Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Grandma, guess what I am saying now?


Our younger son and his family came over and ate with us on New Year Eve and New Year Day (lunar calendar).  It was so wonderful to have them with us on these special days.

While we ate, our granddaughter who was 3 years old talked to her daddy in her sweet little voice.  Meanwhile, she looked at him with that adorable loving look.  I said to our son: "She is talking to you with her eyes."  Our son said that his son did that often too.  I looked at our grandson who was a year and a half older than his sister. He looked at me with his eyes widely open as if waiting for my response.  He was a very good story teller.  He did not only talk with his voice, but with full expressions on his face and eyes.  I smiled and agreed with our son that indeed our oldest grandson talked with his eyes all the time.  

Immediately, our cute grandson protested: "No, I do not talk with my eyes!"  Our daughter-in-law explained to him: "When people say that you talk with your eyes, they do not mean that you really talk with your eyes.  They mean that they know what you are trying to say by looking at the expression of your eyes."

My grandson turned to me.  He said: "Ah Ma (=Grandma), you say that I talk with my eyes.  Look at me, and guess what I am saying now!"  Then he looked at me intensely with puffed cheeks.  We laughed.  Someone at the table said (I did not recall who): "Oh, Ah Ma is in trouble!"  Boy, you never knew what a 3 or 4 years old was going to ask you!  Our grandson kept looking at me, and waited for my answer.  I looked at him. I said: "You are saying (with your eyes) 'guess what I am saying now'. Is that right?"  He released the air in his cheeks, and said: "That's right."  He turned his attention to the food on his plate.  It was just a lucky guess on my part!

My husband and I had joy taking turns holding our new grandson who was born a few weeks ago.  He is a good baby, perfect and wonderful in every way.

I have not gone to church or any gathering in recent months.  After living away from this state for five years, we have to get used to the cold weather again.  I hope I will find a church or a place to go to regularly in the coming months.

Best wishes to all of you,

Q of D

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