Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Why are some people born with a life crippling condition?


Have you ever wonder why some people are born with a physical challenge or get life crippling diseases early on in their lives that may never be healed?  I find this entry dated April 5, 2006 in my journal.

We always associate healing with one's physical well-being, but it is not necessary the case.  There are healing in many levels.  One may come into this life with a physical challenge that may never be healed because it may be a choice he made.  Healing can take place among his loved ones while taking care of him.  Or, he may have chosen the physical challenge to have an experience.  Instead of totally dismantled because of his illness, he accepts, prospers, and lives a good life. 

The above were written under the date.  I did not record the reason or situation.  I supposed I must have asked a question, and I wrote down the words that came to me (probably from my inner self, guides or angels).

Some people looked at life as a system of punishment and rewards.  However, we should bear in mind that, as humans, we did not see the big picture behind every situation.  It helped to look at others with a positive, non-judging attitude.  (Please click to view Life is a wowing experience )

Q of D

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

My heart knows the answer


On Day 8 of Oprah & Deepak's Desire and Destiny 21-Day Meditation Challenge, we were guided to connect within by repeating a question.
                                      "What do I want?  What do I want?"

The centering thought of the day was -

                                            My heart knows the answer.

The Sanskrit Mantra was "Om Varunam Namah" which meant "My life is in harmony with the universe".

So there I was, breathing in and breathing out, asking myself "What do I want?"  I repeated the question 3 or 4 times, and waited to hear an answer.  After a while, I affirmed "My heart knows the answer" and mentally chanted "Om Varunam Namah".  Then I started over again repeating the question, listening, affirming the centering thought, and chanting the Sanskrit Mantra.  This went on and on.  Suddenly, I had a flashback of an occurrence, and I knew it was true that "My heart knows the answer".

When the meditation was finished, I looked up the incident in my journal.

In the morning of Oct. 8, 2009, I woke up early.  Sitting on the night stand next to my bed were books that I had borrowed from the library days ago.  Randomly, I picked up a book.  It was "Soul Development - Edgar Cayce's Approach to a New World" by Kevin Todeschi.

In the quietness of the morning, I began to read the book.  Soon I was reading a story about a man who in his recent life was a warrior that attacked the Inca Indians.  He was not interested in simply destroying and overtaking the people of the land, but his counsel had been overruled.  As a result, he witnessed the horror and barbaric of war.

Up to this point, the me that was reading the book was very peaceful. 

I continued to read.  I read "Although the experience had been deeply troubling, it had also led to a soul longing to become a champion of hope and equality among all peoples."  The words touched every core of my being and vibrated within me.  I found myself becoming very emotional.  I wanted to read out loud "a soul longing to.....", but I could not.  Tears filled my eyes.  When I was finally able to say those words, my voice was shaking with emotions.  I knew deep inside me I had the same longing as him.  I wanted to be a champion of hope.  I wanted peace and equality among all people.  That was why I kept writing in my journal "I am here to spread love, peace, and joy; to connect hearts to hearts; to inspire and bring about the awakening that we are one."  

I know I am not alone.  Many of us want peace and equality among all people.  Deepak says there is no right or wrong in the answer to "What do I want?"  One's answer can be a house on the beach.  On the surface, the answer may seem materialistic, but we can ask for further insights.  When we move from our mind to our inner truth, a house on the beach may mean a desire to strengthen one's connection with nature or Life.  (If you want to hear the exact words of Deepak's insight of our desires, go to their website, log in and listen to Day 8 of the Meditation Challenge.)

What do you want, my friend?  What is your deepest desire?  Ask and you will know for your heart knows the answer.

Q of D

P.S.  Kevin Todeschi is the executive director and CEO of A.R.E.  I just go online and find out the above mentioned book is now printed under a new title "Soul Growth". Since 2000, I have read many books by different authors on Edgar Cayce and his readings.  Most of the books are inspiring and helpful on my spiritual journey.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

42 angels. 92 angels. What is the dream all about?


A few mornings ago (probably on Nov.11 or 12), I woke up from some dreams.  One dream in particular stood out because it was unusual.  I had intended to write down all the dreams, but I did not.  I wrote at will, and did not write in my journal daily.

Last night I sat down to write.  Immediately, the dream came to my mind.  Tried as I might, I could not recall any other dreams I had that morning except this one.  This was the dream.  
                                               ~    ~    ~    ~    ~    ~    ~

In a big place, there were lots of people.  It looked like a spiritual conference or gathering.  The teacher or facilitator was a woman.  She said there was one among us who was most tuned in to the Divine.  She said a name and asked that person to stand up.  A slim, young lady in her 20s stood up.  "She can see and talk to the angels," the teacher added.

The next scene - The young lady was standing in front of me.  She said, "I can see 42 angels are working with you.  But, you need to increase the number of angels to at least 92 in order to do what you have to do or to achieve clarity."  She suggested I should invite more angels into my life.  The end.

                                               ~    ~    ~    ~    ~    ~    ~

I recalled I found the dream kind of funny when I woke up that morning.  42 angels?  92 angels?  Where did these numbers come from?  It was one strange dream, I thought.

After I wrote down the dream, I looked up the numbers in my angel number book.

42 - Your angels ask you to keep the faith that your prayers have been heard and are answered.  If you need to, ask the angels to increase the level of your faith.

92 - Have faith in yourself and your ability to fulfill your Divine life mission.

*** I have only one angel number book.  It is a small pocket size book by Doreen Virtue and Lynnette Brown.  The cover is pink with a picture of an angel.  The title of the book is 'ANGEL NUMBERS'.  If you have the same book, you will notice the numbers near 42 or 92 do not include the word "faith" (e.g. 40, 41, 43, 44, 90, 91, 93 & 94).  It is no coincidence that 42 and 92 are paired up for the purpose of the message.  The numbers in the dream are symbolic.  I personally think they do not really mean the number of angels.

The messages were right on!  I really needed to hear them especially at this time. Despite of my strong sense of service, doubts had recently surfaced in my mind about myself and what would.  It was true I needed to increase the level of faith and have faith in myself.  Last night, I intentionally woke up from my sleep to talk to the Loving Divine.  I prayed for strength and help to continue living in faith.

"Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe..................Saint Augustine"

In love and faith, I share with you my experience.

Q of D

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Desire & Destiny, Oprah & Deepak New Meditation Challenge


On Nov. 11, a 1111 Angels Day, Oprah and Deepak will begin a new 21-Day Meditation Challenge.  It is free.  Anybody can sign up online and participate.  Here is the link to the website


When I received the email about the new 3 weeks meditation program, I was excited because I truly enjoyed my previous meditation experiences.  I could feel the wonderful, loving energy whenever I signed in.  That was why I posted the news about the last meditation challenge on Miraculous Relationships in August.

However, thought crossed my mind when I read the recent email from the Chopra Center.
Am I going to post the news again?  Oprah and Deepak are known all over the world.  The website are visited by millions of people.  Many people have participated in the meditation challenge they have facilitated.  What is the point of posting the news in my blog?  
Then I remembered I would not have joined for the first time in Oprah and Deepak's online meditation if my friend had not emailed me about it.  She thought I could be interested, but I might not have known about it.  She was right.  I had not heard about it. I was grateful she took the time to let me know.

If you have never signed up for Oprah and Deepak's 21-Day online meditation challenge, please sign up and see if you love it.

I do not buy the Miraculous Relationships CD after the meditation challenge was over because I don't have a credit card and they don't accept checks.  My loved ones ask me to give them my wish list for Christmas, but I really do not want to add more to what I do not need.  However, I think I will add the CD to my wish list for I would love to have them.  I hope Oprah and Deepak will continue to offer these meditation CD on special prices so that more people can have them as Christmas gifts.

Desire and Destiny.  I can't wait to sign in tomorrow and join with loving souls all over the world for this wonderful meditation experience in the next three weeks.

Q of D

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Searching for Paradise


In my last post, I wrote the child in me loved to put beautiful colors here and there on the canvas of life.  I just read Karen's newest post 'The Fountain of Youth'.  There is a picture of a child fascinated by the flowing water of a fountain.  Her post and the picture make me smile.  This is the link to her website

Recently I watched a Chinese movie on YouTube.  It was a pretty good movie.  The Chinese title was "The Edge of the World" while the English title was "Lost and Found".  (Please note that there was another Chinese movie on YouTube with the same English title, but it was a different one.)  Here is the link to the movie.
I loved the part about a girl named Ting Ting.  She went to a private investigator with her piggy bank.  Her mother was dying of kidney failure.  Her father had planted a rose garden on where they used to grow vegetables because he knew his wife loved roses.  However, not a single flower had come to bloom.  Ting Ting recalled big winter melons had grown in their garden after some wild red-beak ducks came and stayed there for a few days.  Her father said the droppings of the ducks had helped fertilizing the field.  She asked the investigator to find the red-beak ducks.  She thought the roses would bloom with the help of the ducks.  She hope her mother would recover seeing the blossom of roses in the garden.

On the whole, the English subtitles in the movie were good except for the translation of the lyrics in the second part of the song "Searching (or longing) for a paradise".

In the movie, this was the translation for the second part of the song -

Running out of space to find
All but for some peace of mind

Somewhere birds are flying
Where the sun will shine in the morning
Things that touch my heart string
Will soon be here awaiting

Suddenly I realize
Never mind where's paradise
Hope is always by your side
Paradise is where love lies

However, there were quite some discrepancies from the original Chinese version of the song.

Searching everywhere, to places remote and beyond
All but a waste of energy and money

High above, birds are flying
The wilderness glows in the splendor of the setting sun
In an instant, I am filled with serenity
Hostility or ill will seems to dissolve and clear away

Suddenly I realize
(Paradise) is already* deep within my heart
Paradise is where Love is

*I checked the Chinese lyric online.  The song was sung in Cantonese. The composer used the Chinese word which meant "already is" or "was" in the English language. The one who translated it could have mistaken the sound of the word for "wish or hope". Anyway, the English words on the screen rhymed, and were probably better for a song.

The characters in the movie did not dwell on the sadness of life.  Life moved on.  The private investigator, Worm, found out Mr. Chu's wife had died.  He chose to lie to keep Mr. Chu's hope up because Mr. Chu had four small children.  Lying might seem to be wrong, but life was not simply black and white.  Ting Ting's mother did not live to see the blossom in the rose garden, but the effort of love from all the people involved was not in vain.

Paradise is where Love is.  So it is.

Q of D

She was always an hour or two late!


My loved ones picked me up to go to the zoo with them.  My daughter-in-law was glad that they could get ready in a short time.  With 3 small kids, it was indeed a task.  "Yes, both of you (incl. our son) are very organized and efficient," I complimented.

As we talked, my daughter-in-law recalled while she was growing up, her aunt always showed up an hour or two after the said time.  I asked how her family felt about the aunt's tardiness.  My daughter-in-law laughed.  She said: "Our family tried everything, but nothing seemed to work.  Eventually, we were kind of good spirited about it for we knew we could not change her except when she was ready to.  Luckily, with age, my aunt is often on time now."

From my own experiences, it was true we could not make others change except if they wanted to.  Sometimes we might think we had changed someone, or took credit for the change in others.  However, in truth, the change had to come within him or her.  It was a good thing that my daughter-in-law's family learned to look at the aunt's tardiness with good spirit.  I could imagine they had a good laugh while waiting for her instead of getting all upset over it.

I once had a friend who had a hard time keeping up with her words.  Consequently, I held a negative view of her.  When I did, my peace was disturbed.  It took me some time to realize that to know her weakness did not equate to holding a negative judgment against her within me.  We all had our own weaknesses to overcome.  Some people's weaknesses might be more extreme than others.  It was my friend's struggle to overcome hers.  I should withhold my judgment, and should not be too easy to condemn.

This morning we wake up in the 30s (degrees).  Take care and keep yourself warm.

Q of D

Friday, November 1, 2013

Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday to me!


Today is Angels Day, a 111 day.  To all the angels, I love you!  Beside Nov. 1, I also regard Nov. 11 and Jan. 11 as Angels Days.  Life is like painting a canvas, the child in me wants to put beautiful colors here and there.

Now, let me ask you a question.  How do you normally feel when you sing the song "Happy Birthday to You"?  Does love fill your heart when you sing it for your loved ones?  Do you feel differently, for instance, when you sing the song with others at work for someone you do not know well?

As for me, singing the song always brings a smile on my face.  I may be at church, in a party, or somewhere I happen to be, the joyful feeling is the same.  It doesn't matter if we know each other well or not.  Love and blessings flow forth freely to the star of the day (i.e. the one who is celebrating a birthday).

To me, this is one of the best songs of goodwill.  Most of us sing it naturally with good wishes, joy, friendship, and love.  When we sing this song, we cannot sing in tune in a grudging voice; we cannot sing in tune if we are upset or sad.  We may not have noticed it, singing this song together brings forth a very special moment especially when all are peaceful.  In that moment, we are joined as one in gladness and goodwill.

Seeing the title, you may wonder if today is my birthday.  No, it is not.  However, the song is in the air as I wake up.  It is always wonderful to hear the song.  It reminds me of one morning a few years ago.

That morning after washing my face and brushing my teeth, I stood in front of the mirror.  As I looked at me, it suddenly dawned on me I was no longer the old me. 'Everyday is a new day, and everyday I am a new me'.  I began singing "Happy birthday to me!  Happy birthday to me!  Happy birthday to the new me.  Happy birthday to me!"  I sang and sang.  The energy in me and around me was remarkable, and the whole place was filled with joy.

In a small gathering, I had shared my experience.  I encouraged my friends to give it a try and sing happy birthday to themselves in the morning.  It was wonderful to see the broad smiles on some of my friends' faces when they related their own experiences days later.

Everyday is a brand new day.  Everyday you are a new you.  Wherever you are, may your days be filled with peace and joy.

Q of D