Sunday, September 21, 2014

Mark Romero and his healing music


In my previous post An Encouragement from the Divine, I wrote that I went there to sit among people and did not expect anything.  Well, what did I know?  There was much more to that day than I had expected.

Before the event was over, I raised my hand to ask a question.  I asked the founder of the organization if they planned to have their own place instead of renting places to hold their events.  The answer was affirmative.  The founder began to talk about the sacred geometry in a building.  He said everything was energy.  As he continued, he gave us an example.  He talked about Mark Romero's healing music.  He asked if we wanted him to give us a muscle or balance test to demonstrate the amazing effect of Mark's music.  About ten of us came out of our seats.  He asked us to stand with our feet and toes together.  All of us lost our balance when he pushed our right hands downwards.  He turned on Mark's music that he had recorded on his phone.  We listened to the music for a brief while.  We were all amazed we could maintain our balance when he pushed us again.  We knew he pushed our hands downward hard, but we maintained our balance without any effort (or little effort).  The founder said there was something in Mark's music that helped us to align ourselves with higher consciousness, and it made a difference after we listened to his music.

When I was home, I went online to read about Mark's story.  I listened to Mark's music and his talks on YouTube.  I wanted to do the balance test again.  My son went to the event with me.  He did not participate in the balance test.  As his mother, I knew he would not agree to do the test with me right away.  I waited.

On Saturday (Sept. 20) morning, I listened to Mark's music.  My son walked into the family room.  I asked him to push my right hand downward and see if I would lose my balance.  A bodybuilder he was, he obliged.  He was surprised I could maintain my balance.  He tried to make me lose my balance a couple more times, but I stood at ease.  He knew he was much stronger than I was.  He asked me to do the balance test on him.  He stood as firm as he could.  He lost his balance when I pushed his right hand.  He asked me to do it two more times.  He lost his balance time after time. I saw the disbelief expression on his face.  I asked if he wanted to listen to the music and try the test again.  He declined.  I smiled and let it go.

Many of you probably have heard about Mark Romero's music and Podcast since they have been on YouTube for many years.  If not, here are some links to his music.

Unleash the Magnificent YOU!
Thinking Beyond the Wall 

Someone commented on YouTube that a woman listened to the music for quite some time,  but saw no change or healing.

Many of us want an immediate healing of our expectation.  We never know what the best is for us.  (Click to view  Why do some people born with a life crippling condition? )  Occasionally, we are stuck in our expectation or the way we want things to happen.  We block the alternatives that may be helpful for our well being.  From my own experiences, I have learned the importance of let go let God.  Mark Romero's music is soothing.  The messages and affirmations that come through his Podcast are positive.  I listen to them with an open heart.  Sometimes we may have to let healing music and positive words like Mark's to sink in as if planting a seed in our mind in order for a change to begin.

There is a video showing a demonstration of the balance / muscle test by Mark Romero on stage on YouTube.  Mark instructed the subjects to stand with their feet and toes together.  If you want to try the balance test with your friends, please do not push too hard, and make sure each person stands close enough to help if one loses his balance.  (Of a group of people, there may be someone who is not able to maintain his balance even after listening to the music.)  It is not a competition, and the intent should never be that of proving who is stronger.  This is another link of how to perform the test demonstrated by Mark Romero

If I did not ask my son to drive me there, I would not have heard about Mark Romero's music.  The facilitator had mentioned his name earlier in his talk, but it did not draw my attention.  I asked a simple, unrelated question.  I did not expect that it would lead to the demonstration of Mark's music.  Those of us who participated in the balance test were certainly impressed with the effect of his music.

Love and blessings,
Q of D

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

An Encouragement from the Divine


Last Sunday (Sept. 14), I took a step out to go to a gathering.

I had gone to this place once before.  It was four months ago.  I asked my son to drive me there because it was not close to where we lived.  There were two events that day.  I could not be there for the first event because we had other plans.  I attended the second event.  I found the story of the founder of the organization authentic and interesting.  Through his experiences, he found he was a conduit for healing.  My son was willing to drive me anywhere whenever I asked, however, he always maintained he had no interest whatsoever in spiritual stuff.  Besides, he liked to hang out with his friends on most weekends.  Therefore, when the event was over, I thought I would not go there again.

Recently I thought of attending their events again.  I was glad my son was free, and he drove me over there.

This organization held similar events weekly or sometimes every two weeks.  The two events lasted for about four hours.  The events were free*, and anybody could attend. The first event was channeling.  I found the channel authentic too.  Her story was quite amazing.  These days many people were into channeling, but some did not channel from a higher source.  After this event, we had a 15-minute break.  *They rented this place to hold the events.  Therefore, they accepted donations.  They never asked for money again even though many came after the donation basket had passed around.  They seemed to have a pure intention of service.

During the second event, the facilitator (i.e. the founder) talked about his story and his experiences.  He said he was skeptical about his ability at first.  Those who could see and readings by reliable channels confirmed that he was indeed a conduit for healing. He said he had no idea how healing took place.  He simply allowed himself to be.  He had asked why the Healing Source did not heal people directly.  He learned the healing energy worked better coming through a physical body.  When I went to the gathering, I never expected anything but to sit among others.  However, what I heard answered some of the questions about myself too.  (A clairvoyant was present the last time I was there.  When the healing was finished, she told us what she saw.  She was out of town this Sunday, and would be back for the future events.)

Later, he asked us to close our eyes and set the intention to receive healing.  He remained standing where he was.  We closed our eyes for about 10 to 15 minutes.  I had the strangest experience when I opened my eyes.  For a while, I seemed to be viewing from another source other than my physical eyes.  The colors and images looked vivid and different.  It was hard to describe.  It took a while for my normal perception to return.

The facilitator touched on many spiritual subjects in his talk.  Every now and then, he asked if we had any question.  We sat and listened.  We rarely ask any question.  At one point, I raised my hand to ask a question.  Incidentally, before he answered my question, his hand reached out to pick up his cell phone to check the time.  Softly, he exclaimed, "Oh, it is 4:44 pm!"  As most of you know, 444, which meant the Power of God's Love, was a very significant number in my life.  The unexpected happening made me smile.  (My cell phone was in my handbag.  I did not know what time it was when I raised my hand.)

I had not sat among people for quite a while.  I was glad to take a step out.  Perhaps the 444 was a confirmation and an encouragement from the Loving Divine.

Enjoy the beautiful scenes of fall!

Many blessings,
Q of D

P.S.  My son said he was not interested in anything spiritual.  Well, he was the one who could sense the tinkling when I was surged with energy.  One day, he ran out of his room saying he heard music in the air or in his mind.  I smiled for I heard it in the air too.  His father heard nothing.  I observed he was quite intuitive too.  He did not want to talk about it, and I respected his right.  In a one-scene dream many years ago, I saw the splendid him with a beautiful blue owl (symbolic of wisdom) sitting on his shoulder, and brilliant white light shining forth from his third eye.  Each one of us takes on different personalities for a reason.  He is far more than the human being he thinks he is or other people think he is.

Thank you, Son, for driving me there.

Friday, September 12, 2014

There was something wrong with my cell phone


A few days ago, I woke up early.  My mind was somewhat clouded.  It had been over two years since I moved back to this state.  I was glad I could see my loved ones more often.  However, other things I wanted did not happen.  Sitting on my bed, I talked to the Divine about how I felt.

My husband suddenly came home.  It was not yet 7 am.  He normally went for a walk around 6 am and came home at least an hour and a half later.  He told me he met April and another couple while he walked.  April asked him to tell me that she would like to have breakfast with me in a nearby restaurant later that morning.  My husband then left to continue his morning walk.

April was my new friend.  She lived in the neighborhood.  Her children had families of their own.  April was a grandmother and a great-grandmother.  Her husband passed away over 20 years ago.  She lived alone because she liked her independence.  Her loved ones visited her during the weekends.  We happened to come across each other in the parking lot a while back.  Later, she asked if I could be her friend.  She told me her legs were hurt in a car accident a year ago.  She said she could not walk as well as she used to.  She had fallen down a couple of times, and her daughter worried about her when she walked in the morning.

When I came out of the apartment, April was still walking by the schools.  We walked a couple more rounds before we headed for the restaurant.  She said she did not feel tired at all when I walked with her.  We ate and talked.  We stayed in the restaurant for almost an hour.  I saw her home before I walked towards my apartment.

On my way home, I wondered what time it was.  I took out my cell phone.  It was 7:32 am.  There was no way it was 7:32, I exclaimed in my heart!  I looked at the time again.  It was 7:32 am.  I looked at it again.  It was 7:32 am.  There was something wrong with my cell phone, I thought.  I looked at the time again.  The time changed to 8:32 am.  I stood there for a minute wondering what was going on with my phone. Suddenly, there was a flashback of my state of being this morning.  Could it be a message from the Divine?  When I was home, I opened the angel number book.

Continue to have faith in the path you've chosen, as it brings forth a closer connection to Divine truth, as well as the miracles manifested through the ascended masters.

I love these small wonders and surprises.  (Please click to view A simple, lighthearted story of the Touch of God )
Enjoy your journey and the small wonders in your life too!

Q of D