Friday, August 16, 2013

A sign from God in a very unlikely place


Here is another story of the touch of God.  It happened during the restaurant years.

On the night of March 24, 2001, I sat down to write my journal after the dinner rush hours were over.  At the end of the entry, I wrote - God, can you please show me a sign as a confirmation.  Then the phone rang.  There was an order.

I went into the kitchen.  While I was packing the order, I thought: "Why do I ask God for a sign?  Even if there is a sign, I may not be able to recognize it."  The phone rang again.  There was another order.

At one point while I was waiting for the order to be ready, my head turned to look at the garbage can which was at a distance behind me.  On top of the garbage were two long, narrow strips of cardboard crossing each other like a big cross!  Some hours earlier, I had cut a cardboard box into rectangular pieces (approx. 4" x 9").  We used them to secure the soups when we packed carryout orders.  There were two narrow strips left, one about 1"x19" and the other 2"x19".  I threw them away because they were of no use.  How they stood up as a big cross many hours later on the top of the garbage was beyond me!  Looking at the cross, I had no doubt whatsoever that God had given me a sign.  Silently, I bowed and thanked God.

The skeptics might say I saw something out of nothing.  However, it was these signs of Love that kept me on my path of service.

I know wherever I am, I am never alone.  Love is in me and around me.  I know no matter what happens, it is going to be all right.  All is well in the Loving Divine.

To all of you a good night!

Many blessings,
Q of D    

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