Wednesday, September 30, 2015

"In the Name of God, heal!"

Continue from these posts
Birds, Bees, and other signs from the Divine   9/15/2015
The background of the significant experience of the birds  9/23/2015
Looking at the scattered smoke of the incense  9/24/2015
I had brought home the wrong book!  9/29/2015

About two hours later, severe pain inside the bottom of my feet woke me up.  I curved my feet towards my upper body.  From my experiences, this usually freed me from cramps.  It did not work this time.  I had cramps during pregnancy.  It was a long, long time ago.  From time to time I had minor pain on my feet, but this time the pain was terrible.  I rose from bed to hold my feet with my hands.  I imagined healing energy enfolded my feet (I learned this from books).  It did not help.  The pain was too much to bear.  All of a sudden, I heard myself yelled,

                                           "In the Name of God, heal!"

                                           "In the Name of God, heal!"

                                           "In the Name of God, heal!"

The pain abruptly subsided.  Luckily, my yelling did not wake my husband up.  While I was a light sleeper, my husband was a heavy sleeper.  Lying in bed, I wondered what overcame me to say those words.  Every time when I got sick, I begged God to heal me.  Even during the 4 days and nights excruciating pain ordeal, I just kept repeating, "God, please heal me. God, please heal me."  (Re my post The Grace of God )  "In the Name of God, heal!" sounded like a command to me.  I had never done that before.  As the pain subsided, I fell asleep again with a heart of gratitude.

I talked to my younger son on Tuesday (Oct.2, 2001).  I told him I wanted to write a letter to an author, but I did not see the signs that I had asked for.  He encouraged me to just do it (i.e. write the letter).  I said I was not ready for part of me was afraid to learn the truth.  He said, "Mom, you are never afraid.  Write to the author so that you can find out the truth once and for all."

On Oct.3, 2001, a customer who had become a good friend dined in.  I was very surprised to see her walked in without a cane.

She was in her 70 s.  She always walked with a cane.   She said her feet and legs hurt all the time.  Recently she told me the pain was getting worse and worse.  She could not sleep at night.  She was afraid she might have bone cancer.  (Her husband died of bone cancer.)  She said she had made an appointment with a doctor.  I told her not to worry.  She was a good friend.  She was the customer who stayed and talked to me for hours.  She believed in angels and the afterlife.  In recent nights, I had prayed for her with all my heart and soul.

Since she walked in without a cane, I assumed her visit to the doctor must have helped her.  I asked her about it.  She said she had not seen the doctor yet for her appointment was next week.  She said she had been walking without a cane since yesterday because she woke up feeling much better.  Seeing the smile back on her face, I was very happy for her.

Somehow, what happened reminded me of another incident concerning a graceful black woman that worked in a store.  She was a cashier.  Sometimes she worked at the lottery counter.  Whenever she saw us, she greeted us with a big smile.  Even when we lined up at other checkout lanes, she waved at us with a great smile.  I had seen many customers smiled back at her just as we did because she was so nice and friendly.  (The cashier in this post was not the cashier in my post She looked like a movie star.)

One afternoon, I went shopping for the restaurant.  I saw her working at the lottery counter*.  One look at her, I knew she was very sick.  I went to buy a lottery ticket.  I asked, "How are you?"  In a barely audible voice, she told me she had been sick for some days and her whole body hurt terribly.  I asked if she had seen a doctor.  She said she did, but the medicine did not help.  I suggested for her to take some days off and rest at home.  She said she had already taken a few sick days.  She had to work because she needed money to pay the rent.  I looked at her with lots of compassion.  (*This was the same store that I wrote about in Words of Christ and the 4444 Incident - Part 2.  The lottery counter used to be right by the entrance.  The layout of the store is different now.)

That night I knelt down by the side of the bed and prayed for the cashier.  As I prayed, excruciating pain came over my entire body.  I kept praying.  Meanwhile, I wondered why I was in so much pain.  When I finished praying, I was surprised the pain was completely gone.  I was fine.

The next day, my husband asked me to go to the store to buy something.  Again, I saw the woman at the lottery counter.  She looked at me with her usual wonderful smile.  I asked how she was doing.  She said she felt great for she was no longer in pain.  I was glad she was well.  I thought the pain I felt during prayer was just a coincidence.

When I connected this incident to the severe feet pain incident, I thought*** it might be I should read some books as how to pray or ask for protection before I prayed. (That was what I had written down, but I never followed through on that thought.  Please see note at the end of this post.)

Later that night (i.e. Wed. Oct.3, 2001), my son called me.  He asked if I had made up my mind to write to the author.  I said I would only do it if God gave me the signs.  My son said, "Mom, God is going to give you the signs again."

                                            ~           to be cont'd           ~

            Next post Seeing the birds, I had no doubt God had shown me the sign

*** If I remembered correctly (since I had not written it down), I believed I had said to my guides and angels that I would continue to pray for others, but I did not want to experience other's pain anymore.   Since then, I had not experienced any pain or discomfort again when I prayed for others.

The above incidents happened in the restaurant years.

After we sold the restaurant, I eventually stepped outside of my family as guided.  When I participated in healing service (or worked on others), I set the intention to be a pure, clear, open channel of healing love and light.  I did not pray for protection for I had faith in the Loving Divine.  I did not ask others which part of their body needed healing before I worked on them.  Afterward, people often said, "How do you know my shoulder (or any part of the body) is hurting since I have not told you?  Is it because you feel the pain I have?"  No, I did not feel other's pain during a session.  I had no idea why the Energy guided me to work on certain parts of his / her body.  Some healers saw images or received information while working on others.  I normally heard and saw nothing.  I did not concern myself with the outcome, and all credits went to the Divine.

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