Saturday, August 19, 2017

The Divine had its way of revealing to me


The spiritual teacher had returned to his country a few days ago.  His evening discourses in English were over in July.  In August, we had two whole days spiritual retreat.  There were about fifty of us.  It had been quite a month for our group.

I knew my last post was published over a month ago.  I tried to get back to my blog in the past few weeks, but could not focus on writing.  Our energy was raised in the presence of the teacher, and it might take some time for us to get back to our routine.

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In my last post, I wrote that I might not write anything about this year's retreat, but there was an interesting coincidence that I would like to share with you.

In Oct. 2016, I finished writing about my experiences during the 7-day evening discourses.

In Nov. 2016The Mysterious Encounter came to my mind, and I wrote a post about it.  Then I happened to recall The Strange Dream I had in my 20 s.  In the dream, I was told to sign my name before my younger brother was to reincarnate.  I thought this dream could not be true because I was the youngest of three.  I had an older sister and an older brother.  I did not know my mother had a miscarriage (twins) when I was in elementary school.  I eventually found out my dream was right - the year I had the dream marked the 16th year since the souls of the younger twins went back to the other side.  For years I wondered why I had to sign my name before he was to reincarnate.  I thought my parents or my older siblings should sign instead of me.

With one post leading to another, I wrote from Nov. 2016 to Jan. 2017.  While writing those posts, I suddenly understood I was asked to sign because this soul and I would meet again in this lifetime.  In that post, I wrote - 

I knew the year he was reincarnated.  In my current spiritual group, there were many young men around that age.  It was very possible my younger brother was among them.   At the end, I wrote 'I do not intend to find out who is my brother'.

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The first whole day retreat was held in a sister's beautiful home.  After the teacher's discourse, we sat down to talk.  (Note - at the time of the talk, the teacher was not with us.)  Samuel and Matthew led the talk.  They were wonderful leaders of our group.  (Re The Unveiling of A Divine Plan , The Beauty of a Bouquet of Flowers, and other posts on the spiritual retreat published in 2016.)  

Matthew talked about his experiences.  Somehow, he said, "I was born in (the year)." My eyes opened wide.  That was the year I had The Strange Dream and the year the soul as my younger brother was supposed to reincarnate!  Then I remembered some young men in our group had said they had known Matthew since childhood.  They were probably around Matthew's age.  Besides, other men in the retreat might have been born in that year too.

When we sat down to eat, I could not help but wanted to know how many men in the retreat were born in that year.  I asked for the help of a sister who was well loved and respected.  Without any hesitation, she voiced what I wanted to know.  As it turned out, Matthew was the only one that was born in that year!  A couple of his friends were born a year before or after him.

While I had not intended to find out who might be my brother, the Divine had its way of revealing to me.

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Since I began this blog in 2011, sometimes I wanted to write about something, but I just could not finish the post.  On the other hand, experiences that I had not thought of sharing occasionally came to my mind, and I felt this force within to continue writing until the whole story was completed.  It was the case with the mystery sister and the twins that I had no knowledge of.  It was incredible that Matthew talked about the year he was born eight months after I shared with you The Strange Dream.

There might be no scientific proof to the mystical experiences or coincidences in my life.  However, as far as I observed, there was definitely a touch of the Divine in the things that had unfolded.

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The night before the teacher left, we gathered in Matthew's house.  The whole house was crowded with people, and some I met for the first time.  We wanted to stay in the teacher's presence as long as we could.  We stayed until almost 3 am.

Thank you, Teacher!  We look forward to seeing you again soon!

Q of D

P. S.  1.  In He said, "You are sincere.", I wrote about Matthew too.
         2.  Like last year, the 7-Day discourses were free.  Our group pooled some money (very minimal) for our food and drinks during the two whole days spiritual retreat; there was no other charge.  The teacher never accepted any money, and came to USA on his own.



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