Tuesday, February 7, 2017

He said, "You are sincere . . . "


After the spiritual teacher left, our group met once a month at night.  (Re my posts published in June, Aug., Sept. and Oct. 2016.)  The master healer always came to be with us.  We were very grateful for his dedication to guide us.  Sometimes he met with us for a few more hours on a separate day before he flew back to his state.  It was usually a small group meeting.

The night of the Jan. meeting was very cold and the sky was dark.  I decided to stay home.  Two days later, I was glad to receive an email about a meeting during the daytime.

When I arrived, some people were already there.  There were a young woman and two young men that I met for the first time.  I understood they were therapists working for Matthew.  They were there to learn from the master healer.   Afterward, Matthew introduced me to the young therapists saying I was a powerful healer.  Over the years, I learned to hold my tongue because it was rude for me to interrupt.  Besides, I realized my words did not change anything after others heard what had been said of me.  Matthew continued to say some more about me.  He said, "You do not have an ego.  You are selfless.  You are sincere ... "  When I heard that, I could not help but interrupted, "That's what you said of me.  I do not say that of myself!"  A wise brother that sat next to me lightly tapped my shoulder as his way of telling me to stop.  And, I stopped.  I reacted because his words reminded me of another incident.

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It happened many years ago.  After Sunday service, I was on my way to the parking lot.  Some people were walking toward their cars too.  Suddenly, a woman stopped me.  Her face was red with anger.  She began ranting.
She always sat with her friends that seemed to revere around her.  At church, we hugged or shook hands.  I observed she did not hug or shake hands with people outside of her circle of friends.  One day, a new comer touched her dress saying the fabric was beautiful.  She became very upset.  She said she was highly sensitive.  She did not want others to hug her, touch her hands or clothes because she did not want other's energy to tamper with hers.  The new comer handled herself well that day.  In later years, the new comer occasionally participated in the healing prayer service as I did. 
The woman continued to talk angrily.  It took me quite a while to understand what had happened.

It seemed she had either asked to speak during Sunday service or was already on the list of scheduled speakers.  When the service was over, she asked someone (that was respected at church) to introduce her on the day she would speak.  She was upset because this person turned down her request.  She said, "Before I came to USA, I was highly respected in my country.  I am a well known psychic and author!  It is an honor for him to introduce me, and he says 'no'!  Who does he think he is?"

I was somewhat new to the church.  Other than casual greetings, I had not really talked to anybody.  Of all the people, I did not understand why she stopped me to listen to her.  I could see the anger and hurt on her face.  I did not render any judgment when she asked for my comment on the one that turned her down.  With peace in my heart, I decided to stay there to let her blow off her steam.

In the middle of her ranting, she suddenly stopped.  She lightly tilted her head as if she heard something.  With surprise in her eyes, she said, "Oh, you are sincere!  Your sincerity can change people and make a difference in other people's lives."  Then she went back to lash out at the one that turned her down.

At the end, she said she would never come back to this church again.  I did not say anything to dissuade her.  I looked at her and sent her peace.  It was her decision at that moment, but, it did not mean she would not change her mind in the future.  In a way, I knew she would come back.

For some months, she did not come to church.  Then she came back.  She seemed to have forgotten about what had happened.  She continued to sit by her friends.  She was not someone who greeted everyone.  Knowing her view about energy, I did not sit close to where she was.  On a few occasions, I was surprised she rushed to stand next to me when we formed the opening circle.  She seemed to be at ease holding my hand.  However, she never talked to me.

One day after service, I was talking to a friend when she touched my shoulder.  With light on her face, she said, "I just receive some messages for you.  You are ... " I could not hear her words clearly because many people were chatting.  I told her I was almost done talking to my friend, and would talk to her afterward.  When I looked for her, she was nowhere to be found.  The following week, I asked her about the messages.  She said she only remembered the messages when she received them.

One Sunday, she was the speaker at church.  She talked about her life.  She had a colorful, interesting life.  I moved out of that state 5 years ago.  I learned she had moved on a few years ago.  She lived to her 80 s and was loved by her friends.

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In gatherings, I did not talk much.  From time to time, people said this or that about me.  It was puzzling to me since people did not really know me.  Now, I was more used to these surprises.  However, I still could not help to interrupt when I heard Matthew's words.  Matthew was an instrument.  Sometimes words flowed out of his mouth as if he was channeling.  Interestingly, in the above group meeting, he also said, "You do know that we have known each other in other lifetimes, don't you?"  I nodded.  I fully believed I had known many of the group members in other lifetimes. Was he the brother in Why I had to sign my name before he was to reincarnate?  I did not know. 

All are my brothers and sisters.  So it is.

(As regards to Matthew, please read a latter post The Divine had its way of revealing to me )

Many blessings,
Q of D

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