacher was an advanced spiritual being.  In fact, he knew more about me than the human I knew myself.  He did not talk to me directly, but had talked about me to his direct disciple (s).  My brothers and sisters had treated me with much kindness and respect.  It was not an easy decision to leave the group, but I thought it would be better for them to move forward with one mind and one heart.

I did not think the spiritual teacher and I would meet again.  In my heart, there was only love for the teacher and all my brothers and sisters. 

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On another occasion, a channel said, "You know you receive divine guidance all the time, but you don't always follow the guidance."  I knew it was true.

For example, one recent Thursday, I received a text ** about a psychic fair in a community center of a city that was not far from where I lived.  The fair would take place on the following Saturday and Sunday.  
** A few years ago, I went to a psychic fair.  The facilitator asked if I would like to receive news about holistic / psychic fairs.  I said 'yes'.  She asked me to give her my phone.  Since then, I received this kind of text on my phone regularly including fairs that took place in nearby states.  In our state, one or two groups held psychic fairs in different locations weekly or bi-weekly during the summer.

I had only gone to 4 body, mind and spirit festivals since I moved back to this state over 11 years ago.  When I received messages about psychic fairs in other states or far away cities, I usually deleted them right away.  There were fairs near where I lived.  However, at this time, I did not feel like going to any holistic fair.       

Saturday morning I went for a walk in the school field.  As usual, I brought my small camera and phone with me.  When I was home, I put my phone and camera on the table.  I saw a message on my phone's screen about the fair.  I went to use the bathroom.  I thought it was nothing unusual.  This kind of messages were automatically resent on days of the fair.  Later, I noticed the message was not new.  It was sent on Thursday.   I found it kind of odd.  Normally, the message would not reappear on the screen after I had read it.  

Sunday morning I went for a walk.  The same thing happened again after I was home.  The Thursday message appeared on the screen of my phone.  Both times the message simply appeared on the screen, and there was no alert or notification sound as it should be.  I talked to my son about it.  My son said it was kind of weird.  He said he would go to the fair with me if I wanted to.  I thanked him, and told him I did not want to go.  A while later, I decided to talk to my guide.  I mentally said, "If you want me to go to the fair, let me receive another message."  Some time after 1 p.m., I heard the alert sound.  On the screen was a new message "Still time to come to the Psychic Fair . . . . . . ."  

I did not go.  In my heart, I said, "Sorry, guides.  I just don't see the point of going to another psychic fair.  Open up another opportunity for me if it is beneficial for me to go to do something or meet someone."

Over the years, I had many amazing experiences by following the divine guidance, e.g. I said "No" three times on this Sunday and It is in not knowing that makes life intriguing .  If my guide had not prompted me to go to the holistic store on Jan. 23, 2009, I would not know the store had scheduled me to hold a healing workshop in Feb.  (Re A beautiful pink fish on the back of a white dove )  Therefore, I understood the significance of divine guidance.  However, at this time, I just did not feel like going to any psychic fair.  I was at peace with my decision.  

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Since September, we have many rainy, cloudy days.  The fall colors in the school fields are beautiful.  It is a joy to walk among the trees.  

The other day I went to a spiritual center for a peace event.  I went to two stores shopping for grocery afterward.  Arriving back at the apartment parking lot, I unloaded the bags.  I turned to walk toward the apartment.  I almost dropped the bags because I saw a beautiful, big rainbow in the sky!  I put all the bags back into the trunk of the car, and began taking pictures of the rainbow.  This was the first time I saw a rainbow in 2023.  The rainbow faded after about 8 minutes.  (If I was inside the apartment / store or in my car, I would not have seen the rainbow.  In where I lived, rainbows usually did not last long.)

During that time, a neighbor happened to turn into the parking lot.  He saw me taking pictures of the sky.  He turned to look at the sky and saw the rainbow.  He said, "Oh, there is a rainbow!"  I smiled.  Before he headed back to his apartment, he smiled and said, "Enjoy your rainbow!"

With the wars going on, we all prayed for peace.  It was the reason I went to join others at the spiritual center.  

May the Peace within guide us through this turbulent time.

Love and Blessings,
Q of D

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