Friday, February 15, 2013

It is important to pay attention to our thoughts and stay positive


In my previous post, my grandson asked me to guess what he was saying by looking at him.  I made the right guess because I used some child psychology.  From the expression on his face, he demanded an answer.  So I said he was asking the same question that he voiced.

What happened that day reminded me of another incident.  Four months ago, I was with a group of volunteers visiting the seniors living in a housing complex.  It was my first time there.  Only a few residents participated in the event.  The other volunteers had visited before, and they knew the residents by name.  I stood aside watching them reacquainted with one another.

A woman talked to my friends about a physical condition.  I could hear the concern in her voice.  I was standing at a distance from her and my friends.  Mentally, I sent her my love and blessings.  Right then, she raised her head and nodded at me.  She said: "Thank you, I love you too."  Then she continued talking to my friends.  I was amazed. Telepathically, she had perceived my thoughts, but she probably did not realize that.  My friends were facing her, therefore, their backs were towards me.  I believed it never crossed their mind why the woman thanked me in the middle of their conversation.

In truth, we sent and received thoughts all the time.  However, most of us didn't realize that.  For examples, before you picked up the phone, you already knew who called; you thought of someone, and he or she came to visit.

Sometimes other people's attitude or thoughts could affect us too.  Here was an example.  One day as I was walking to my car, I saw a friend talking on the phone.  She had finished talking before I got to my car.  She told me she suddenly felt very exhausted.  I asked if the phone call had anything to do with it.  She exclaimed: "Yes, that is why I feel so tired!  It's a friend (who called).  Every time she calls me, I feel exhausted afterwards.  She is very negative, and complains a lot.  It is very tiring listening to what she says.  Her negative feeling must be getting to me, and I do not realize that."

From my experiences, I have learned the importance of maintaining my peace.  It is very important to pay attention to our thoughts and stay positive.  If our mind is filled with negative thoughts, we cannot think right because the flow of love is blocked.  In my friend's case, she can protect herself by listening with discernment.  We can listen with compassion, but we don't have to take in what we hear personally.  We cannot console others when we lose our own peace.

Have it ever happened to you that you suddenly feel depressed, agitated, or sad?  Meanwhile, upon self examination, you find no reason for you to feel so.  It is possible you are perceiving the feeling of a loved one, or of a friend.  Have you ever felt warmth (a very comforting, loving feeling) around you?  You are probably receiving loving thoughts from someone on this plane or from the other side.  We are more connected than we can imagine.

May all of us be the presence of love and peace.  I say these affirmations sometimes.

                                            Wherever I AM, LOVE IS.
                                            Wherever I AM, PEACE IS.

Many blessings,
Q of D

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