Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Fury of Hurricane Sandy


I call some of my relatives who live in New York, and I am glad that they are alright. There has been no power outage in where they live. However, millions of people still live in the dark, and many have no home to return to.  The destruction in many states along the east coast was devastating.  It will be a long road to recovery for states such as New Jersey and New York.  Let us hold all of them in our prayers.

It was heart warming to see so many people came together in the middle of the night helping patients of one hospital which lost its power moved to other hospitals.  Unlike what happened in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina in August 2005, the government had done a great job.  It showed how important was the leadership in the government either of a nation or a state.  For all the people who risk their own safety to help the people in need, for examples the national guards, soldiers, air force, policemen, firefighters, and red cross workers, thank you!

Time and time again, the force of nature makes us realize the impermanence and the uncertainty of life.  It teaches us not to take things for granted.  However, we should not live in fear.  I remember a true story I read about some years back.  A woman stored her whole basement with food, water, and all the necessities because of her fear for the end of time.  She had shown some of her friends her basement, and talked about how prepared she was.  However, she never got to use any of what she stored. She died of an illness at an early age.  So don't live in fear.  Instead, live each day fully with love, vigor, and appreciation.

Are you tired of some of the ridiculous political ads on the TV?  I am.

While states such as New York and New Jersey on the east coast were going through possibly the disaster of the century, there on the TV screen were the non-stop political ads.  I understood it was close to the election day, and all the ads were prearranged or programmed to go on the air.  However,  most of us wanted to know if the people were safe or what went on during the Fury of Hurricane Sandy.  Politics was the least thing on our mind.  Many of the political ads were ridiculous and senseless!  Some politicians looked like irresponsible kids throwing dirt at one another.  I wish we had a respectable non-profit fact-finding group which would not be influenced by any political party to oversee the lies and smears, and pointed them out to the general public.  In doing so, the candidates or political groups might have to be held more responsible for the political ads.  Consequently, instead of smears, candidates would focus more on coming up with good ideas and productive policies that would benefit the nation, its people, and the world on the whole.

Our life on earth may be impermanent, but love is.  In time of despair, may hope shine through.  In time of suffering, gratitude carries us through.  To those who lost their loved ones and/or homes during the hurricane, we send our love.  You are not alone. We are with you.

Love and blessings,
Q of D

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