Saturday, August 17, 2024

In a loud, menacing voice, he said, "Do you want to have . . ?"


In a store, a woman was greatly alarmed when she heard a man's loud, menacing voice.  She looked in the direction where the voice seemed to come from.  She could see nothing because the display stand of magazines and newspapers blocked her view.  She was second in line at the checkout lane.

She looked back at the one who stood a few feet behind her.  It was an Asian woman, and she was looking at the direction where the voice came from.  To her surprise, the Asian woman was all smiles as if she saw something joyful.  When the Asian woman turned to look at her, she could not help but asked, "What happened?"
A man in his 60 s lined up behind the Asian woman.  The man used an electric shopping cart / motorized shopping cart.  He stayed about 6 feet behind the Asian woman leaving enough space for other people to walk through.  Suddenly, another man who also used an electric shopping cart rushed through the space to the other side of the store.  It caused a little disturbance because this man was driving the electric shopping cart at a speed that was not supposed to.  It kind of startled the Asian woman as well as the man behind her.  The man that rushed past stopped near the self-checkout area which was about 80 feet away.  The man behind the Asian woman turned his electric shopping cart and headed toward that man.  As he came close to the other man, he said in a loud, menacing voice, "Do you want to have a race with me?"  Obviously, the other man did not expect this at all.  (In that very moment, he probably realized he should not have rushed past others in a store as he did.)  Before he could react, the man that caught up with him burst out laughing, and gave him a pat on the back.  Realizing the man meant no harm and was joking with him, he burst out laughing too.  Afterward, they talked to each other like friends.

After listening to the story, the woman smiled.  She said, "We all need a little humor here and there in life."  The Asian woman smiled and nodded in agreement.

We all need a little humor here and there in life.  How we choose to handle each situation matters.

Love and Peace,
Q of D

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