Monday, November 12, 2012



It has been raining all day.  I think of the people who lost their homes, and those who still have no power in where they live because of Hurricane Sandy.  It must be very difficult for them.  May there be plenty of help come their way soon.

Today I think of a friend who practices a good virtue on a daily basis - speak only good, positive words whenever we open our mouth.  She observes the good in others with her heart.  Then she relates what she sees at the right time.  She does not use fancy words.  She makes simple comments such as "oh, you look good in blue" and  "you look radiant today".  However, her words are genuine.  People often smile joyfully in response to what she says.  She also listens to others attentively.  Her uplifting presence is like the gentle breeze on a hot summer day.

I have also known a few brothers and sisters who do not talk much.  They put love into action.  They lend a hand when help is needed. They follow the guidance of their hearts, and do lots of good.  They seldom talk about what they have done for they never expect anything in return.  They conduct themselves with integrity, and look at others with love and compassion.  Their presence is like the warm, loving sunshine on a cold winter day.

What makes them so special is the truthfulness in their being.

Some people try very hard to be good too.  They are always in agreement with what others say, and never voice a different of opinion even if they have one.  They never want to offend anybody.  When they see something is wrong, they don't want to speak up.  When they feel someone is deceitful or may cause harm to others, they suppress how they feel because 'it is wrong to judge'.  Pleasing or flattering words easily come out of their mouths to whosoever they meet.  However, what they say do not have the same effect as the words of the sister.

There is power in the words from our heart.  Admonishment from the point of love can change lives too.  Cultivate truthfulness, and don't do or say anything just to make 'us' look good.  Loving kindness is not a show, and it must come from within.

The rain has just stopped.  To my friends and those who share with us their light, thank you.  At this very moment, my husband who is watching the TV and facing the window says: "Hey, the sun is out!"  It is nice to see the sunshine even for just a brief moment.  

Many blessings,
Q of D 

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