Friday, September 27, 2013

Pass It On


In my post A mistake happens to be part of the divine plan, I shared an incident in which I was used as an instrument.  In another post We are all divine instruments from time to time, my friend was the instrument, but she had no idea she was.

When I paid more attention to the things that happened around me, I noticed we were messengers or instruments in the divine plans more often than we realized.  I also learned from my experiences that sometimes we were meant to pass on what we learned.  Here was one of those occasions.

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One day, my boss told me she had a minor car accident the night before.  At the time, her daughter was with her.  Both parties involved reported the accident to the police and the insurance companies.  There were some small damages to the cars, but nobody was hurt.   Afterward, she could not get her mind off the incident.  The other driver was at fault.  The more she thought about it, the more upset she became.  She did not like the mood she was in.  She wanted to restore her peace, but could not.

As humans, our state of being was always affected by what happened around us.  When things went well, we felt peaceful and joyful.  When sudden, unpleasant things happened, we lost our peace.  Her reaction to what happened was understandable.

I looked at her for a while.  I said: "How's your daughter doing after the accident?  We should give thanks to God that both of you are not hurt."  She said: "Yes, I am very grateful.  My daughter was a little bit shaken up when it happened.  This morning she is back to her joyful self."  I said: "It may be you can look at what happened this way.  During our many lifetimes, all of us have accumulated some karmic debts.  In car accidents, something worse could have happened.  Thank God both of you are safe and well.  It is possible you may have paid off a big karmic debt through this minor accident.  You told me your father came into your dream to say goodbye the day he moved on.  (Her father moved on years ago.)  He must be quite a spiritual being.  I believe he is watching over you and your loved ones."

My boss's face lightened up.  She said strangely she had been thinking about her father after the car accident (or her father's image had come to her mind).  Besides, she said there was an inexplicable incident with the light outside of their garage.  The light had not been working.  After the accident, they were surprised to see the light was on!  The husband had not finished fixing it, and it was impossible for the light to turn on because the wire was still on the floor or detached (?).  (I did not record her exact words about the light in my journal.)  I said spirits always used light to signal their presence.

The phone rang.  My boss went back to do her work.  Then she went to take care of a customer.

When she returned, there was a wonderful expression on her face.  She said the customer had a car accident the day before too.  The customer was also very upset because the other driver was at fault.  Seeing how upset she was, my boss related some of the words that I said.  My boss said: "It is miraculous!  When she walked in, her face was tight and gloomy.  As I talk to her, something seems to lift off her.  She completely changes right in front of me.  When she leaves, she is in a total different mood.  She is now very grateful instead of angry."

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In life, lots of times things happen for a reason.  In our human mind, it is hard for us to figure out why this or that happens.  We can bury ourselves in a dark mood, or choose to move forward on a positive endeavor.  I fully understand sometimes it is not easy, but it helps to remember that "no matter how dark the night may seem, a bright day is waiting to unfold".  (Sorry, I know these words are not the exact words of those wise old sayings.  It is alright.  I am smiling, and I hope you are too!)  

If you have a transforming experience, or you hear something inspiring, at the right time, pass it on.  May all of us be an inspiration or a blessing to one other every now and then on our life journey.  Amen.

Love and blessings,
Q of D

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