Sunday, March 1, 2015

Do you desire change in your life?


A friend called.  She told me she had gone to a workshop.  I asked, "How is the workshop?"  She said, "In the workshop, we learn the techniques to live a  happy, peaceful life.  We learn how to love ourselves, treat others, and look at situations in our lives with new perspectives."  I asked, "Do the techniques help?"  Cheerfully, she answered, "Yes!  I find them very helpful when I apply them to my life."  She paused for a second.  Then she said, "Well, what I learn from the workshop is not something new.  In fact, you and others had talked about it years ago.  But, at that time, I was not ready to change even though I was not happy with my life."

We moved onto other things that happened in our lives.  It was always good to catch up with my friends.

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When my friend said "At that time, I was not ready to change", I knew very well how she felt.  Many times in my own life, I was not ready to change, let go, or move on just liked she did.  For example, when my spirit guide suggested for me to learn a healing art, I did not follow the advice.  It took a year and a half for me to say "okay, I am ready, and please bring me a teacher."  One night, my brothers and sisters at church shared with us the stories of how they answered to their hearts' calling.  I was fired up.  I wanted to follow their footsteps.  However, when I cooled down, I told myself I could not for I did not have the qualifications.  At that time, I was not ready too.

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When we find life unsatisfying or depressing, we know deep inside we need to make some changes.  When we are not happy with a situation or a relationship, we know it is a call for change.  However, we often let the condition linger because we are used to the familiarity of our life.  Sometimes we tell ourselves we are powerless towards a situation.  We pray for the outside world to change (i.e. a situation or relationship), and fail to realize that the change begins with us.

It takes me years to realize I am the one who is responsible for holding me back from being free or happy.  I find out when I change my view of what seems to be the problem, I change what is before me.  The outside world may seem to remain unchanged, but it has.  As I stop giving power to negative emotions such as fear, worries, hurt, pain, anger, and self-imposed limitations, I am open to the new and better.  When I am at peace, people around me are more peaceful too.  Gladly or sadly, I find out the cause of my suffering in life is often none other than my wrong view of looking at a situation or a relationship.  I learn that the first step of change is but a change / an adjustment of my view or attitude.  Furthermore, when I consciously choose love (incl. love of self) over all that is not, I no longer subject myself to the emotional turmoil of life.

"When love is present, everything flows with ease and dissolves with ease" - a quote from a channeled message from Master Djwhal Khul on YouTube.

Do you desire change in your life?  It may help to reflect on your views.  Set your intention, and let love guide you through.  This affrmation may help to set your desire in motion.

                                                  Change is easy.
                                                  Change is easy.
                                                  Change is easy.

                                                                                So it is.

Peace & blessings,
Q of D

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