Saturday, March 24, 2018

My Lesson of Discernment


There were 9 healers in the healing service.  Each healer stood behind a chair.  People in the congregation that wanted to receive healing began to fill those chairs.  A woman went to sit on a chair closest to the wall.  The woman healer behind that chair greeted her.  When the service started, the woman was surprised to see the woman healer rushed to work on another person instead of her.  A while later, the woman healer returned to work on her.

The woman healer did not conform to the formality of the healing service.   Her hand movement was unconventional, and at times she did not seem to know what she was doing.  At one point, she went to work on someone that another healer was working on.  Out of politeness, the other healer gracefully allowed her to work on the same person.  During the service, the woman healer worked on those that came to sit on the chair before her as well as others sitting in the congregation.  She was not supposed to do that.  She should work on those that came to sit on the chair or those that asked for healing.  When the service was winding down, people that came for healing returned to their seats, and some healers went back to sit among others in the congregation.  The pastor announced the service was over.  The woman healer was the only healer that still worked on someone who had come to sit on the chair a short while earlier.  Gradually, people left their seats to form the closing circle.  The woman healer tried to let the one that sat on the chair know the service was over.  However, that person continued to sit there as if in a blissful state, and did not know the service was over.

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After publishing my last post Divine Inspiration and Co-creation , I read my notebook of that time.

The above healing service took place two weeks after I read "So Send I You".  Yes, I was the woman healer.  It was the 4th time I took part in the quarterly healing service.  In many ways, I did not act any differently that Sunday from my previous participation.  For instance, in the healing service three months earlier, I was moved by the loving, healing energy to walk forward to send blessing and healing energy to the whole congregation.  I did not know a man was standing behind me wanting to sit on my chair.  After waiting for me for a while, he went to sit on another chair.  I only knew what happened some months later when I watched the DVD of that Sunday.  (Re the DVD mentioned in A beautiful pink fish on the back of a white dove )

In the same notebook, I also read about another incident.

Every Tuesday I joined the small circle of healing prayer service.  One Tuesday, I was late.  The service had begun.  As soon as I sat down, powerful healing energy moved me to work on someone.  Then I went back to my chair, but got up again to work on two more people.  My action totally disrupted the service.  That day we had a service none like the otherEveryone was very quiet afterward.  I was quiet too.  I wanted to apologize or explain.  But, what could I say or how did I explain?  When the service was over, I stood up to leave.  A woman said, "I told others this morning that I had a severe headache for some days.  You must have heard about thatThat is why you work on my head.  But ... you haven't arrived yet when I talked about my headache."  Similar incidents happened on other occasions.  (Re My higher self and the human I in my healing experiences )  But, these incidents were nothing as serious as that of The Unexpected Incident.

Of course, the human I felt embarrassed in these awkward situations that I caused.  With my personality, I liked to stay on the side as an observer without drawing any attention.  Therefore, I found these situations quite challenging, yet part of me seemed to be unfazed or at peace with what happened.

From the way I acted, some saw me as rude or egoistic.  I did not see fault in others for judging meI understood because 'I am a human being too'.  We all formed an opinion in what we saw.

After The Unexpected Incident , a friend said I should never let any force control me.  When I did not go to church, a pastor called me.  He sat in the front, and did not see what happened.  When I told him, he paused for quite a while.  He said most churches would not allow that to happen.  I said I understood, and that was why I stayed home until I knew what to do.  At the end of our conversation, the pastor said I could choose to sit there channeling healing energy without standing up or leaving my seat.  (The truth was that was how the divine worked through me most of the time.  I preferred to sit there without drawing any attention too.)  I did not say anything.  This brother had always been caring and supportive.  However, I felt there was no way for me to explain.  One might have to be in a similar state to understand how it was like to be surged with energy.  When I was moved to get out of my chair to work on others, the human I was surprised.  However, in faith and loveI knew to follow even though I had no idea why it happened.  (If you wanted to know why the healing energy lifted me off the chair to work on five people, please read the three posts that published after The Unexpected Incident .)

When I followed the guidance to sit among people, I never expected to be in these awkward situations.  The human I felt unsettled.  Meanwhile, I understood I should look at what happened with discernment.  Nothing was what it seemed on the surface.  (Re The Unfolding of A Test and We Are All Tools in the Divine Plan ) 

What did I get out of these unexpected happenings?  The Grace of God is always there.  When things continued to unfold, I often got to understand why this or that happened through other's confirmation.  Furthermore, no matter what happened or wherever I was, there were always some people that showed me unconditional love and support.  My heart was constantly filled with gratitude for the love of God that was expressed through my friends

When I read about the Tuesday prayer circle incident, it was past 1 am.  In my notebook, I wrote down the incident in detail.  I wrote about how embarrassed it was to sit down and get up again to work on another person;  when I thought it was over, I was guided to work on the third one.  I recalled how my action stunned everybody including me, and how silent everybody was afterwardIn hind sight, I felt the funny side of a life drama, and broke out laughing.  Luckily, my laughing did not wake up my loved ones for they were not light sleeper like me.

Love & Peace,
Q of D

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