Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Why I had to sign my name before he was to reincarnate


Continue from A Mysterious Encounter
                        A Strange Dream
                        The Mystery of a Twin Sister Continues

Some days after the second reading, I called my sister.  I asked if she remembered the mysterious encounter that happened many years ago.  She said, "I kind of remember it.  People mistake someone as somebody else all the time.  What happened that day was just a coincidence."  I told her the part of my reading about a sister.  She said it was absurd I thought I had another sister.  She said, "I am the oldest.  If our mother gave birth to another child, I would have known about it.  What kind of psychic did you go to?  You should not have believed a word she said!"

I had not talked to anyone in my family about My Strange Dream of my younger twin sister and brother.  My older sister did not know I had a conversation with our mother years ago about the twins.  In order to find the truth, I said, "I had asked Mama if there was a history of twins in our family.  She said she had a miscarriage, a boy and a girl.  They would have been our younger brother and sister.  Mama said that they were very beautiful.  I never knew Mama was pregnant and had a miscarriage.  Is it possible that our parents had given away a daughter?"  Immediately, my sister said, "I knew about the miscarriage!  I thought you knew too."  I replied, "You knew about it! When did it happen?  I really did not know anything about it!"

My sister thought for a while.  She said, "Indeed you might not know about it.  When the accident happened, I was already home after school.  Father called a doctor to come to our house right away.  Mama had a miscarriage very early in her term.  She told you the twins were very beautiful!  It was all in her mind!  I was there.  They were very small and had no apparent feature yet.  The doctor only said they were a boy and a girl when Mama asked.  Later, Father brought Mama to a hotel because the doctor said Mama needed a quiet place to rest and recover.  All of these happened before you came home."    
As I listened, I began to remember.  My sister was in secondary school.  She attended classes from morning to afternoon.  She was home by mid afternoon.  I was in elementary school.  The elementary school I went to had AM and PM classes.  I attended classes in the afternoon.  I normally got home around 6:30 to 7 pm.  One day when I came home from school, my father told me my mother was not well.  The doctor said for her to stay in a hotel for a while so that she could have some rest.  I did not understand why she had to stay in a hotel.  Every morning, my father brought me to the hotel to see my mother.  In those days, I was consumed with worries about my mother.  Every night, I prayed.  I was very relieved when my mother was home.

I asked my sister about the year our mother had the miscarriage.  The twins were indeed sixteen years old when I had the dream!  At the end of our talk on the phone, my sister said, "Sis, we don't have another sister.  I do not know how you get this silly idea from the encounter long time ago."  I believed my sister told me the truth.  I also knew the psychic was not a charlatan but a wonderful, loving psychic.  It might be the information that came through was not clear enough.  After I talked to my sister, I decided to put the whole thing aside.

I loved my sister, but we were quite different in personality.  She could not relate to my mother's pain and thought that the twins were beautiful.  But, I could.

                                            ~        ~        ~        ~        ~        ~

As I was writing about the Strange Dream, I suddenly understood the implication of signing my name before my brother was to reincarnate.

                                   This soul could possibly be in my life now!

I found the dream confusing because I thought my parents or my older siblings should be the one to sign before this soul reincarnated.  However, I was wrong to look at the dream from the human standpoint.

We planned our lives before we were born on earth.  We knew what we came to do as well as our roles in other people's lives.  For example, in the story of a woman and her extremely nagging mother-in-law, it turned out the woman had begged her best friend to be the nagging mother-in-law in order to learn the lesson of patience before they reincarnated.  We seemed to forget everything once we were born.  However, there were always events, words and objects that would trigger some memories / reactions.  For example, A met B; the pendant B wore could be the object that triggered a deep feeling within A.  Oftentimes, the intricacy or complexity of life was beyond the logic of our human mind.

My parents and siblings were not asked to sign before he reincarnated because they would not be part of this soul's new life, i.e. his present lifetime.  However, he and I would meet some time in this life.  The feeling was tremendous as I realized we could have already met!  In my past life dreams, I had been born in many different countries, e.g. European countries and Tibet.  In other words, this soul could be of any nationality.  Since I was into spirituality, he could be too.  I knew the year he was reincarnated.  In my current spiritual group, there were many young men around that age.  It was very possible my younger brother was among them.

I do not intend to find out who is my brother.  If we have met, we have met.  If we have not, we shall.  Having the dream and eventually the realization make me look at all with more love.

Is the story of a sister over yet?  Please stay tune.  (see link below)

Many blessings,
Q of D

Click to view The Conclusion of the Mystery of a Twin Sister

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