Thursday, November 17, 2011

Before 11/11/11 and after 11/11/11


For the last couple of days, I have been struggling to write about an experience.  It is about my last post Let us join as one on this day11/11/11.  We all have this feeling sometimes - we feel we want to do something or go somewhere yet we are not exactly sure why we feel that way.  It is the case when I start to write this post.  I do not understand why I feel it is important for me to write about what happen before and after the 11/11/11 post.  This morning I finally understand why.

Below are the events that led up to the writing of Let us join as one on this day 11/11/11

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One Sunday after service, a friend talked about an incredible story of a woman who saved her son's life after he was drowned.  I could not hear the story clearly for many people were chatting in small groups.  My friend said we could visit the website "Fire the Grid" and learn more about the story.  At home I forgot about it.  I did not visit the website.

A week before 11/11/11, this friend emailed me and others about the importance of that day.  She asked us to come together as a group.  She briefly listed the information from "Fire the Grid", and what to do on that day - meditate, pray, hold positive thoughts, do things that give us joy or write on a piece of paper about what give us joy.  Again, she said for us to visit the website for more information.  I emailed her back that I would do as she said.  I also told her ever since I came to know my angels about 11 years ago, 111 and 1111 had been very significant in my life.  I had set Nov. 11 as Angels Day.  I told her during my recent trip to see my loved one, the license plate on our rental car was 1111 and I had two other 1111 coincidences.  I loved and respected this friend.  I found the brief information she passed along was enough, and I did not go online for more information.  

On Nov. 9, the friend asked us to join her at church at 6:11 a.m. on Friday (=11/11/11 GMT 11:11 a.m.) for a one-hour meditation to fire the grid.  However, I got a cold two nights earlier and started to cough on Thursday.  On Thurs. I began to write a draft about what gave me joy.  I kept going back to the joy I had back in 2001 & 2003 - visioning children of all races walking hand in hand and loving one another.  As I was writing the draft, I 'heard' strong electronic sound wave (not ringing in the ear) and felt powerful energy on top of my head.  The energy above my head was not unusual, but to hear the electronic sound wave during daytime was.  I used to hear it only in the stillness of the night.  I did not finish the draft for I could not put the words together.  Before I went to bed, I set the alarm at 5:30 a.m.  I still wanted to go to church and join my friends.

I woke up at 5 a.m.  I had coughed throughout the night.  I knew I should not go to join my friends at church.  I decided to join in spirit at that particular powerful time by finishing the postI was in joy and bliss when I finished writing Let us join as one on this day11/11/11 .  I clicked "Publish Post" without explaining why I wrote the post.  I was glad I had joined my friends and many around the world in oneness on that special day.  My heart was filled with gratitude for the light that my friend was in getting us together in spirit.  I held my Vision of Love for the rest of the day.

On Nov. 14, I was on the computer late at night.  Suddenly, I wanted to visit the website "Fire the Grid".  The website was beautifully designed but I had problem scrolling the page up and down.  It was late, and I went to bed.

The next day (11/15) I tried again.  I was overjoyed that I could actually listen to Shelley Yates on "Fire the Grid" on You Tube.  I listened to her talks from part 1 to part 8!  What an incredible and uplifting story!  I learned millions of people around the world had learned about her story and had joined as one on two other dates.  I also read some more on the websites.  The words of the Light Beings were so loving that they touched my heart. Thank you, Shelley, Anael, Bradfield and all the Light Beings.

The interesting thing was if I had visited the website before 11/11/11, I might not have done what I had done - writing the post with all my heart and soul that morning.  I might think meditation was the key or I could be sitting in bed imagining I was one with my friends at church.  With not knowing (about the details of "Fire the Grid"), I had responded from my heart and wrote the 11/11/11 'vision' post with creativity and truthful emotion. (Please click here to view The Real Beauty of Life )  I was glad I had joined millions as One that day with the vision that PEACE already IS.

If you haven't heard about Shelley Yates' story,  please listen to her talks part 1-8 on You Tube or visit the website "Fire the Grid".  The Light Beings give us this simple guidance as how to live our life -

  • Do no harm to yourself and others, 
  • apply honesty and integrity in all that you do, 
  • and then find your personal joy while expressing gratitude 

If you haven't participated in Fire the Grid 3, 2 or 1, it is quite alright.  I haven't joined in the first two either.  When we apply the guidance in our life, we are working towards One.  

Although Nov. 11, 2011 is over, we have to remember we do not join as one for just one day.  The coming years are very important.  How we conduct ourselves affect the whole.  We must continue to love one another, be tolerant and patient, live responsibly and love Mother Earth as she loves us.  Hold positive thoughts as our thoughts matter even more so NOW.

Q of D

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