Thursday, August 8, 2024

Honoring Lord Buddha And Earth Treasure Bodhisattva


After my husband moved on, I prayed that he appeared in our older son's dream to let him know that he was alright.  He did.  On the 8th day since his passing, he came into son's dream looking fine as he was before he got sick.  Nine days later, my son dreamed of him again.  He was surprised to see his father looked young with a full head of black hair exactly as he remembered him when he was a boy.  He said, "Mom, if this happens in life, Dad needs to spend a lot of money to make himself look like that!"  I told him I was not surprised because I had learned that we all looked in our 20 s or 30 s on the other side; they might choose the image they preferred, young or old, when they appeared in our dreams.  (Re The Dream on Day 8, and more dreams afterward )

It was not a coincidence that I spotted the notebook with Lord Buddha's talk on Earth Treasure Bodhisattva in the big storage tote that day in July, 2021.  After I read (or re-read) what I had copied down, I decided to recite the talk three times every morning.  Most mornings I could only recite it silently.  My son worked from home.  I also did not want to recite aloud when my husband was home because I did not want to draw any negative emotion.  Luckily, with his job, my son sometimes had to go to different plants.  On the mornings that I was the only one in the apartment, I felt the joy of being alone and free.  I recited Buddha's talk with full dedication.  The air around me was different.  It was sacred and still.    

In March 2022, I decided to join a spiritual gathering.  It was the first time in months (or since my husband's passing) that I went to an in-person event.  As expected, only a few people had come.  People could watch online from their home.  There were a lot of empty chairs.  As usual, I talked to my guides and angels in the early hours before I went to any spiritual event.  I  invited all the Ascended Beings / groups of different dimensions that I had come to know to be there with me.  I thanked Lord Buddha, Earth Treasure Bodhisattva, and Quan Yin for helping my husband.  I invited them to be with all of us in the gathering.

I had mentioned in my other posts that a wonderful channel delivered messages from Galactic Beings and Ascended Beings in the first half of the gathering.  Then two healers (one was clairvoyant) facilitated the second half of the gathering.  When the session was over, the clairvoyant healer said, "Every one of the chairs were full of spirits; the back wall was filled with spirits.  It was absolutely incredible!  And, everyone that was in this room was surrounded by spirits.  It was just absolutely beautiful!  A lot of negative karma came out from the camera area until all of a sudden it changed to green which was like a healing coming from the whole back wall that was filled with spirits . . . . and they sent the green energy to (the other healer) and he sent the energy back to the spirits . . . ."  ( The camera was placed near the back wall in the center of the room.)

I recalled I sat there listening to the clairvoyant healer described what she saw.  My heart was filled with gratitude.  I kept thanking Lord Buddha, Earth Treasure Bodhisattva, Quan Yin and all the Loving Awakened Ones that were with us.  Thank you, thank you, thank you . . . .

I had been going to their gatherings for some years, but nothing like that had happened before.  The healing was always about the people that came and those that watched from home.  

The video is on YouTube.  I choose not to put a link here.  

I recalled one day this message came through the channel - what could channel through was not mainly because of the channel, it had much to do with those that were present.  (Sorry, I could not remember the exact words 😊)  It was the same with healing.  What happened that day had much to do with the two facilitating healers, the spirits that chose to be healed, and people that were present / watched online.

I dedicate this post to honor Lord Buddha and Earth Treasure Bodhisattva for their love for humanity.  

Thank you!

Q of D


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