Saturday, September 10, 2016

The Beauty of A Bouquet of Flowers


In my last post The Unveiling of A Divine Plan, I wrote that the prophecy of a divine plan that Matthew related was an answer to one of the questions I had since my Dec. 2001 reading.

Here is the story.

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In the last quarter of 1999, many times I woke up during the night, and was told to look at the clock.  It was always 4:44 am.  I did not know what to make of it.  At the time, I was going through the challenging restaurant years.  I had not begun to read spiritual books.  I did not know we had spirit guides and angels around us all the time.

One early morning, I woke up hearing a man's voice loud and clear.  He said only one sentence.  I thought I must have overheard a neighbor talking, but everywhere was very quiet.  It was the strangest sentence that I had ever heard, and there was no way it came from my mind / my imagination.

Not long after, I had more unexplainable mystical experiences.  For instance, I saw a pocket size green bible in our sons' bedroom.  (Our sons lived on campuses, and came home once every few weeks.)  I picked up the little bible.  The number of a page came to my mind.  I saw a name on the page.  I asked for another page number.  The same name also appeared on that page.  Months later, I had a similar experience when I held a book I borrowed from the library.  I saw the same name again.  These occurrences bothered me a lot.  Not knowing what to make of it, I tried to put them behind me.

Meanwhile, I happened to see numbers such as 444, 222, 333, and 1111 from time to time, e.g. time on the clock, total on receipts, invoice numbers, and license plates.  I eventually learned from books that they were sacred / angelic numbers, and 444 meant the Power of God's Love.  I also learned we all had our own spirit guides and angels.

The "Night Vision - Pieces of a Dream" Phenomenon " experience opened up a whole new relationship between the Divine and me.  The Grace of God experience touched the core of my being.  I was grateful beyond words.  I wondered what was my life purpose and how might I serve.

Near the end of 2001, I finally made an appointment for a reading by phone with a well known intuitive / angel channel.  (We lived many states apart.)  Her voice was sweet, clear, and pure.  I was nervous to speak in English, but her voice calmed me.  (Re Seeing the Birds ... )

Through her, my spirit guide confirmed the early morning message was not my imagination.  He said that to me in order to shake me out of the rut.  (At the time, I worried a lot because of the challenging situations in the restaurant.)  My angels and guides said there was no time for me to play small, and I should go among people without delay.  They said I should teach more, write, and share my wisdom.

When I asked about my connection with the name, the channel saw an image of a woman taking me under her arm as her personal child; however, we were not related by blood.  My guides / angels explained we had lived similar lifetimes trying to prove we belonged to circles or families while others said we did not belong.  They said we had the same courage and strength.  Then the channel paused.  She said my guides and angels said I could recall the woman's past life as if my own.  They were showing her that it had something to do with the energetic template I brought with me in this lifetime, but she did not understand what it meant.  At that moment, the being (i.e. the woman) appeared.  The channel related her advice for me.  She talked about discernment, and said that I should not care what others said of me.

I asked about my life purpose.  They said it was very important for me to sit among people.  My guide also said, "Your individual divine plan stands and shines alone, yet it is part of a bigger divine plan.  It is like a beautiful bouquet of flowers.  The beauty of a bouquet of flowers comes from the beauty of each individual flower, with each flower complementing one another . . . ."

Since I was not comfortable speaking in English, I often listened without asking questions.  I had lots of doubts about what I heard, yet I did not say anything.

After the reading, I had more questions than answers.  I had not asked my guides and angels to explain why it was important for me to sit among other peopleThey asked me to teach, write and share my wisdom.  My English was not good How could I teach and write?  Besides, what wisdom did I have?  What did it mean that the being took me under her arm as if her personal child yet we were not related by blood?  How could I recall her past life as if my own since we were two separate beings?  The channel said my guides and angels showed her an energetic template (?) that I brought with me into this lifetime, but she did not understand what they were trying to show her.  What did all of these mean?  For years, I also thought about the bigger divine plan mentioned in the reading.  What was it?  When would I join the others? 

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On the first day of the August workshop, a woman suddenly asked if anyone knew what 444 meant.  She said she kept seeing 444.  Before I said anything, Matthew excitedly said he often saw 444 in the beginning of his spiritual journey.  At that time, he did not know what it meant.  Now, he still  saw 444 as well as 1111 coincidentally from time to time.  He said 444 and 1111 were sacred angelic numbers.  I smiled.  I did not say anything because it was the master healer's workshop.  "444, what a connection!" I thought.

On the second day, the spiritual teacher signaled for Matthew to relate the prophecy and the divine plan.  It was a total surprise to me.  However, I knew the bigger divine plan was finally revealed.  (See P. S. 4)

In love and truth, I share with you my experience.

Peace and blessings,
Q of D

P. S.
1. In the 2001 reading, my angels and guides said I would soon enter a period of influx.  They told me what to do / pray for.  Instead of feeling excited and following their advice, I did the opposite.  I shared that experience in my post Do you really mean what you pray for? with the hope that others might learn from my mistake.

2. After we sold the restaurant, I gradually stepped out of my comfort zone to sit among people.  Many times I felt powerful energy flowed into me.  I understood I might be a conduit of healing, but I did not know how the energy worked.  In June of 2009, I borrowed some books from the library.  One of the books was interesting yet difficult to read.  It was by a great channel.  There were many things that I had never heard of.  Some terms were challenging to my mind.  Sometimes I had to reread a page.  At night I went to bed with that book.  Later, I happened to read two pages that answered most of the questions I had mentioned above.  It was a night I would never forget.  ( About the night of June, 2009, please click to view The Conclusion of the Mystery of a Sister )

3. In 2011, I used the words of my spirit guide on "The beauty of a bouquet of flowers" in my talk at church.

4. In time, I realized this was not the bigger divine plan that was said in the reading.  However, what had happened was in divine order.  My participation in the eventual gatherings solved the mystery of a strange dream that I had decades ago.  (Re A Strange Dream )

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