Saturday, May 28, 2016

The Thought on Thursday, May 26, 2016


This year May 26 was a Thursday.  It brought back some good memories of another May 26 Thursday eleven years ago.

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After selling the restaurant in 2004, I wanted to follow the guidance of my angels and guides to mix with people, yet I did not know where to start.  (I did not subscribe for Internet service until Thanksgiving of 2010.)

For decades, I had stayed within my family.  Other than driving to work, I seldom went anywhere by myself.  In 2005, I received a flyer in the mail from a church.  Learning that the pastor was going to talk about peace in the Middle East, I decided to go to the church.  However, after I handed the Words of Christ to the pastor, I did not go there again.  (Re The Words of Christ and the 4444 Incident - Part 2 )

A few days before May 26, 2005, I saw an ad in a body, mind and spirit magazine.  A holistic center in a neighboring city had placed a whole page ad in the magazine.  It listed the names of the practitioners as well as the events at the center.  The center held different circles in the daytime and at night during the weekdays.  One circle in particular drew my attention.  It met every Thursday morning from 10 am to noon.  It was a circle for psychics and healers; however, it mentioned all spiritual seekers were welcome to join.

I wanted to join the circle on Thursday, yet part of me was hesitant to step out of my comfort zone.  "I am not a psychic and I am not a healer," I said to myself.  The night before Thursday, I tossed and turned wondering if I should go.  When dawn came, I decided I would not go.  After I made the decision, I fell asleep.  Some hours later, the phone rang.  Sleepily, I answered the phone.  A woman who sounded as sleepy as I was said on the other end, "Oh ... sorry ... I must have dialed the wrong phone number."  I was somewhat upset as I put down the phone.  If not for the wrong phone call, I would have a good sleep!  Suddenly, I found myself widely awaken.  It was not a wrong phone call!  It woke me up to go to the circle!  I looked at the clock.  It was almost ten o'clock.  Hurriedly, I rushed to use the bathroom.  Then I asked my husband to drive me to the holistic center.

When I arrived at the parking lot, it was about 40 minutes past 10 o'clock.  I said to my husband, "I will go in to get some information.  I will be out in a few minutes."

I opened the door.  In the middle of the Center, my friends sat on chairs in a circle.  A woman, the owner of the Center, walked forward to greet me.  I said, "I am sorry. I am late.  I come in to get some information.  I may join the circle next Thursday."  With a warm smile on her face, she said, "No, you are not late, you are welcome to stay ... "

A minute later, I came out of the Center.  I told my husband I would stay until noon.  I asked him to pick me up later.

I went back into the Center.  As I sat down, energy flowed into me and surrounded me.  I looked around.  All my friends were looking at me with smiles as if we had known each other for lifetimes.  I knew I had found the circle that I belonged.

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In the spring of 2007, the owner of the Center moved to another city.  The teacher of the circle became the new owner.  In August, my husband and I had to move to another state because our son found a job there.

Before I moved, my friends invited me to a restaurant.  I thanked each one of my friends for their wonderful presence in my life.  My friends also told me of my presence in theirs.  Tears filled our eyes as we talked.  A friend asked if the circle would continue.  The teacher of the circle said, "Of course, it will continue.  When one leaves a circle, another one will step in.  It is how the divine works."

Sadly, about a month later, a friend called to tell me the circle had discontinued because people had stopped coming.  In later years, the teacher / owner moved the Center to another city.

To all my friends at the Thursday Circle, I thought of you on this Thursday.  Thank you for your love and encouragement.  May all of you be well and happy.  

Q of D

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

A car with a license plate that bore the name of my angel


I kept seeing 53 in recent week / months.  For instance, I was doing something in the family room.  For no particular reason, I stood up and walked into the bedroom.  The time on the clock was 11:53 am.  During nights, I also saw 11:53 pm or awoke to see time ending with 53, e.g.  2:53 am and 3:53 am.

I knew from the Angel Numbers book by Doreen Virtue that 5 meant changes and 3 meant ascended masters.

53 - The ascended masters are assisting you by clearing the path for this change. Call upon their loving power to ensure your continued smooth transition.

With the intention of helping others, I went for an interview last week.  The job was not what it had advertised on the newspaper.  Besides, they wanted me to handle an assignment that was way beyond my comfort zone.  On my way back, my mind was somewhat clouded.  Should I simply tell them I did not want the job or give it a try before I decided?

Soon I was about a few minutes from home.  A car rushed from another lane into my lane.  The license plate immediately caught my attention.  It bore the name of one of my angels -  the angel that brought me the experiences / the touches of the Loving Divine.  The number on the license plate was 953.

953 - The ascended masters Divinely guide the changes you're making to assist you with the fruition of your important purpose.

In faith, I followed.

Wherever I am, may I be a presence of peace, comfort, and healing.  Amen.

Q of D

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Money On the Ground


In a news story some years ago, a mother and her daughter saw a dollar bill on their way to a store.  The girl picked it up and suggested for her mother to use the $1 to buy a lottery ticket.  As it turned out, they won the lottery jackpot.  If I recalled correctly, the mother said she had never bought any lottery ticket before that day!

When I heard the story, I was happy for the mother and daughter.  I marveled at the wonders of the divine plan.

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Over the years, I had seen money ($5 and $20s) on the ground and inside the stores a few times.  It happened because people failed to notice money fell out of their pockets or handbags when they tried to get their wallets / phones.  If it happened in front of me, I let that person know.  If not, I took the money to the clerk working at the customer service desk.

Below are a couple of occasions that I saw money on the ground.

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One day, my friend and I went for a walk.  My friend was in her 80s, and had a minor problem with one of her legs.  She told me she had fallen down twice while talking walks by herself.  Therefore, I always walked her back to her place to make sure she was safe.  (Re other posts There was something wrong with my cell phone and A conversation between two grandmothers)

On this day, we saw a few dollar bills on the sidewalk of the condo complex before we reached her unit.  I continued walking towards her condo.  My friend remained standing where the dollar bills were.

She said, "Don't you see the dollar bills?  Why don't you pick them up?"

I said, "No. I will not do that because they are not mine."

My friend said, "They are on the ground.  There is nothing wrong with taking them."

I said, "I will not (pick them up) for they are not mine.  They must have fallen out of someone's pocket while he or she was in a hurry to get back to the condo.  Let's go and leave the money where it is."

She looked at me.  I knew she thought differently about it.

I smiled and said,  "If you want to, you may."  I paused and added, "But, I think we should just go."

She said, "It is only a few dollars. Okay, let's go."

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Recently my husband and I went to an Asian grocery store with a relative.  There were many customers in the store.  My husband's relative walked a short distance ahead of us.  As we walked, the relative abruptly put his foot forward over something on the floor.  His sudden movement drew our attention.  Under his shoe was a $20 bill.  The relative quietly looked at the people next to him.  Then he bent down and quickly put the money into his pocket.  My husband tried to explain his relative's action in a low voice, "Most people regard the money they find on the ground as lucky money or a sign of good luck.  This is why he takes the money.  There is no way to verify who dropped the money anyway."  He did not need to explain to me.  I knew many people thought that way.  I understood my husband was trying to put in some good words for his relative.  I did not say anything to his relative who was in his 50 s.  He was responsible for his own action.  Besides, I did not know who lost the $20, and he / she might have left the store. 

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In life, we all conduct ourselves according to how our hearts feel we should do.  What I choose to do does not necessary mean I am right and another person is wrong.

Have a great week!

Many blessings,
Q of D

Sunday, May 8, 2016

The day did not turn out as I had planned


A while back, I thought it was time to change my focus in life.  I chose a date.  I planned what to do and where to go on that day.

On that day, my husband got a call from his relatives in the morning.  After a big fight (argument), their daughter had locked herself in the room.  They tried to talk to her, but she did not respond.  The relatives had to go to work, yet they worried what their daughter might do.  (They had the reason to worry about her.)  After a long silence, the young woman expressed a willingness to talk to someone (i.e. me).  They asked if I could go over to their house.  My husband and I drove to their house.  After we arrived, our relatives went to work leaving their daughter with us.

I walked into the room.  With her hands over her face, the young woman sat on her bed crying.  Quietly, I sat down on the floor by the bed.  (There was no chair inside.  I had not thought of getting a chair from outside of the room.)  For a while, I pondered what to say.

At one point, she bent forward holding her head with her hands.  I could see she was in great pain.  I asked, "Do you have a headache?"  She nodded and said, "Yes. It hurt very, very much."  I said, "Would you want me to rub or massage your temples (the sides of the head)?  It may help to ease your pain."  She said, "Yes!"  I put my hands forward to massage her head.  (That was what I intended to do.)  Instead, powerful healing energy came through.  My right hand began to move vigorously around the space above and around her head.  (My hand never touched her head.) Seeing my sudden hand movement, the young woman was surprised.  I told her I had learned healing.  The healing session only lasted for about two minutes.  The young woman was no longer in pain.  I asked her to rest for a while.  I put a blanket over her and left the room.  A while later, we checked on her.  She was sleeping peacefully.

For the next couple of hours, we waited quietly in the family room.  Later in the afternoon, I had a long, honest talk with the young woman.  Sometimes we might think the whole world had wronged us; however, if we looked at the problems in our lives with all fairness, we might find we were partly at fault too.  The young woman seemed to take in some of what I said.  (In recent days, her parents said she had improved a lot.  Her parents needed to change too.  Favoritism was the cause of conflict, pain, and separation in many families.)

It had been nearly four years since we moved back to this state.  During these four years, I had not worked on anybody personally as a channel of healing energy.  On a few occasions, powerful energy flowed into me and through me as I sat among other people.  However, I had stopped going to any church or spiritual gathering since last summer.  Therefore, I did not expect healing energy to come through me to work on the young woman at all.  (That was why I offered to massage her head.)

Anyway, that day did not turn out as I had planned.  When we came back to our apartment, the day was almost over.  That was how life was, and I fully trusted everything was in divine order.  I had thought of changing my focus.  It might be I should think again.

Q of D