Friday, September 30, 2016

Day 3 - A new route


After Day 2, I went to sleep thinking of not going to the retreat the following evening.

In the morning, I woke up with this thought.

"You hit the curb because you had to look at the GPS as when to turn.  When you saw that you should turn, it was too late.  You struggle because you are not familiar with the roads.  Go there and make sure you know the turns well.  Or, you can find another route that is easy and has less turns."

Then a story that my husband told me long time ago came to my mind.  My husband had once worked in a restaurant with four owners.  After he worked there for a while, he learned one of the owners had a car accident some years back.  He fully recovered from his injuries, but he was too scared to drive again.  Everyday others picked him up and drove him home at night.  When his wife and children needed to go somewhere, he had to ask his friends, relatives, or employees to drive them.  My husband told me the story because he felt it was sad that the man had given in to fear.  The man was only in his late 40 s.  He was healthy, and did not sustain any lasting injury from the car accident.  As I recalled the man's story, I thought, "I do not want to live like that.  I will not let fear control me."

I rose from my bed.  I took a shower.  I walked into the family room and told my husband, "I am going to the evening retreat.  Will you please help me with raising the car seat?  I am going there this morning because I want to know the roads.  I may use another route to get to the house."  Of course, my husband was surprised.  As usual, he did not say anything.  Sitting on the raised car seat, I knew everything was going to be all right.

I followed the instructions on the GPS to get to the house on the first two days, but the online info had mentioned another route.  Indeed, the new route was easy and with less turns.

During the discourse, I could see the pictures of the masters.  Half way through, a man sitting on the second row in the front left.  I could see the teacher too.  As the evening before, powerful energy kept flowing into me and through me.  I sat there listening to the discourse as well as bathing in light.

The drive home was smooth.  I did not have to use the GPS.  I was very grateful for the insight that came to me in the morning.  Thank you, guides and angels.

Many blessings,
Q of D

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