Thursday, April 30, 2015

Sometimes life may not be what it appears to be

Continue from the previous three posts
She loves her daughters more than her son because ...
Do unto others as you would have others do unto you
A talk among girls about the criteria of an ideal husband

Why did bad things happen to good people?  Why did loving parents have unloving children?  How could a very intelligent man fall for a woman who was extremely jealous?  Why did some people let others rule over them?  How should we look at the heartless son who abandoned his mother in a place where she knew no one?

Indeed, it was hard for us to accept why this or that happened.
Here is a story from my post Have you ever asked yourself "What is life?"

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In a book written by a known psychic/medium, she wrote about a true story of a woman who went to see her with the intention of making the final decision about her marriage.  The woman had married a man who loved her truthfully and was very responsible.  However, her mother-in-law was the problem in their marriage.  They lived in separate houses, but her mother-in-law came by all the time.  Worse yet she could not stop criticizing the woman such as the house was not clean enough, this was done wrong, and that was wrong.  When the woman complained to her husband, he said he could not talk to his mother about her nagging.  His mother raised him, and he was her only child.  He begged his wife to be patient with his mother.  When the wife went to the psychic, she was ready to file for a divorce because she could not take the mother-in-law's nagging anymore.

In order to find out if what happened presently had anything to do with their past conflicts; the medium guided the woman into a past-life regression.  Instead of getting into a previous lifetime, the woman found herself joyfully talking to a woman, her mother-in-law!  There was so much love between them that they were the best of friends.  They were planning for their present lifetime.  She asked her friend to be her mother-in-law.  She told her to be the most nagging or hard to deal with mother-in-law because she wanted to learn the lesson of patience.  At first, her friend did not want to play that role.  Out of love, her friend finally agreed to be her nagging mother-in-law.

In the regression, the woman saw herself excitedly planning for this lifetime with her friend.  She also learned it was in divine order that her husband would not interfere or stand up for her so that she could learn her lesson of patience.

After the regression, the woman found peace.  When her mother-in-law criticized her, she looked at 'her friend' with a smile.  Occasionally, she walked to her and gave her a heartfelt hug.  She no longer saw the nagging as an annoyance, but an act of love. The story could have ended differently with everybody involved getting hurt.  There was love between the woman and her husband.  By the Grace of Love, she sought help, and she got help.

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The story showed us that sometimes life might not be what it appeared to be.

In the physical world, the woman and her mother-in-law did not get along at all. However, they were the best of friends planning for the present lifetime before they were born.  It was hard for us (humans) to believe that someone wanted a mother-in-law who would not stop criticizing her in order to learn the lesson of patience.

The woman's story was unique, and so were other people's life stories.  Each situation in one's life was unique tooSometimes the situation in life might seem to be similar, but there could be different underlying reasons / causes.

There was a story in another book about a woman who recalled living in abusive relationships lifetime after lifetime during her hypnosis sessions.  In this lifetime, she fell in love with abusive men too.  After many sessions, she had enough of how she had been.  She stepped into her own truth and power.  She looked radiant, and was like a new person.

How should we handle the seemingly painful or challenging situations in our life?  My spirit guide once said, " You feel pain because you let pain be, but you can choose to be happy no matter what."  The older I was, the more I found what he said to be true (or could be done).  We could dwell in our pain and focus on the faults of others.  Or, we could choose to forgive and focus on the joyful / lighter side of life.  As we forgave, we would eventually learn To forgive is first and most of all for the good of ourselves.

When the waitress talked to me about sons and daughters, I never expected that I would end up writing four posts.

Today is the last day of April.  I am glad the writing is finished.  Thank you for your patience.

Many blessings,
Q of D


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