Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Heartiest thanks to Oprah, Deepak, and all the people who make this connection to fruition


Oprah & Deepak 22-Day (a bonus day on Aug.26) Meditation Challenge toward Miraculous Relationships was officially completed yesterday.  I want to give my heartiest thanks to Oprah, Deepak, and all the people who make this connection to fruition.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I can feel energy.  Every time when I joined the Meditation, I could feel the wonderful energy and loving connection that was beyond time, space, and distance.

During the restaurant years, I prayed a lot.  Basically, I mentally talked throughout my 'quiet' time with God or the Source of my being.  I could not quiet my mind.  When I prayed, I often found myself in a powerful field of energy, and both of my hands were connected to or held by energy.  Though the difficulties in the restaurant continued, but I began to see the presence of wonders and miracles in my life.  At times, I wondered what was meditation or how to sit in stillness.  I thought I did not meditate at all.  

I experienced the power of group meditation when I joined the Thursday circle in 2005. The facilitator usually guided us into a short meditation before we started our discussion.  I was somewhat able to quiet down the noises in my head during that short period of time.  I could feel the joy within, and many times I did not want to come out of the meditation when the facilitator asked us to.

One day, while we were meditating, I heard the door of the Center opened.  We continued to meditate.  When the meditation was over, a man came to sit to my left. (This was a holistic center, and people walked in from time to time.)

The facilitator knew him and acknowledged him.  Then we began our discussion. However, the man turned to look at me again and again.  From his facial expression, I understood something was bothering him.  His behavior bothered me too.  I mentally sent him a message that he should looked at the facilitator instead of me, but it didn't work.  Suddenly, he turned to me and asked: "Who are you?"  His question caught me by surprise, and I felt very embarrassed because everybody was looking at me.

"Er......I am (my name)," I stammered.

"Who are you really?" he asked again.

"Er......I am just the simple me," I answered.

"Do you meditate a lot?" he asked.

"No, I seldom meditate when I am home," I said.

He seemed to be puzzled by my answer.  He said he saw a beautiful golden aura around me when he walked in on our meditation.  That was why he wanted to know who I was.  The facilitator smiled.  She understood I was embarrassed for she knew me well.  She talked to him a little bit about me, and took the attention off me by turning our focus back to the discussion.  I believed what happened was the brother walked in when I was able to briefly go within or tap into the core of my being.

I share with you this incident to show that we are all wondrous light of love as Oprah and Deepak have said.  We are expressions of the Source.  Our essential being is the same, but each one of us is unique and splendid in our own way.  Together, we are One Light, One Love, One Spirit, One Life Force of Supreme Intelligence, Wisdom, and Infinite Creativity beyond words can describe.

When we moved to another state in the later part of 2007, I found a church I loved.  I began attending Sunday service on a regular base.  Gradually, I went to gatherings, and participated in different circles.  I was fortunate to sit among some of the most loving, spiritual brothers and sisters.  Their energy or presence really helped me during meditation.

In time, I learned that I was wrong to say that I did not meditate.  Praying was in fact the first part of a meditation, except I spent all my time doing just that.  I did not let go of the noises in my head, and I did not try to listen to the voice within.

I am a spiritual being living a physical life.  The physical me may be in the process of learning and discovering who I am, but the truth is I am already all that I am.

I am honor to connect with you through this blog.  When you finish reading this post, if you are willing, please close your eyes and mentally repeat the centering thought for Day-19 of the Meditation.

                                 I radiate love.  (breathe in, breathe out)
                                 I radiate love.          "                "
                                 I radiate love.          "                "

I radiate love.  You radiate love.  We radiate love.  Can you feel the vibration?

Love & blessings,
Q of D  

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