Sunday, September 25, 2016

The Session with the Master Healer


Before I went to Day 2 of the spiritual retreat in the evening, I had an appointment for a session with the master healer that morning.

I had promised my younger son I would ask for the master healer's advice as how to move forward with my healing work.   (Re A Beautiful Rainbow in the Sky )  I had not planned when to ask or what to say.  I set the intention and placed my trust in the Loving Divine.

The session was similar to having a session with a doctor / counselor.  He sat behind a big office desk while I sat on a chair across from him.  I told him the symptoms of my physical being that bothered me.  For instance, I had concerns about my feet.  I wondered if poor blood circulation was the cause.  He used a pendulum and chart to check the vibrational level of my feet.  He went into a light trance as if to find out the cause or to fix the problem.  Later, he used the pendulum to check if the condition had improved.  He continued to use his tools to check the functional / vibrational level of my entire physical being.

During the session, few words were exchanged.  He asked about a condition; I confirmed or told him I was not aware of it.  From time to time, he went into a trance. Sometimes he came out of it after a short while.  At other times, he stayed in his trance for quite a while.  He detected a problem I did not know about as well as a problem I experienced yet I had not told him.

The session went on for a long time.  It was supposed to be a one-hour session.  I did not look up the time on my phone, but I knew an hour had passed.  He was very patient with his work, and how could I mind the time if he did not!  He also used the pendulum to check on my husband's well being.  I knew my husband had some problems such as hip pain.  However, he rarely talked about his health, and did not want to see any doctor.  The master healer used his ability to raise my husband's vibration.

Afterward, we talked.

Later in our conversation, I finally asked for his advice.  I told him how I got to hold a healing workshop while I did not even consider myself qualified to be a healer.  (Re A Beautiful Pink Fish on the back of A White Dove )  He laughed heartily as he listened to my story.

When I talked about being judged, he said, "Sometimes an egoless act can be seen as egotistic by some people because people judge others from where they are at As a black professor, I had been judged by many students."  He shared with me some of his teaching experiences.  He said, "I always teach others all that I know, and I hold nothing back."  He taught his students with a great heart, and was truly an exemplary teacher (professor).  He said, "In the beginning, many students thought that I was meanPeople judge others because they don't know them.  The good thing is, their view will change when they really come to know him or her.  Is that not your case?"  It was very, very true.  I nodded with a smile.

A new school year was about to begin.  The master healer had to go back to the university / his state soon.  He had signed a lease for the office (the place where the session was held).  Knowing that I did not have a place to practise healing, he said I could use the office for free.  It was very kind of him.  I told him I did not have a plan of what to do.  He said he would help me to make a plan when he returned.

When I got into my car, it was 1:22 pm.  It meant almost two and a half hour had gone by.  At the same time, it was amazing to see 1:22 pm because 122 had become a significant number in the last few years.

122 - Your thoughts and your faith are very sacred tools that you brought to Earth in this incarnation.  This number sequence is a sign for you to honor these tools and know how powerful they are.

I booked the session before Matthew revealed the important role the master healer played in the bigger divine plan.  I am glad to have the session, and look forward to participate in the plan.

I will share the Day-2 retreat experience with you in my next post.

Many blessings,
Q of D

P.S.  During the 2-day workshop, the clairvoyant healer told us they had went to a lab. in the university to test the professor's (i.e. the master healer) brainwaves.  The result was phenomenal.  At one point, the lab technician was shocked to see no brainwave at all on the monitor when the professor got into a light trance.  During the session, I asked the master healer if he was aware of his surroundings when he got into a light trance.  He said he was still fully aware of what happened around him.

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