Thursday, April 11, 2019

Strange Encounters while taking walks by the school


Last Saturday I took a walk on the sports ground of the school.  It was a warm afternoon.  A few people were walking their dogs.  After they left, I went to sit on the bleachers.  Alone in the sports field, I began to say an invocation for peace.  As usual, I said it in a voice that was audible only to myself.  Though nobody was around at the time, people might walk by at any time.

Before I finished saying the invocation, I sensed someone was walking toward me.  I turned to look.  A Middle East woman looked at me with all smiles.  She tried to walk to me as best as she could.  I recognized her.  I got off the bleacher and walked quickly to greet her.  She had told me *** she was not well and had severe pain all over her body.
*** She did not speak English.  Therefore, we could not talk to each other at all.  The first time we came across each other was about a year ago.  After walking for 3 rounds on the track, I was about to go home.  When I was about 200 feet from the exit, I saw her walked into the school ground.  Immediately, she looked at me and walked in my direction.  Somehow, I 'got' that she came for me.  I felt perplexed.  I did not know her!  Some people were walking near where I was.  I thought it might be one of her friends was among them.  As she walked near, I observed she seemed to be saying a prayer in a language I did not know.  Standing in front of me, she raised one of her hands upward pointing at the sky.  She then folded her hands and bowed.  I returned her greeting with the same gesture.  She rolled up her slack showing her swollen legs and knees.  She talked and bowed to me again and again.  I did not know her words, but understood she wanted me to heal her.  All the while, she never stopped praying.  I waited for a short while for the people near us to walk past.  As I bent down to look at her badly swollen legs and knees, healing energy came through to work on her for a short while.  She thanked me.  I gave her a hug and left.
The second time we met again was many months later.  It was a windy, chilly afternoon.  She asked me to work on her.  I did not wear enough that day.  I felt cold, and no energy came through.  I told her so.  She used her fingers to ask me what other days I could work on her.  I asked her to sit down and talk.  When energy did not come through, it was totally fine to me.  I was a conduit.  I did not concern myself with the outcome.  To me, talking and listening truthful was also a healing process.  Though we did not understand each other's language, I learned she was a Chaldean (she pointed at herself and said Chaldean).  It seemed her loved ones (e.g. husband) were still in the Middle East.  She could not sleep at night because of pain.  She pointed at different parts of her body where she felt lots of pain.  When I asked if she had gone to see a doctor.  She seemed to understand.  She nodded.  It seemed the doctor and/or the medicine was of no help.  Her hands were cold, and I suggested for us to go home.  At night, I prayed for angels to help her.

Some people went for walks at a fixed time, but I did not.  I went for walks when I was in the mood.  Sometimes I walked in the morning.  During school hours, I walked on the sidewalk of the main streets.  I did not feel it was right for us to walk on the sports field when the school was in session.  However, some people in the neighborhood took walks there throughout the day. 

Last Saturday afternoon was the third time we came across each other.  (During the last five months, I seldom walked in the school field because it was cold.)  Again she asked me to work on her.  By then, a few people were walking on the track.  Energy came through to guide my hand to work on her neck and right shoulder.  Later, the healing energy guided me to work on her left knee, tight and lower abdomen.  Just when it was over, an elderly man walked by.  He knew the woman.  They began to talk in their language about a friend that they both knew.  (That's what I 'got'.)  The woman introduced me as a Chinese friend.  (I had told her I was a Chinese.)  Since they seemed to have a lot to catch up with, I said goodbye.  The woman gave me a long embrace before we parted ways.

                                            ~       ~       ~       ~       ~       ~

People of different races lived in the city and neighboring cities.  Many came from different countries in the Middle East.  I greeted most people that I came across while taking walks.  I never said anything about healing or spiritual matters.  (When I sat among other Chinese, I often chose to listen too.)  I did not know why the Chaldean woman asked me to heal her.  I observed she was constantly in a prayerful mode.  I wondered if she had received some sort of guidance since she pointed to the sky (heaven) when we first met.  We were not the only Chinese family that lived here.  In the sports field, I had come across other Chinese as well as Asians from other countries, e.g. Asian Indian and Koreans.  Therefore, it was unlikely she asked me for healing by accident. 

While I was writing this post, I recalled another unthinkable incident that happened while I walked near the entrance of the sports field.  An Asian Indian walked in and asked if I could teach in Hindu.  I thought I must have heard it wrong or he had mistaken me as an Indian.  I said, "I am a Chinese."  He said, "I know.  But, can you teach in Hindu?"  I said, "No."  He walked out of the school field leaving me standing there wondering what had just happened. 

Over the years, I had quite a few baffling encounters.  They used to bother me a lot.  They did not bother me as much now.

Have a good weekend!

Q of D       


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