Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Our Angels and Guides Do Not Judge Us


On Christmas Day 2017, one of the gifts I received was Messages from Your Angels Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue.  My loved ones also got some beautiful crystals for me. 

This is my fourth deck of angel cards.  (Please click to view My Three Decks of Angel Cards )  I love Doreen Virtue's angel cards.  The boxes and cards are beautifully designed.  Knowing that loving angels are always around us, I feel joyful and grateful for the gift.

Now let me share with you an experience.  It happened while I was living in another state.

Our Peace Circle met once a month.  The facilitator was a nationally-recognized speaker on earth changes and many other topics.  She was an author, spiritual coach / consultant, and a wonderful musician.  One month, she decided to have the meeting on the beach.  Many people came.  Some I had not met before.  Some came with drums and other musical instruments.  During the gathering, a sister volunteered to sit in the center of the circle to receive healing for herself as well as for Mother Earth.  With music playing, people randomly walked forward one by one to give healing.  I decided not to walk forward.  I prayed for healing energies to pour through me as I remained sitting where I was.

The healing went on for a long time because we had the biggest gathering since the Peace Circle was formed.  At one point, the thought of stepping forward came.  I countered this thought with the decision I made earlier.  In my heart, I said, "I do not want to walk to the center.  The gathering is almost over.  Sorry, Angels, it must be very difficult for you to work with me."

Soon the gathering was over.  Some people left.  Some people went to thank and hug the facilitator.  I did not leave right away for I wanted to thank her too.  She was truly a wonderful light on earth.  When I finally got to thank her, most people had left.

As I was walking away, a woman stopped me.  I recognized her.  She was a spiritual teacher, and was very gifted psychically.  She lived a couple of hours away, yet attended the monthly meeting regularly.  This really showed her intention of service.  During our meetings, her stories and insights captivated us.  I respected her way of being, but we had not talked to each other personally outside of the circle.  Looking into my eyes, she said, "Your angels want me to tell you that it is very easy to work with you for your heart is pure.  I can see 17 angels around you.  The archangels and angels are working with you . . . "

I walked away feeling very grateful for the loving words of the angels.  I knew our angels and guides did not judge us, yet I apologized to them earlier as if they were judging me!  Who judged me (or us)?  It was none other than myself (or ourselves). 

If you have time, please view my old post "We don't judge you. You judge yourself. Don't be too hard on yourself."

It is cold.  Please take care.

Many blessings,
Q of D

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