Wednesday, September 30, 2020

In Faith and Trust, I AM


In Suddenly, I wanted to capture the magnificence of the Sun, I wrote that I would share an experience that happened on Sep. 5 to show another aspect of living by being.  At the time (i.e. Sep. 7, the date I published the post), I remembered the experience clearly.  Some days later, I logged in my blog again.  I realized I had forgotten what happened on Sep. 5, and had not written it down in my notebook.  (I did not write my journal daily.)  Therefore, I could not share with you the experience as I had promised. 

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A few years after I moved back to this state, a friend from the other state called me.  She was a participant in my healing workshop.  She said she had learned Reiki before coming to the workshop.  She said taking part in the workshop had made a difference in her life.  She realized that the energy she channeled through was more powerful than before, and the words I said during the workshop had helped her to see life in a new light.  As we talked, she said she recently got together with some friends.  They began to talk about 'living by being'.  They tried to think of someone that lived by being, and they all thought of me.  I was surprised for I was certainly not someone that lived by being.  Then, I realized why they regarded me that way.  

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They saw me as someone that lived simply by being because of the incidents that happened at church.  For examples -  

During quarterly healing services at church, sometimes powerful energy moved me to give healing before the facilitating pastor told us (the healers) to.  Each healer was supposed to work on the person that sat in the chair before him or her.  However, I was all over the place.  One of my hand might be sending energy to one person, while the other hand worked on another.  I had also been moved to work on people that had not come forward to receive healing.  While some people thought I did not know the proper protocol of healing, the human I was embarrassed because I did remember.  

One Sunday while the senior pastor was delivering his speech, powerful healing energy lifted me off my chair to work on five people in the congregation.  The human I understood it was disruptive and totally unacceptable.  Meanwhile, there was this inner self that was undisturbed and at peace.  After working on the woman on the same pew, I was moved to walk to the pews behind me to work on others.  In between that time, the usher as well as a pastor quietly asked me to stop.  Finally, I was led out of the chapel even though I perceived that the healing on the fifth person had not been completed.  (Re Part 1 - The Unexpected Incident )  It turned out there was a big reason for this to happen.  If you are interested, please read  Part 2 - The Gathering , Part 3 - The Big Dollar Bills and Part 4 - Afterthought of the Whole Experience .

In my post My higher self and the human I in my healing experiences , I had related some incidents where I acted spontaneously.  Below was one of those incidents.

One Sunday after service, quite a few people stayed behind for the healing circle.  As usual, I asked who wanted to give healing and who wanted to receive healing.  Since more people wanted to practice healing than to receive, I decided to let someone work on me.  I remained sitting where I was, and a healer began to work on me.  Meanwhile, others paired up to give and receive healing.  Suddenly, I rose from my chair to work on a woman that another healer was working on!  As I moved to work on the womanthe whole setting of pairing up also changed.  For instance, E worked on D instead of B, and C who set to receive ended up standing and working on someone.

I was not good in remembering faces and names.  When the healing was over, the woman whom I was pushed to work on said, "I could feel powerful energy working on me as soon as you walk to me.  Immediately, you work on my stomach.  My stomach is not well in recent days.  You probably did not remember me.  A couple of weeks ago, I stayed behind for healing for the first time.  I was suffering from all the terrible symptoms of menopause.  You worked on me that day.  I never told you why I needed healing.  All the symptoms of menopause had disappeared after you worked on me.  Thank you."

Others also shared how they felt during the exchange of energy.  We were joyful and grateful for our experiences.  It was a wonderful healing circle.  It seemed the divine had a better plan of pairing us up than we set out to be. 

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Some of my friends that were into spirituality told me they rarely watched TV.  They were surprised to hear that I enjoyed watching a few TV dramas as well as watching football and basketball games every now and then.  I seldom meditated for my mind was too busy (except when I formed the circle of love).  When I got off my chair to work on 5 people, I had no idea why it happened.  Knowing how unacceptable it was to do that in the middle of a Sunday service, the human I felt unsettled.  Therefore, I did not see myself as someone that lived by being.

To me, those that lived simply by being were either awakened or were fully into spirituality.  They were long time meditators.  They were very attuned to the divine.  They knew intuitively what was before them such as what to do or why they did what they did.  They went by life with peace and ease.  If they were in similar situations as mentioned above, they would not feel unsettled or embarrassed as I did. 

Well, that was my assumption until one night a brother shared with us a personal experience.  The brother was a professor, a spiritual teacher and a wonderful healer.  As a boy, he knew he had the ability to heal others.  He was a long time meditator.  He had learned how to meditate at an early age from a known master.  One morning, he kept getting the inner prompting to ask a man that he did not know well to go out for breakfast.  He could not understand why he got such a prompting.  He wondered what to say to the man or if they had a common interest to carry on a conversation.  For quite a while, he resisted making the call.  Finally, he surrendered to his inner voice and called the man.  They talked from morning to night.  At the end of the day, the brother still did not understand why he was prompted to call this man. However, he was glad they had a good conversation.  Many months later, the brother came across the man again in a gathering.  After the gathering, the man pulled the brother aside.  He thanked the brother for saving him and his wife's life.  That morning the man and his wife had planned to end their lives at night.  He was very surprised to receive the brother's call asking him out for breakfast.  The brother's talk about life opened his mind to see life in a new perspective.  With a renewed vigor of life, he talked to his wife.  Both of them chose to live.  He told the brother that they had been doing well.  (Re my post A prompting from within, and a confirmation from the divine )

After the brother finished talking, all of us sat in silence bathing in the Grace and Love of the Divine.  That night I also realized I was not alone in my doubts / inner struggle in following divine guidance.  And, my assumption that others intuitively knew why they did what they did was off.  

At the end of that day, the brother did not see any purpose / reason for his inner prompting to have breakfast with his friend.  He was totally at peace.  In his words, he was glad they had a good conversation.  After they parted ways, the brother put the whole thing behind him, and moved on with his busy work schedule.  His way of being exemplified that of living by being.  As my guides said "The real beauty of life is what you do not know".

What is living by being?

In Faith and Trust, I AM.

An affirmation that came to me a while back.  

Many Blessings,
Q of D

Monday, September 7, 2020

Suddenly, I wanted to capture the magnificence of the Sun


In the morning of September 3, I went for a walk in the school field.  The temperature was perfect (about 63 degrees).  Despite of some clouds, the sun was shining brilliantly.  Seeing the beautiful sun, my heart was filled with joy.  

I saw a gaggle of geese all over the grass.  There were over 60 of them, the most I had seen this summer.  This day I had no intention of taking pictures of the geese for I had already taken some the other day.  For quite a while, I stood still watching the geese because I did not want to disturb them.

Before I began to walk again, I suddenly wanted to take a picture of the sun.  Though there were some clouds near the sun, I felt the magnificence of the sunI wanted to capture it on camera.  I took the phone out of my pocket.  In a hurry, I swiped the screen to turn on the camera.  (I did not key in my pin.)  Swiftly, I turned to face the sun with the phone over my eyes so as to protect my eyes.  I pressed the white dot to take a picture.  The screen remained dark as if no picture had been taken.  I pressed the white dot a few more times.  All the while, the screen of my phone was completely dark except the white dot of taking pictures.  Afterward, I tried to see if I had successfully taken any picture.  The screen of my phone continued to be dark.  It might be I had not turned on the outdoor mode.  I thought I would find out if I had taken some pictures or not at home.

When I was home, I turned on my phone.  I was astonished!  Within less than a minute, I had taken four pictures.  In a sequence, these four pictures captured something unusual that went on beyond the capability of my physical eyes!

The first picture showed a luminous green or turquoise round object in the sky way below the sun.  Meanwhile, some purple energy in a sloping / slanting position above the grass was seen on the picture just a few feet from where I stood.  If not captured on camera, I did not know the purple energy (a being?) was right there.

The next picture showed the luminous turquoise object continued to go up in the sky, and the purple energy was at a distance behind.

In the third picture, the luminous object and the purple energy were high in the sky.  In the background were the clouds by the sun.  The mass of the purple energy was now bigger than the turquoise round object.  (When zoomed in, the luminous object was not really round.)  

In the last picture, the luminous object and the purple energy had flown past the clouds and appeared at the level of the sun.  In this picture, the luminous object was in a big, oval field of green / turquoise of light.  The beautiful mass of purple energy continued to follow (or pursue) in a near distance.

I wish I could show you the pictures, but I did not know how to download them.  I did not use Google Photo.  Again and again, I found myself way behind in the world of technology.

According to the details on my phone, I had taken the pictures in less than one minute.  In other words, the luminous object and the purple energy rose up in an incredible speed.  The purple energy was on the grass near me, yet my physical eyes had not detected it.  Of course, I did not see anything unusual in the sky since my attention was on the geese.  

It was amazing how I suddenly wanted to capture the magnificence of the sun.  I was in such a hurry that I did not understand why.  If there was any hesitation on my part, I would have missed capturing the purple energy and the luminous turquoise object on camera.  This experience brought me back to 'living by being'.  In my last post, I had promised to write on what I learned about 'living by being'.  (Re He asked, "We all have expectations. How can I simply live by being?" )  In a way, living by being is to follow our inner guidance even though we might not understand why.  An experience that happened on Sept. 5 also showed me another aspect of living by being which I would share with you in my next post.

May peace be with you always.

Love and blessings,

Q of D