Friday, December 16, 2016

The Mystery of a Twin Sister Continues


Continue from A Mysterious Encounter and A Strange Dream

In Dec. 2001, I had a phone reading by a well known angel channel who lived in another state.  I got the name of the channel from an author.  (Re my post Seeing the birds, I had no doubt that God had shown me the sign )

During the reading, I asked a few questions about myself including the message I heard in the last quarter of 1999.  My spirit guide confirmed the message was from him.  At the time, I could neither understand nor accept what my angels and guides said of me.  As a mother and a wife, I naturally spent the rest of the time asking questions about my loved ones and the restaurant situation.

In 2004, we sold the restaurant business.  I did not know how to continue with my spiritual search.  (At the time, I knew nothing about the Internet.  I did subscribe for Internet service near the end of 2010.)  In May 2005, an ad on a metaphysical magazine caught my attention.  A holistic center in a nearby city had a full page ad with lists of practitioners, classes, and events.  I felt drawn to a circle that met on Thursdays.  On the ad, it stated the circle was for psychics and healers; however, all spiritual seekers were welcome.

In the early hours of May 26, 2005 (Thur.), I tossed and turned in bed.  I wanted to go to the Thursday circle, yet there was resistance within.  Other than going to work, I seldom socialized outside of my family.  Would people understand my English?  I had read many metaphysical books since 2000.  Still, I considered myself a novice on the spiritual path.  As dawn came, I said to myself, "I am not a psychic or a healer.  I do not belong to the circle.  I am not going."  With the decision, I finally fell asleep.

While I was deep in my sleep, the phone rang.  Sleepily, I picked up the phone.  A woman in a sleepy voice said, "I must have dialed the wrong number."  Then she hung up.  I was upset for her call had waked me up!  Suddenly, I realized the call was my spirit guide's way of prompting me to join the circle.  It was almost ten o'clock.  I was pretty late when I joined my friends for the first time.

Five months later, the center hosted a body, mind and spirit festival in a big hall.  It was the first time I went to such an event.  Upon entering, everybody was given a small piece of paper to write down names and addresses for a drawing at the end of the festival.  I put mine into the box for drawing too.  The whole hall was filled with people.  Many people from other cities had come for the event.  I walked around for about an hour.  Then my younger son, who had driven me there, came.  We did not leave right away because my son wanted to look around.  Before we left, he asked a psychic for a mini reading.  The reading was short but interesting.

A few days later, I was surprised to learn that I had won the grand prize, a $100 gift certificate!  I eventually used the prize for a reading in March of 2006 (Re $100 Grand Prize and the Second Reading )

Before my first reading, I wrote down some questions.  For my second reading, I decided to let the psychic medium tell me what she saw.  The psychic had been on her spiritual path for a long time.  She was intuitive and clairvoyant since she was young.  She graduated from a university with an engineering degree.  After working for some years, she decided to follow her heart's calling.  At the time of the reading, she had been a spiritual teacher and a professional reader for many years.

She began the reading with a lively description of my spirit guide.  It was a very good reading.  The images she saw about my loved ones were interesting and accurate. The messages that came through answered the questions I held in my heart.  The guidance she related was helpful.  There was much more to the reading, but I would go to the part about a sister now.

At one point, the psychic saw a young woman working very hard in the field.  She described the images in detail.  She said the woman seemed to go through some hardships later in her life (political or other situations).  She asked if the woman was my sister.  I told her I had only one sister.  She never worked in the field.  We grew up together in the city.  She had worked as a bookkeeper and a teacher.  The psychic was baffled.  She saw vivid images of the field and the crops.  She got the impression that the woman was like a sister to me.  Since we did not know what to make of it, we moved on with the reading.

After the reading, I could not help but thought of The Mysterious Encounter .  I wondered why the psychic saw those images.  More accurately, why did my guides and angels show the psychic these images for I believed they were very much involved in the reading? 

When I wrote about the Mysterious Encounter , I had not planned to write about the Strange Dream of my younger twin brother and sister.  (To me, it was something too personal to share.)  It might be that was all meant to be.  I put my name into the box for drawing as everybody did.  I had not anticipated to win not to mention the grand prize.  With the gift certificate, I eventually asked for a reading.  It was in the reading I heard about a sister again.

My parents had moved on in 1984.  Would there be an answer to the mystery?  What about the strange dream in which I was asked to sign my name before my younger brother was to reincarnate?

I shall continue to write.  Please know that these are my experiences.  They are not fiction.  (Click to view  Why I had to sign my name before he was to reincarnate and The Conclusion of the Mystery of A Sister )

Q of D

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