Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Living in the Joy of Living


My last post The Unfolding of A Test was first published in 2013.  I edited it and published it again because there were two more interesting incidents that happened on the same day.  I did not include them in that post because I felt they had nothing to do with the test.  As I read what happened on that day again, I felt I should share those two incidents to complete the story of that remarkable day.

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It was a chilly morning.  At times, the wind was gusty.

Before I drove to the Center for the Thursday circle, I had to drop off my husband at a big shopping center.  His friend who owned a restaurant in the mall needed his help in the kitchen.

As I was driving away, I saw a shopping cart flying in the parking lot.  The wind was blowing hard.  The stray cart was about to hit a car or some cars.  Immediately, I parked my car.  I ran as fast as I could to stop the cart from hitting any car.  I brought the cart to a shopping cart corral.

I got back into my car, and turned on the radio.  My favorite music *** started.  My heart was filled with tenderness and gratitude for the love of the Divine.  On my way to the Center, I kept thanking my angels, angels, and God.  I said, "God, I already have my first miracle of the day.  I have not heard this piece of music on the radio for many months!  Thank you!"

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*** Other than "Night Vision - Pieces of a Dream", this piece of music also gave me much love and comfort in the challenging years.  While "Night Vision - Pieces of a Dream" opened me up to the wonders of being in relationship with the Divine, this piece of music touched me deeply on a heart level.  As a human being, sometimes I did not understand why this or that happened in my life.  When it happened, I felt unsettled.  One day, I turned on the radio, and this piece of music was playing.  As I listened, my feelings within began to flow in sync with the music as if it was the music in my heart.  I did not get to know the title of the music because the radio continued to play other jazz music.  Knowing my love for the music, my loving angels were at work again.  I got to hear that music in a special way or as a special treat once in a while.

What was the title of the music?  It was "Here in My Heart" by Eric Marienthal.  I supposed you could guess how surprised I was when I finally heard the title.  Here in my heart was how I felt when I listened to the music!

One year, my loved ones bought the CD for me as a gift.  "Here in my heart" was #7 in Eric Marienthal's CD.  He used "Walk Tall" (#3) as the title of his CD.  Interestingly, I found this comment on YouTube - Too bad the title of the video is messed up.  It should be "Here in my heart."  I composed this for Eric.  He did a nice job on the sax part.  Rob Mullins.

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After the Thursday circle, I went home and ate lunch.  Later, I picked up a spiritual magazine.  Holding the magazine in my hands, a thought came to me, "I am not going to just read any page.  I am going to pray that I shall turn to a page that means something to me."  Then I prayed to turn to a page that I was supposed to read.  Here came miracle #2.

I read an article.  It was a very good article.  (It might be a book review, but I did not write down what it was about in my journal.)  When I read to the last paragraph, my mouth opened wide.

The author wrote - Oh, there's a message for someone I was "told" as I read the book.  To paraphrase it "Keep on going ahead, a step at a time.  There is someone waiting for you around the next corner.  Don't stop now."  Do the words in this article speak to you?  I wonder, is it a coincidence that you are reading this today?


Both psychics in my 2006 readings had told me to take one step at a time, and hinted that someone at the other end or around the corner was waiting for me.  After the readings, I had taken small steps such as signed up to be a volunteer at two places, but my effort only led to frustration.  For example, after interviews and other necessary procedure, the woman in charge of volunteers in a hospital asked me to buy a uniform.  However, she did not schedule me to go in.  When I called, she was never there.  After two months, I went to the hospital, returned the uniform, and asked for a refund.  All of these happened before I read the article.  I felt discouraged, and had given up the idea of volunteering.

Life's coincidences had always amazed me.  Reading the article particularly the last paragraph renewed my strength and will to keep going on my spiritual path.  About two months later, I began volunteering in a soup kitchen.  In March 2007, I participated in a 2-day healing workshop.  

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When I finally settled down to record the happenings of that day, I wrote "What a day!" on the top of the page.  I regarded my shopping trip to the store and the sighting of a car with 111 license plate (angel number) as miracle #3.  Though I was trembling all the way home after I spoke up during the lecture, I eventually looked at the whole experience as miracle #4.  (Re my last post The Unfolding of a Test )

To me, it was indeed a remarkable day.  Most people probably did not see these incidents as miracles.  I lived in the joy of living.

With my experiences of "Night Vision - Pieces of a Dream" and "Here in my heart", I knew what a blesssing it was to hear the music right from the beginning.  I had not heard "Here in my heart" for many months.  It was very special that I heard it after I brought the stray shopping cart to the cart corral.  

Did I think the message in the article was just for me?  No.  I believed there were others that read the article felt the message was what they needed at that time of their lives.

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My friends, since you are reading my blog, I am passing this message to you.

"Keep on going ahead, a step at a time.  There is someone waiting for you around the next corner.  Don't stop now."

Love and blessings,
Q of D

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