Sunday, June 26, 2016

The clairvoyant healer gave me a healing session


Continue from Two Powerful Healers came from Another State 

In the afternoon of Friday, June 17, my son called me.  He had gotten off work.  He said his friend asked him to drive to the new house.  I was surprised because his friend originally asked him to go there on Saturday.  My son said his friend had already moved everything from the old house to the new house.  He needed my son's help in lifting heavy furniture / fixtures and placing them in the right place.

When my son came home that night, he said he had helped his friend's family to put everything where they wanted them to be.  Therefore, he did not have to go there on Saturday.

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On June 18, Saturday, my son asked if I needed him to drive me to the meeting.  I said 'no'.  I told him I could drive there by myself because it was close to where we lived.  He said he would go with me.  I said, "I know you are not interested in spiritual stuff.  Are you s-u-r-e you want to go with me?"  He said he would go with me.  (I see divine plan at work!  Do you?)

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I brought with me a plate of stir-fry asparagus to the gathering.  We arrived a few minutes before 1 p.m.  The couple that gracefully allowed the use of their home for the gathering welcomed us in.

Some people were already there.  I recognized the host because I saw his picture on the website.  He was talking with some men.  There were many chairs.  My son and I walked over to sit on the chairs across from them.  I noticed one of the men glanced over in our direction repeatedly.  A woman that sat somewhere in the circle quietly looked at us too.  I thought they could be those that could see (clairvoyant); the man must be the healer from another state, and the woman was a psychic.

I was right.  Soon the healer from another state introduced himself.  He asked us to sit in a circle.  He told us to introduce ourselves and talk about our gifts / abilities. The woman was indeed a psychic.  When it was my son's turn, he said, "I come with my mom."  I smiled and said, "Yes, he is here because of me.  He always says he does not want to hear anything spiritual."  I said I was a healer.  The healer said he could see that from my aura, and he saw a master guide by my side.  He looked at my son and said, "You have a similar (level) master guide as your mother has, but you have different abilities."  At the time, there were only 12 to 13 of us.

When we finished introducing ourselves, the healer came to me.   We walked outside of the circle and talked near the wall.  He told me what he saw from my energy field, e.g. present and past lives.  He communicated with my spirit guide and angels.  He said, "You have everything that you need to do what you come to do.  You have the language and the abilities.  You have planted many trees.  To me, that means you have healed many people.  You throat chakra . . . . you have to speak up . . . . speak to groups of people."  He saw a white lotus and asked if I could relate to it.  I could.  He related other messages that were similar to those I had received in other readings.

He touched on something personal.  He said, "I see a dagger in your heart.  It means you had been hurt before.  In a way, the dagger is there to protect you because you do not want to be hurt again.  You give love to others, yet your heart is not fully open to receive.  You know, you must open your heart to receive love too.  Would you want me to remove the dagger?"  I gratefully accepted.  As a human being, I had found my personal relationship challenging because of our differences in personality and temperament.  He worked on me for quite some time.  Afterward, he saw white flowers on all my chakras.

Now, I had received the healing I came for.  (Re Two Powerful Healers from another state)

When I went back to my chair, the psychic walked to me.  In her visions, she saw me (my higher self / spirit) healing people by getting subatomic particles from different dimensions.  We talked for a while.  She also told my son about his creative abilities and her visions of him.  I did not understand her visions of what my son could do.  My son listened.  He seemed to understand.  Thank you, Sister.

The healer continued to offer healing for free.  He brought people to the side or into a room (not sure) for healing sessions.  He tried to help as many as he could.  I greatly admired his pure intention of service.

Since the healer did not stay in the circle, the host (a spiritual teacher) took the time to share with us his story.  He had written a book about his spiritual journey.  All the while, people continued to walk in.  People added more chairs to the circle.  A woman walked in.  She did not simply sit down on one of the unoccupied chairs near her.  She looked around, and walked to sit next to me.  (There was a reason I wrote about that.)  We had to move our chairs again and again in order to form a circle big enough for the people that came.  There were spiritual seekers, teachers, healers, and psychics.  Some came for healing.  The second powerful healer from another state had not arrived yet.

Later, the host asked people to get food and drink from the table.  People sat around leisurely holding plates of food.  It reminded me of my dream (see my last post).  A black man walked inI knew he was the other powerful healer from another state because of my dream.  His appearance was different, yet I could have met his higher self in the dream.

                                            ~         to be continued         ~    

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