Monday, March 12, 2018

Divine Inspiration and Co-creation


On Angels Day I heard 'O Come, O Come, Emmanuel'  (post published on Jan. 11, 2018)

Before that morning, this piece of music was only one of the music I knew or listened on YouTube.  As I had mentioned, I was not into lyrics of songs.  Therefore, I only knew the music was 'O Come, O Come, Emmanuel'.  The music went on and on for about an hour.  I stayed in bed for the energy field was wonderful and powerful.

Afterward, I used the computer to look up the meaning of Emmanuel.  It meant "God is with us".  I wanted to know the lyrics.  I logged onto YouTube.  The song was nice, but I did not feel resonance with the lyrics.  I liked music played by The Piano Guys.  So I listened to them playing  'O Come, O Come, Emmanuel'.  As I listened, I felt my whole being vibrated, and words began to flow in my heartIn the following days, the music came on even when the computer was off, and words continued to come as if making a song of my own.  When I tried to voice the words, sometimes words came out beautifully, but more often than not I had a hard time singing in tune.  I let it go, and went on to do something else.  Then the right tune would suddenly come out of nowhere, and the co-creation continued.  It took some days for the music and some of the words to settle in.  Whenever the music came, I quietly sang along in my heart.  Energy around my head vibrated and so was my entire being.  I realized it was no accident that I heard the music on Angels Day.  I was very grateful for the inspiration from the angels.

This kind of experiences was not new to me.  Years ago I used to worry a lot.  When the sky was gray, so was my mood.  Seeing the night sky or dark ocean triggered fear in me.  If I was alone when these scenes came on the screen, I turned off the TV immediately.  One morning, a sentence came to my mind at the very moment I woke up.  For the next four weeks, a strong urge within caused me to expand on the sentence.  When I finished the writing, I no longer had fear looking up at the night sky or ocean.  Most of all, I seemed to worry much less than before.  (Re  Writing is Healing and On a cloudy, gloomy morning, I go looking for the sun )  A Fight against Poverty in Black and White was another experience of divine intervention or inspiration.

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Scientists, writers, poets, artists, musicians, singers, and in fact all of us received divine inspirations from time to time.  We might have an aha moment reading something.  We could hear a speech that uplifted our spirit and inspired us to take some actions.  One Sunday, the words on the church's weekly leaflet touched me deeply.  When I was home, I copied the words in my journal.

                 So Send I You (by Paul Solomon and Chris Van cleave)

                   So Send I you to do what I have done and more.
                   So Send I you to fields that are white with harvest.
                   Never was the deed so great nor the workers so few.
                   For that reason, So Send I you.

                   So Send I you and you do not go without me.
                   Wherever you are, here I will also be.
                   So Send I you to labor for me and for the world that never knew me.
                   And often will not know you.

                   So Send I you to those who are gathered here.
                   They are my people and the sheep of my pastures.
                   The good shepherd is known by his sheep,
                   So shall they know your voices.

                   Think not what you should say but boldly open your mouth.
                   And I will speak.
                   For I have sent you.
                   So Send I you.

                   So Send I you like lambs among wolves.
                   Carry neither purse nor script nor shoes.
                   Don't stop to chat along the way.
                   And whatever house you enter, bring peace there.

                   You have not chosen me, I have chosen you.
                   Those you forgive, I will forgive.
                   For I have send you.
                   So Send I you.

In my journal, I wrote:

From (my name) to Christ:

Your powerful message is received with the utmost devotion and love.  I, among the many you sent, vow to live the rest of my life to be the mouth piece of Your Words, and to be the Peace you have sent us to be.  You have carried the sheep on your shoulders, and so will I as the laborer you have sent.  Use me any way your feel fit.  Never my will but Thy Will be done in me, as me, of me and around me.      Amen. 
I made a promise to myself.  I wanted to look at others with love and non-judging eyes like Jesus Christ, Buddha, Quan Yin and all the loving beings.  I also prayed that when others looked into my eyes, they would see the reflection of their own beauty - the wonderful, beautiful, loving beings that they are.

Two days later, I went to the Tuesday healing prayer service.  After the service, we used to hug each other before we left the chapel.  I practiced what I vowed.  I looked into their eyes before we hugged.  Amazingly, some of my friends looked into my eyes, and pulled me to them for a second hug!

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Can I stay in that state of being?  No.  I am not different from anybody.  I falter from time to time.  I react to situations and lose my peace.  Sometimes I doubt.  Yes, sometimes I judge myself as well as others.  Fortunately, by the Grace of God, I am always able to return to the Truth that I Am.  For this, I am grateful.

Love and Blessings,
Q of D

P.S.  As I was writing this post, I went online to look for 'So Send I You'.  I learned about the original version of the hymn.  I loved the above version by Paul Solomon and Chris Van Cleave.  The words were like words by Christ channeled through them.  There was power in those words.  However, as I wrote in my other posts, we might be watching the same movie, but each might find a different scene more touching / inspiring than the rest.  It had nothing to do with right and wrong.  All Is Well. 

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