Thursday, September 1, 2016

The Unveiling of A Divine Plan


I wanted to finish my story of the workshop before the end of August, but I could not. This was an experience that included many people.  At times, I found it challenging to write about it because I must protect the privacy of others.  However, I knew I was supposed to share my experiences.  For this, I would continue to write.  Meanwhile, I prayed to the Divine for all the help I could get.  May love, light (wisdom), and truth shine through.

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Continue from
A Beautiful Rainbow in the Sky and
The Rainbow and the Spiritual Teacher from another country

Matthew placed two executive office chairs in the front for the spiritual teacher and the master healer.  After they sat down, some people (particularly those that flew in from other state) walked forward to receive their blessings.

The spiritual teacher was a retired Vice Chancellor of a university, a scholar in English literature, and a profound writer.  He was a lifelong disciple of two globally known spiritual masters that had moved on.  Many at the gathering (e.g. Matthew, Samuel, Beth, and those that flew in for the gathering) were of the same ethnicity as the spiritual teacher, and were disciples of the teacher and / or the two masters.  (I meant people that were older might be disciples of the two masters that had moved on.)

During the workshop, the master healer talked to a few of the young people that flew in.  Matthew said a young woman had already published 4 books on consciousness. It was remarkable since she was only about 30 years old.  It showed that these young people were gifted and special.  I did not know how many came from other state(s).  It might be 7 or 8 including the young man that talked to me on the first day of the workshop.

The master healer was an American.  He still worked as a professor in his state.  He was the founder of a wellness center, and had his own spiritual group.  In the June gathering and the workshop, I met quite a few that seemed to have known him / worked with him for a long time, yet they lived locally (i.e. in the state I lived in).  That afternoon, some if not all that walked forward to receive his blessings could have met him for the first time.  They were the disciples of the spiritual teacher.  However, they showed the master healer uttermost respect as they did toward their teacher.

As I watched, I felt there was much more about the workshop than I knew.  It seemed some people knew why we were there beforehand, and this was a very special occasion.

Then the spiritual teacher signaled for Matthew to relate the story behind the gathering.  In his excitement, Matthew talked very fast.  I only got to hear part of what he said.  Matthew said we were not there that afternoon by accident.  We were there because of a divine plan.  It was about a prophecy regarding the coming together of some souls at this time for a new movement; to collect data so as to foster changes in the traditional way of diagnose and treatment of illnesses.  According to the prophecy, the master healer had the energy code to put the movement into motion, and the rest of us were the chosen ones to help laying the foundation of this movement.  (Matthew talked much more in depth about the prophecy, but I could not recall his exact words.)

Though some knew why we were there, but there were also people like me that knew nothing.  A few left soon after the gathering was over.  A prophecy that we had not heard of.  The difference of cultures could also be a cause of skepticism.  Sometimes it was hard for the human self to take in what happened before us.  I had attended gatherings feeling I did not belong.  We all made decisions at every situation.  It was not about right or wrong.

I went to the workshop to show my love and respect for the healers.  I wanted to hear about their stories, gifts, and abilities.  I had not expected to hear about the prophecy and the divine plan.

How did I look at all that had happened?

Well, I sat there in awe of what had happened.  Finally, finally, finally, after 14 or almost 15 years, another big piece of my spiritual jigsaw puzzle had fallen into place.

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After the first day of the workshop, I drove home with peace in my heart.  In the evening, I saw a big, beautiful rainbow in the sky.

On my drive home after the second day of the workshop, my heart was filled with awe and gratitude.  I finally got an  answer to one of the questions that I had since the Dec. 15, 2001 reading.  About two miles away from home, lots and lots of white birds appeared out of nowhere.  They were all over the sky within a few blocks of the street. It was an incredible sight and divine sign!

In my next post, I shall explain why the movement is a big piece in my spiritual jigsaw puzzle.  

(Next post The Beauty of A Bouquet of Flowers .  Please read the postscripts below that post particularly P.S. # 4)

Love and Blessings,
Q of D

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