Tuesday, June 5, 2018

I gave myself a timeout because I could not stop laughing


The man's story in A marriage proposal in a fortune cookie made me laugh.  I published that post on May 30.  The next morning I woke up remembering an incident during which I gave myself a timeout because I could not stop laughing.  It happened 11 or 12 years ago.  I supposed it might be a prompting from my higher self / spirit guides / angels for me to share the experience.

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One day, the teacher said for us to practice reading cards.  Before we did, she asked us to close our eyes, focus and see if anything came to our mind.  We might see pictures (visions) in our mind eye.  We might hear sounds or messages.  We should quietly asked within for whom we should relate the information.  We got quiet as the teacher said.  

A short while later, A excitedly related her vision and said it was for G.  Upon hearing what A said, B said the vision could be for her.  Meanwhile, G confirmed the vision did not make any sense to her.  C got a message and said it was for H.  As H pondered on the message, J said the message might be for her because it answered what was on her mind.  The same thing happened after a third person related what she got.  Many of my friends at the circle were quite intuitive.  We had similar practice from time to time.  My friends were usually pretty amazing.  What happened this day had not happened before!  I felt like laughing because I found what unfolded before me was surprising and funny.  I tried hard to stop myself from laughing.  I did not want my friends to misunderstand me.  The unfoldment caught me by surprise, and I was not laughing at my friends. 

Afterward, the circle became very quiet.  A few seemed to be embarrassed.  No one volunteered to be the next one to say what she intuitively received.   

The teacher guided us to settle down and return to peace.  She took out a stack of cards.  She got off her chair, and went to stand a distance across from where she used to sit.  She said each one of us would have a turn to sit on her chair while giving readings.  She told us to shuffle the cards before we intuitively / randomly pick a card or two.  With the card (s) in our hands, we observed what came to our mind and related what we got to the right person.  The teacher said sometimes the information that came through was not necessary for just one person, and it could be for two people in the circle.  She asked if any one wanted to be the first one to sit on the chair and give reading.

Unlike other times, no one volunteered!  Every one sat there tensely.  The confusion that happened earlier might be the cause that no one wanted to step forward first.  A few among us were somewhat new to our circle.  Understandably, they were nervous.

At the time, I had become a regular in the circle.  My friends were very kind to me.  I felt comfortable to speak up every now and then.  Since I did not feel / see anything during meditation, I regarded myself not intuitive / psychic.  On a couple of occasions, I had surprised myself as well as others with the information that came through me.  Despite of this, I continued to think I was not intuitive.

The teacher asked again.  No one responded.  A few in the circle used to participate enthusiastically during practice.  However, this day everybody looked tense and nervous.

In my heart, I said, "Hey, my friends, lighten up!  We don't have to be that serious.Suddenly, I broke out laughingEverybody was surprised.  I was too.  However, seeing the different looks of surprise on my friends' faces, I laughed even harder because the whole scenario seemed surreal and hilarious.  A couple of my friends began to see the funny side of what happened.  They laughed tooI knew I had to leave the room for the circle to move on.  Still laughing, I managed to say "Sorry, I am going to give myself a timeout" before I rushed out of the room.

For quite some time, I stood outside of the center.  It might be hard to believe that I was in a joyful mood!  (It was probably how most people felt after a hearty laugh.)  I watched people come and go in the parking lot of the small strip mall.  If they happened to look my way, I greeted them with a smile.  I was peaceful.  Quiet joy filled my heart.

Later, I walked back inside to join my friends.  A friend immediately said to me, "Before you laughed, I was feeling very nervous.  Watching you laughed, my nervousness was gone.  Thank you."  Others also said they had fun practicing card reading afterward.  They were amazed at the messages and visions they got for each other.  A couple of friends went to sit on the chair after I came back inside.

Then the teacher said it was my turn.  I took the deck of cards.  I shuffled the cards.  After a few shuffles, I looked at the card that came up on the top.  Out of nowhere, I 'got' that the Mary Magdalene card was two cards below that card.  It was!  Quietly, I acknowledged the wonder of this happening.  When I focused on the card that I picked, I got that it was for two of my friends.  Right after I finished relating what I got, I stood up in a hurry.  I wanted to get off the chair as fast as possible because it had dawned on me that the teacher was going to ask me to stay on that chair! 

My intuition was right.  When I stood up to leave the chair, the teacher said, "Q of D, sit back down on the chair!"  I sat down.  The teacher said, "While you talk, I observe you look very comfortable sitting on that chair.  You are a spiritual teacher.  Be who you are.  Just be.Feeling embarrassed, I wanted to get off the chair again.  The teacher asked me to remain sitting there until the closing of the circle.

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My friends had always said everybody was psychic because intuition was our innate ability.  (click to view Everybody is psychic, and you are too )  As spiritual seekers, we knew it was true.  Psychics / mediums / channels might seemed to be more attuned to their psychic ability than others, but it might be their path at this time (and/or earlier lifetimes).  We came into a lifetime with different focus and plans.  For instance, a woman might be here to learn to overcome her jealousy, and another woman had come to express her gift in arts.  A famous physicist passed away earlier this year.  When he was alive, he talked a lot about the end of time.  Now in spirit, he said through a channel that he was wrong.  It was really not easy to see the big picture while we were in our physical bodies.

When the incident came to my mind, I thought it was for me to share the experience.  As I continued to write, I realized it was an answer to a question I had in recent days as well as a reminder for me to let myself be.  

What was the question?  

I shall share with you in my next post. 

(Please click to view  What Wisdom do I have? published on June 21, 2018)

Love and Peace,
Q of D

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