Wednesday, May 24, 2017

The Unfolding of a Test - Being Authentic is be . . .


Have it ever happened to you that you have no plan of going to an event, but you keep getting the nudge to go?  That was what happened to me one day years ago.

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In my two years with the Thursday circle, I believed the facilitator, a loving spiritual teacher and professional psychic, must have meditated on what to share before the start of the circle.  She usually talked for a while in the beginning of the circle.  Though she did not say it directly, her words often seemed to be of significance to one or two of us.  On a few occasions, she said the information was for all of us.

One day, the facilitator began the circle talking about being authentic.  She talked for quite a while.  In her words, "Being authentic is be who we really are and speak the truth."

After she finished, we talked.  Some shared their recent spiritual experiences.  A woman said she was going to give a lecture on "Soul Mates" in the Center at 7 p.m. that night.  She said she was a psychic.  A few at the circle seemed to know her.  I had not seen her before.

Later, the facilitator brought out a deck of angel cards.  She asked some people to draw a card randomly from the deck and relate the info that came to them.  Only four people got to draw a card for the circle was supposed to end at noon.  The woman drew the "Enchantment" card.  After holding the card for a while, she said it was for the one that wore blue (i.e. me, she did not know my name).  She said: "People would be mesmerized by you.  They are attracted by you. They want to follow you."  In my mind, I wondered what mesmerize meant.  Seeing my puzzling look, she said: "It is like you look into their eyes, and they will be in a hypnotized state."  Lightheartedly, I reacted by looking at my friends as if I wanted to hypnotize them.  All of us had a good laugh.  She was open and friendly.  We liked her.

When the circle was over, a friend told me she had decided she would not go to a family party for some had been mean to her in previous gatherings.  She said she finally realized she did not have to be nice and sweet all the time.  As I listened, her words triggered some memories.  In my Dec. 2001 reading by a known angel channel, I was told that I did not have to be nice and sweet all the time; it was important for me to speak the truth (or what I knew), and I should not concern myself with what others might think of me.

In the afternoon, I went to buy grocery.  Mid-way to the store, suddenly gusty wind began to blow with lots of snow flying down from the sky.  I was peaceful for I knew the sun would soon come out.  It did.  When I came out of the store, I felt very grateful for everything had gone on smoothly.  On my way home, I was all smiles when I saw a car with a 111 (angel number) license plate.  Immediately, I said in my heart: "God, I will go where you want me to go.  Guides and angels, please guide me."

I was married.  I had no plan of going to the Center for the lecture on soul mates, but the lecture kept coming up in my mind.  At 6:42 p.m., the energy around my crown vibrated vigorously.  I 'got' it I should go.  I said to my guides and angels: "You must be kidding!  Why should I pay money to hear a lecture on soul mates?  Give me a reason."  Still, I 'got' it that I should go.  I continued to prepare our dinner.  I put rice in the rice cooker and corn beef in a pot of water.  Then I had an upset stomach.  The nudge for me to go to the center was strong.  I said: "Forget about it!  I am not going. It is almost 7 p.m."  My stomach hurt.  I had to go to the bathroom.  Meanwhile, the prompting to go to the Center continued.  Finally, I said: "Okay, I am going.  Please make sure I do not need to use the bathroom while I am there!"  Hurriedly, I gave instructions to my son as what to do with the food.

When I arrived at the Center, I walked in feeling very embarrassed because I was really late.  I sat down.  I was surprised at what I heard.  Soon I had to raise my hand and talked briefly about what I knew.  Then she talked about twin souls.  She said our twin souls were our opposites - if we were good, our twin souls were evil; if we were living a good life, our twin souls were probably in jail or living in poverty.  I had to raise my hand again.  I said: "As far as I know, it is not the case.  Twin souls complement one another . . ."  I was trembling because I really did not want to ruin her lecture.  A man at the back of the room yelled for me to shut up.  After I finished what I had to say, I did not raise my hand for the rest of the night.

I arrived very late.  Then I interrupted the lecture again and again.  There was no time for me to think, and I spoke up as I had.  Of course, I later realized I had put myself in the hot seat.

Strangely, after I spoke up, the lecturer said she knew she was a very young soul and not an old soul.  She said her present lifetime could be her first life on earth.  Though she had been a psychic for some years, she said this was her first lecture.  During the lecture, the owner of the center substantiated what I said with brief comments.  After I stopped raising my hand, she joined in making a comment here and there guiding the class in a positive direction.

Most of the people in attendance were teenage girls and women eager to learn how to find their future partners.  Some expressed fear when the lecturer said their twin souls were evil if they were good.  We could have different beliefs / philosophy, but it was a different matter for someone to teach something way off at the center.  The lecture was fear base, and could cause confusion for some in attendance.

When the lecture was over, I went to the owner of the center.  I apologized for my interruption.  I briefly told her why I was late for I had not planned to come to the lecture at all.  She said she had no idea the lecture was going to be liked that.  As the owner of the center, she could not speak as freely as I could.  She was very glad that I came.  She said it might be a test for me to see if I would speak up when I knew it was not the truth.  She also said the teacher of the Thursday circle would be very proud of me for speaking the truth.

It was a cold night.  I trembled as I drove home.  I put myself in the lecturer's shoes. It must be terrible for this was her first lecture.  I questioned my guides and angels for prompting me to go there.  

At home, I looked back at the events of the day.

It started with the talk that "being authentic is be who we really are and speak the truth."  Later, my friend's words reminded me of the reading in which I was told that it was important for me to speak the truth or what I knew.  When I saw the car with the 111 license plate, I had vowed to go where God wanted me to go.  When the owner of the center said it might be a test, I heard a 'ding' in my head as a confirming 'yes'.  I finally understood what happened during the day was the unfolding of a test!

Two days later, I had a long dream.  The facilitator of the Thursday circle and a woman came into my dream.  At the end of the dream, the teacher looked at me gently with love and compassion.  She turned me to face the woman who was in her 50 s with an oval face.  She also looked at me with love and compassion.  She started to sing "The Good In You".

Knowing that I might be beating myself up for ruining the woman's first lecture, the owner of the center must have called the facilitator about what happened.  As a loving teacher and friend, she could not wait until the next Thursday meeting.  She appeared in my dream with her guide or a master to comfort me.

I was able to restore my peace for I had never intended to hurt anyone, and I did not speak up out of self-righteousness.

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Since the above incident, I have found myself in places that I have not intended to go, and in similar unexpected situations a few more times.  (For examples, Part 1 - The Unexpected Incident that eventually led me to The Gathering)

A few people felt I was wrong to speak up.  They regarded my speaking up as not loving enough or an act of showing one's superiority.  My friends understood me and supported me.  They knew I never liked attention, and had no sense of superiority.   Over the years, I had come to understand people's outward reactions to a situation might not reflect the truth.  For instance, in the above case, the few that judged me might be there to help me learn the lesson of discernment.  The lecturer might be an instrument in the divine plan to test me if I would have the courage to speak up knowing what she said was not true.  Likewise, I could be an instrument in their life lessons as they formed a judgment of me when I spoke up.  (Please click to view We are all tools in the divine plan)

We are all interconnected.  We are all tools in the divine plan.  In my case, I examine my intention and my action.  I know I do not speak up out of ego, but out of love.  I am at peace.

Q of D

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