Sunday, June 18, 2023

A Voice Besides Mine was Recorded!


After publishing my last post, another experience came to my mind.  It was an incredible experience that was worth sharing.

On March 21, 2022, I received an email from a spiritual society.  Other than a list of upcoming events, it was suggested for us to consider adding an invocation to our meditation practice and/or prayers.  At the time, many people around the world were concerned about the Russian's attack on Ukraine.  The small church that I called my spiritual home had asked us to pray for Ukraine, and some spiritual groups / societies held prayers for peace services as well.

Below was the invocation in the email.

Invocation for Harmony

May the Forces of Light bring illumination to humankind.
May the Spirit of Peace be spread abroad.
May the Law of Harmony prevail.
May people of goodwill everywhere meet in a spirit of cooperation.
So let it be and help us to do our part.

As I read it, something seemed amiss.  I wondered if the source of the invocation was from a book or someone had channeled it through meditation.  Meanwhile, there was this strong, strong prompting from within to create a spiritual ideal with this invocation and make it into a song.

For the following days and weeks, I was totally into doing just thatIt was hard to explain.  I did not know how to read music.  All I did was to sing the words again and again until I felt that it was good.  When my son was not home, I sang the words.  At night, I quietly sang it in my heart.  I was fine with the first sentence of the invocation.  I felt the second sentence 'May the spirit of peace be spread abroad' seemed to indicate peace spread from USA to other places.  I changed it into 'May the Spirit of Peace spread throughout the world.'  I also felt the song was more in flow with 'May the Law of Harmony prevail on Earth' than simply 'May the Law of Harmony prevail.'  I made some minor changes for the rest of the invocation according to how I felt what a spiritual ideal for humanity is / could be.  I could sing in a normal tone, and could not sing high notes. 

When I was alone, I stood in the center of the family room trying to sing the invocation as a song.  Whenever I did, I could feel lots of energy around me especially above my crown.  When I felt I was ready, I used the computer recorder app to record the song.  As I listened, I realized I had to make some adjustment.  For examples, I might pause too long between words (i.e. it had something to do with my breathing), or my voice cracked when singing high notes.  Day after day, I continued to perfect the song of invocation for harmony.  Finally, I was satisfied with the song.  I sang the following version of invocation a few times and thought I did not have to record anymore.

Invocation for Harmony

May the Forces of Light bring illumination to humankind.
May the Spirit of Peace spread throughout the world.
May the Law of Harmony prevail on earth.
May people of goodwill everywhere meet in a spirit of cooperation, 
   and work toward * the good for all.
Let it be so and help us to do our part.

* With my limited understanding of English, I thought the correct grammar was 'work for the good for all'.  I did not want to use 'for' twice, and replaced it with the word 'toward'.  
A while later, I thought "Would it be better if people everywhere meet in a spirit of cooperation and work toward the good for all.'  I  thought it would be heaven on earth if all of us meet in a spirit of cooperation and work for the good for all.  Besides, I found it easier to sing 'May people everywhere meet . . .' than 'May people of goodwill everywhere meet . . .' 

So I joyfully sang the final version (at least that was what I thought) and used the recorder app on the computer to record it.  When I listened to the recording, I was puzzled because there seemed to be some static or voice somewhere in the recording!  As far as I knew nobody was in the apartment across from us.  I listened to the recording again.  There really seemed to be a voice besides mine!  I listened again and again, but could not figure out what it said.  I usually set the sound volume of my computer at 33%.  I turned the volume to 100%.  I was stunned.  It was a woman's voice.  It was barely audible, but she seemed to be saying 'No, no, not everybody' in an urgent tone while I was singing 'May people everywhere . . .'

In disbelief, I ended up listening to all the recordings since I began recording this song.  In one of the recordings in the earlier days, there seemed to be some static about the verb 'spread'.  However, that was the only time and did not happen in later recordings.  As I sat there contemplating what had happened, it came to me the human I might think it would be heaven on earth if everybody in the world worked in a spirit of cooperation; however, people on earth were of many different levels / agenda / focus, and not all were of goodwill; thus there was this saying that when a certain number of loving spiritual people came together, they could change the world.  As for the word 'spread', I could not come up with another word.  It might be the being(s) that was (were) watching over the co-creation process felt the word 'spread' was alright too.

I went back to the version 'May people of goodwill everywhere meet in a spirit of cooperation'.  There were no more static in the recording.  Then one morning I woke up and 'got' the words 'work for the good of all'.  I looked it up online, and was so happy the information was correct.  With all my heart and soul, I sang the Invocation for Harmony.  The energy in me and around me was phenomenal.  I asked the angels to join in and sing with me.  Since then, sometimes I woke up hearing the music in the air in the middle of the night.  During the day, the song would come on every now and then too.  If I simply listened, the sound / voice of singing was different from mine.  When I joined in even not by voice but by intention, I heard my voice among the singing.  

Below is the song I sang.

Invocation for Harmony

May the Forces of Light bring illumination to humankind
May the Spirit of Peace spread throughout the world
May the Law of Harmony prevail on earth
May people of goodwill everywhere meet in a spirit of cooperation and work for the good of all
Let it be so and help us to do our part.

Indeed, Life must be experienced .  I began to write this post yesterday, and finished it today.  To me, that is fast / unusual.  Incidentally, I received this Thought for the Day from the Edgar Cayce's A.R.E. org.

Sunday, June 18

"Hence as ye gain in the outpouring of thyself in song, ye not ONLY give praise and service and obedience but bring help and hope, and an awakening to those ye contact IN the very act!"    

Edgar Cayce reading 1158-14

Life is full of coincidences.  I hold the pure intention to be of service, and may it ever be so.

Many Blessings,
Q of D

P.  S.  On Sat. June 17, around 9 a.m., I woke up hearing Sukiyaki again.  (Re Why did I wake up hearing a song of Japanese food? )

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