Thursday, November 15, 2012

In memory of my friend's wonderful white cat


We visit a relative this morning.  His family has a 2 year-old German Shepherd who often gets very excited when people come to their house.  He welcomes us by eagerly licking our hands and faces.  Our relative asks him to stay by the door.  For a short while, he obeys.  However, he cannot stay away from us because he loves people.  Our relative says the dog is normally very good with commands except when they have guests.  My husband scratches the dog's under chin and areas around the side of his head.  He seems to enjoy it very much.  Later he comes to me.  I pat his back.  He lies down by my feet until we have to go an hour later.  What a good dog!

Now let me share with you a story.

I mentioned in my other post that I was with the small church's healing prayer circle for about 3 years.  We met on Tuesdays.  Some people left their requests for prayers at the chapel, and some sent their requests by Email. 

One morning during the service, I suddenly felt a light tap on my left palm.  Since we did pray for the smooth transition of those who were about to move on as well as those who had moved on recently, I had experienced a couple of times that my hand was touched by a hand of a spirit.  The energy of our circle was good, and there was nothing to fear.  I assumed it was the spirit's way of telling us that she or he had moved on, and 'thanks for the prayer'.  However, it did not feel like a hand at all that day.  It was something similar to the size of the tip of a finger, yet it was definitely not the tip of a finger!  (You may find my description confusing.  That was how I felt that Tuesday.)  The gentle tapping went on for quite a while. The energy was loving and peaceful.  I looked at the time.  It was around noon.

A few days later, on Friday, a friend who lived in the state I used to live called me. She said she just came back from a vacation.  We had not talked to each other for a long time.  As we tried to catch up on what happened in our lives, she told me that her cat who was almost 19* years old had moved on.  ( *The cat might be older than 19.  A few years back, she had talked about her cat during the Thursday circle.  Her cat had disappeared for two years.  Miraculously, though old and weak, the cat managed to come back to her house.  At the time, she had mentioned the age of the cat.) 

In 2007 while I was the on site healer on Wednesdays, my friend had brought her cat in twice for me to work on.  It was a male cat with medium long white fur.  He was quite a cat, and acted like an old soul.  He walked slowly because of age, but he walked with dignity.  (That was how I felt).

He was the first pet I worked on.  I was glad healing energy came through to work on him for quite a while.  When my friend wanted to leave, the cat refused to.  He walked back to the room where the healing session was held.  So my friend and I talked some more.  After a long time, the cat walked to the door and signaled it was time to go.  My friend held him in her arms.  When I said 'bye', he raised his head and looked at me attentively.  My friend said: "Oh, that is his way of saying thank you."

When my friend and I met again, she told me what happened to the cat after the healing session.  She observed the cat slept blissfully at night which she had never seen before.  The next day, my friend took a walk in her neighborhood.  She was surprised the cat got out of the garage to walk with her as he had when he was young.  Some neighbors actually asked if she had a new cat because he looked well and different.

Some weeks later, my friend brought the cat in again.  (By then, I did not charge money for healing sessions.)  Before I began the session, the child in me suddenly thought it might be I should ask the cat's permission just as I asked people. So I said: "Cat, would you like to receive healing energy?  If you do, please wag your tail once." Immediately, he wagged his tail once.  Both my friend and I watched in amazement.  I said the same words again.  My friend said: "I know my cat.  He won't wag his tail again for he already said 'yes'."  She was right.  The cat did not wag his tail again.  So I began the session by placing my hand above him.  Right away, the cat fell into a blissful sleep.  He was still sleeping when the session was over.  My friend and I left him alone.  We got out of the room to continue our talk.

I normally asked the recipient not to tell me anything before the healing session.  After the session, I asked my friend why I was guided to work on one of the cat's ears again and again.  My friend said the cat had lost his hearing for some time.  He used to look up at her when she called his name, but he could not hear anymore.  She had prayed for healing of his hearing.

Over the phone, my friend and I talked about what a wonderful cat he was.  Suddenly the light tapping on my palm on Tuesday came to my mind.  I asked my friend about the day the cat moved on.  My friend said the cat passed away while she was on vacation.  She knew he was not well before she left.  She asked her daughter to come over to her house to take care of him while she was away.  Her daughter told her the cat passed away on Tuesday around noon!

On the day of the second healing session, the cat, after waking up from his blissful sleep, went to lie on the windowsill beside a basket of crystals.  Basking in the sun, he was like a beautiful ball of white light resting on the brown wooden windowsill.

My friend and I only talked on the phone once or twice a year since I moved.  It was no coincidence she called me that Friday.  She was at peace with the cat's passing because he had lived to an old age.  She called him her baby.  However, when I met them, the cat was more like a 'dignified grandpa' to my friend - he gave her love, comfort, and peace.

Dogs and cats are man's best friends.  Their loving presence comforts and heals many hearts.

To the Cat, thank you for the experience.

Love and Peace,
Q of D

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