Wednesday, December 7, 2016

A Strange Dream


In A Mysterious Encounter , the captain of a restaurant mistook the teenage me as someone else.  Afterward, I wondered if I had a twin sister.  When I asked my parents, they said I did not have a twin sister.  I knew they told me the truth for I had pretty good judgment or knowing since I was small.  I no longer thought I had a twin sister living somewhere on earth.

One morning in my 20 s, I woke up from a strange dream.  It was a feel*** dream, but the scene at the end was vivid.

***I labeled my dreams feel dreams, clear dreams and vivid dreams.  In feel dreams, I felt what went on, but saw no clear images.  In clear dreams, I saw images as in everyday life.  In vivid dreams, the images were vivid and colorful.  From my experiences, vivid dreams were prophetic dreams.  If I had a vivid dream right before I woke up, sometimes what I dreamt actually happened on the same day; at other times, it was the indicator of a coming experience that was profound and intense.

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Below was the strange dream.

A young female was communicating with me.  I understood she was my younger sister.  She said it had been sixteen years since she and her twin brother left the earth plane.  It was now time for her twin brother (my younger brother) to reincarnate.  She said I needed to go and sign my name so that our brother could be born again.

Next, I was in a place and the scene was vivid.  I was inside a huge, shiny white structure.  The whole place was in bright white light.  I did not see anybody.  On one of the white walls, there was a ledge.  On it was a big, shiny book that had opened.  I signed my name, and the dream ended.

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In the process of getting out of the dream, I thought, "Why did she ask me to sign? Should she have asked our parents to sign instead of me?  I am not even the oldest sibling?"

When I finally came out of the dream, I thought the dream could not be true for I was the youngest of three.  My sister was the oldest child.  Then my parents had my brother.  As far as I could remember, I never noticed a change in the size of my mother's belly while I was growing up.  However, as the Queen of Dreams, I could not help but wondered why I had this dream.

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In the past, miscarriages occurred far more often than they were today.  For instance, my husband was the youngest of four.  There were age gaps among his siblings for his mother had some miscarriages between their births.

In my mother's time, a woman would not go around telling others right away that she was pregnant.  Normally, she shared it with her husband and the closest of family such as her own parents and parents-in-law.  The news of a couple's possible first child might spread, but news of subsequent pregnancies were regarded as natural as the sunshine.  As a young girl, I knew my aunts were pregnant only when I saw their round bellies.  They did not talk much about their pregnancies in front of the kids.  It might be it was something among adults.  It might be women felt more secure after they were four or five months into their pregnancies.

In our tradition, we did not have baby showers as the Americans did.  We gave gifts after a baby was born.

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Was there any truth to this unthinkable dream?  Did my mother give birth to twins (a boy and a girl) 16 years ago?  I felt I should not share the dream with my mother, yet there must be a reason for me to have this dream.  I wanted to find the truth, but I did not know how to approach my mother.

One evening, I saw my mother sitting on her bed.  Suddenly, something came to my mind.  In my teens, I heard a woman (one of our tenants) talked to another woman about her experience of giving birth to her first child.  She said, "Before the baby was born, it hurt so much that I wanted to jump out of the window to end the pain.  A nurse in the hospital had to hold me down."

I talked to my mother about this incident.  I asked, "Mama, is it really that painful to give birth to a baby?"  My mother said, "Don't worry about it.  There is pain, but it is normal.  Women get over the pain once the babies are born."  I asked, "Mama, were there any complications when you gave birth to us?"  My mother said my sister was born at full term, my brother was born almost two months early, and I was born two to three months late.

The three of us were born in the village.  Women gave births in their homes with the help of a midwife that did not have any medical training.  Born premature, my brother was very weak and sick in the first few years.  My mother had to watch over him days and nights.  There was a hospital in the city, but it was far away.  One time my older sister got very sick that she nearly died.  She looked so sick that my grandmother (paternal) asked my mother to put the 'dying' baby girl outside.  She believed it would bring bad luck if a baby died inside the house.  (In that time, a mother-in-law was the authority figure in a family.)  For the first time, my gentle mother refused to obey her order.  Using a traditional method in an old medicine book, my mother saved my sister.  Later, we moved.  We grew up in the city.

My mother came from a good family.  She could read and write because my maternal grandfather was an educator.  While we were growing up, my mother never instilled hate in us.  She was always gentle and loving.  She did not say a bad word about my father and my one of a kind grandmother.  She did not talk to us about her sufferings, but I knew.  I observed what went on in my family.  Though the youngest among my siblings, I was the one that was not afraid to speak up.

That evening my mother opened up and talked to me for a long time.  Near the end of our conversation, I said, "One of these days, I may be a mother too.  Mama, has there been twins in our family history?"  Immediately, tears filled my mother's eyes.  In great sadness, she said, "Yes. I had a miscarriage some years ago .. a boy and a girl.  They were very beautiful.  They would have been your younger brother and sister."  Tears rolled down her face.  Seeing how sad she was, I put my arms around her.  I did not ask any more question.

I did not talk to my mother about the twins again.  I never told my mother about the dream.  I did not understand why my younger sister in spirit told me to sign my name instead of my father or mother.

At that time, I did not connect the twin history in the family to The Mysterious Encounter.  My parents died in 1984.  I thought I would never know if the twins were really 16 years old when I had the dream.  I did find out in later years.  It happened to be true.  In 2006, I had a reading by a wonderful psychic.  The reading caused me to think about the possibility of a twin sister (of my age) because I knew then about the history of twins in my family.

By the way, as I was writing these posts, I suddenly understood the probable symbolic reason that I had to sign my name before my brother was born into this world again.  I would share with you about it in my next post.  

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